
< Module:Data
Revision as of 06:46, 14 August 2020 by がか (talk | contribs)

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Map/Translation/doc

-- Temporary data module for translations related to api_req_map/next.

return {
  ['0'] = {
    ja = '気のせいだった。',
    en = 'Must be my imagination.',
  ['1'] = {
    ja = '敵影を見ず。',
    en = 'No enemy spotted.',
  ['2'] = {
    ja = '艦隊の針路を選択できます。提督、どちらの針路をとられますか?',
    en = 'You can decide the fleet\'s course. Admiral, which heading should we take?',
  ['3'] = {
    ja = '穏やかな海です。',
    en = 'Calm seas.',
  ['4'] = {
    ja = '穏やかな海峡です。',
    en = 'Calm straits.',
  ['5'] = {
    ja = '警戒が必要です。',
    en = 'Be alert.',
  ['6'] = {
    ja = '静かな海です。',
    en = 'Peaceful seas.',
  ['Fall 2019 Event E-1 B'] = {
    ja = '艦隊出撃!警戒を厳とせよ!',
    en = 'Fleet sortie! Be on high alert!',
  ['Fall 2019 Event E-1 E'] = {
    ja = '前方にバリ島、全艦突入用意!',
    en = 'Bali ahead, all ships, pepare to attack!',
  ['Fall 2019 Event E-1 F'] = {
    ja = '前方にバリ島、全艦突入用意!',
    en = 'Bali ahead, all ships, pepare to attack!',
  ['Fall 2019 Event E-1 I'] = {
    ja = '敵艦隊接近中……警戒せよ!',
    en = 'Enemy fleet approaching... Be on alert!',
  ['Fall 2019 Event E-2 D'] = {
    ja = '目標ダーウィン基地、攻撃隊、発艦用意!',
    en = 'Target: Darwin Base. Attack squadrons, prepare for takeoff!',
  ['Fall 2019 Event E-2 F'] = {
    ja = '機動部隊出撃!豪州方面に針路をとれ!',
    en = 'Carrier Task Force sortie! Set course for Australia!',
  ['Fall 2019 Event E-2 M'] = {
    ja = '敵警戒網を突破!我、ジャワ沖に向かう!',
    en = 'Breakthrough the enemy\'s cordon! We\'ll head for Java!',
  ['Fall 2019 Event E-2 S'] = {
    ja = '敵警戒網を突破!我、ジャワ沖に向かう!',
    en = 'Breakthrough the enemy\'s cordon! We\'ll head for Java!',
  ['Fall 2019 Event E-3 L'] = {
    ja = '周辺に敵艦隊がいる公算大……警戒せよ!',
    en = 'High probability of the enemy fleet being in the area... Be on alert!',
  ['Fall 2019 Event E-3 N'] = {
    ja = '周辺に敵艦隊がいる公算大……警戒せよ!',
    en = 'High probability of the enemy fleet being in the area... Be on alert!',
  ['Fall 2019 Event E-3 H'] = {
    ja = '波静かな、泊地に適した海域です。',
    en = 'The waves are calm, this area is suitable to drop anchor.',
  ['Fall 2019 Event E-4 A'] = {
    ja = '艦隊出撃!南方蘭印作戦を完遂せよ!',
    en = 'Fleet sortie! Complete the Dutch East Indies Campaign!',
  ['Fall 2019 Event E-4 H'] = {
    ja = '艦隊出撃!南方蘭印作戦を完遂せよ!',
    en = 'Fleet sortie! Complete the Dutch East Indies Campaign!',
  ['Fall 2019 Event E-4 J'] = {
    ja = 'バタビア沖に敵艦隊発見!全艦、戦闘用意!',
    en = 'Enemy fleet spotted off Batavia! All ships, battle stations!',
  ['Fall 2019 Event E-4 O'] = {
    ja = 'バタビア沖に敵艦隊発見!全艦、戦闘用意!',
    en = 'Enemy fleet spotted off Batavia! All ships, battle stations!',
  ['Fall 2019 Event E-6 A'] = {
    ja = '連合艦隊、出撃!対潜警戒を厳とせよ!',
    en = 'Combined fleet, sortie! Be on high anti-submarine alert!',
  ['Fall 2019 Event E-6 G'] = {
    ja = '敵索敵機見ゆ!空襲の恐れあり。対空警戒を厳に!',
    en = 'Enemy recon spotted! Watch for air raids. Be on high anti-air alert!',
  ['Fall 2019 Event E-6 I'] = {
    ja = '我が艦隊は、これより鉄底海域に突入する!',
    en = 'Our fleet will now break through Ironbottom Sound!',
  ['Fall 2019 Event E-6 R'] = {
    ja = '敵機動部隊発見!全艦隊、突撃用意ッ!',
    en = 'Enemy Carrier Task Force spotted! All fleets, battle stations!',
  ['Fall 2019 Event E-6 T'] = {
    ja = '敵索敵機見ゆ!空襲の恐れあり。対空警戒を厳に!',
    en = 'Enemy recon spotted! Watch for air raids. Be on high anti-air alert!',
  ['Fall 2019 Event E-6 U'] = {
    ja = '我が艦隊は、これより鉄底海域に突入する!',
    en = 'Our fleet will now break through Ironbottom Sound!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-1 A'] = {
    ja = 'キ504船団、出港!',
    en = 'Convoy Ki-504, setting sail!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-1 B'] = {
    ja = '宗谷海峡に入る。対潜警戒を厳に!',
    en = 'Entering the Souya Strait. Be on high alert for submarines!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-1 C'] = {
    ja = '宗谷海峡に入る。対潜警戒を厳に!',
    en = 'Entering the Souya Strait. Be on high alert for submarines!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-1 E'] = {
    ja = '敵潜発見!対潜戦闘、用意ッ!',
    en = 'Enemy submarines spotted! Prepare for anti-submarine combat!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-1 K'] = {
    ja = '幌筵、入港用意!',
    en = 'Ready to enter Paramushir!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-1 O'] = {
    ja = '南方に避退!引き続き、警戒せよ!',
    en = 'Withdraw to the south! Remain on high alert!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-1 P'] = {
    ja = '霧が濃く、敵影を発見できず!',
    en = 'The fog is too thick, we can\'t find the enemy!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-1 S'] = {
    ja = '南方に避退!引き続き、警戒せよ!',
    en = 'Withdraw to the south! Remain on high alert!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-2 A'] = {
    ja = '対潜、対空警戒を厳とせよ!',
    en = 'Be on high anti-sub and anti-air alert!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-2 B'] = {
    ja = '対潜、対空警戒を厳とせよ!',
    en = 'Be on high anti-sub and anti-air alert!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-2 I'] = {
    ja = '敵警戒線を突破!突入準備ッ!',
    en = 'Penetrate the enemy\'s lines! Prepare to attack!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-2 K'] = {
    ja = '敵警戒線を突破!突入準備ッ!',
    en = 'Penetrate the enemy\'s lines! Prepare to attack!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-2 Q'] = {
    ja = '対潜、対空警戒を厳とせよ!',
    en = 'Be on high anti-sub and anti-air alert!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-2 S'] = {
    ja = '敵警戒線を突破!突入準備ッ!',
    en = 'Penetrate the enemy\'s lines! Prepare to attack!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-3 E'] = {
    ja = '海峡を抜ける…対潜警戒を厳とせよ!',
    en = 'Once we pass through the strait... be on high alert for submarines!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-3 G'] = {
    ja = '海峡を抜ける…対潜警戒を厳とせよ!',
    en = 'Once we pass through the strait... be on high alert for submarines!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-3 J'] = {
    ja = '海峡を抜ける…対潜警戒を厳とせよ!',
    en = 'Once we pass through the strait... be on high alert for submarines!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-3 U'] = {
    ja = '海峡を抜ける…対潜警戒を厳とせよ!',
    en = 'Once we pass through the strait... be on high alert for submarines!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-3 W'] = {
    ja = '海峡を抜ける…対潜警戒を厳とせよ!',
    en = 'Once we pass through the strait... be on high alert for submarines!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-4 U'] = {
    ja = '敵艦載機接近中…対空戦闘、用意ッ!',
    en = 'Enemy planes approaching... Prepare for anti-air combat!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-4 V'] = {
    ja = '敵機動部隊発見!…各艦戦闘用意ッ!',
    en = 'Enemy task force spotted! ...All ships, prepare for battle!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-4 Z2'] = {
    ja = '敵機動部隊発見!…各艦戦闘用意ッ!',
    en = 'Enemy task force spotted! ...All ships, prepare for battle!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-5 A'] = {
    ja = 'ツルブに水上輸送揚陸を実施する!対空対水上、警戒を厳とせよッ!',
    en = 'We\'ll now land supplies on Tuluvu! Stay on alert for enemy planes and ships!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-5 C'] = {
    ja = 'ツルブに水上輸送揚陸を実施する!対空対水上、警戒を厳とせよッ!',
    en = 'We\'ll now land supplies on Tuluvu! Stay on alert for enemy planes and ships!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-5 D'] = {
    ja = 'コロンバンガラ島に向かう!続け!',
    en = 'Head to Kolombangara! Follow me!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-5 E'] = {
    ja = 'コロンバンガラ島に向かう!続け!',
    en = 'Head to Kolombangara! Follow me!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-5 G'] = {
    ja = 'コロンバンガラ島に向かう!続け!',
    en = 'Head to Kolombangara! Follow me!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-5 N'] = {
    ja = 'コロンバンガラ島に向かう!続け!',
    en = 'Head to Kolombangara! Follow me!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-5 U'] = {
    ja = 'コロンバンガラ島に向かう!続け!',
    en = 'Head to Kolombangara! Follow me!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-5 X'] = {
    ja = '我、敵潜水艦群を制圧せり!',
    en = 'We have neutralised the enemy submarines!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-5 X3'] = {
    ja = 'コロンバンガラ島に向かう!続け!',
    en = 'Head to Kolombangara! Follow me!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-5 Z2'] = {
    ja = 'ツルブに水上輸送揚陸を実施する!対空対水上、警戒を厳とせよッ!',
    en = 'We\'ll now land supplies on Tuluvu! Stay on alert for enemy planes and ships!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-6 K'] = {
    ja = 'これより鉄底海峡に突入する。我に続け!',
    en = 'We\'re now entering Iron Bottom Sound. Follow me!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-6 U'] = {
    ja = 'これより鉄底海峡に突入する。我に続け!',
    en = 'We\'re now entering Iron Bottom Sound. Follow me!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-7 D'] = {
    ja = '機動部隊、出撃!敵を捜索撃滅する!',
    en = 'Task force, sortie! Find the enemy and destroy them!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-7 J'] = {
    ja = '敵艦隊を発見できず……。捜索の要あり。',
    en = 'We couldn\'t find the enemy fleet... We need to increase reconnaissance.',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-7 K'] = {
    ja = '敵飛行場の復旧を阻止する!突撃せよ!',
    en = 'Stop the enemy repairing their airfields! Charge!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-7 P'] = {
    ja = '敵飛行場の復旧を阻止する!突撃せよ!',
    en = 'Stop the enemy repairing their airfields! Charge!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-7 U'] = {
    ja = '敵艦隊の兆候を認む。索敵続行の要あり!',
    en = 'Look for signs of the enemy fleet. Step up reconnaissance!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-7 W2'] = {
    ja = '敵機動部隊主力を発見!対空警戒を厳に!',
    en = 'We\'ve spotted the main body of the enemy task force! High anti-air alert!',
  ['Rainy-Summer 2020 Event E-7 W5'] = {
    ja = '敵主力は近くにあり!索敵強化の要を認む!',
    en = 'The enemy main force is in the area! Step up reconnaissance to find them!',