Game Updates/2021/March 1st

March 1st, 2021 Akebono Kai Ni / Hina Matsuri 2021 Update

  1. Akebono Kai Ni
    • Ayanami-class DD Akebono has been given a Kai Ni Remodel
      • No Blueprints or Action reports required
      • Large Voiceline overhaul for her K2 remodel
  2. Valentines update content removed
    • All Valentine's Day Content removed, voice lines and CGs will be reserved in the encyclopedia
  3. Equipment fit Buffs
  4. Max Capacity Increase
    • Base expansion available to make max ship capacity increase by + 10 and equipment by +40
  5. Voice line update
  6. CG Update
  7. Quests
    • There is a large amount of quests available both for limited time and permanent which includes:
    • Limited Time Operation:
      • [Hina Matsuri] Ensure safety in spring near the Naval Base
      • [Peach Festival] Spring battle patrol in the waters of the Nansei Islands!
      • [Peach Festival] Spring decisive battle! Hit the enemy task force!
      • [Peach Festival: Extra Operation] Spring Offensive Operation!
      • [Hina Maruri] Hishimochi Repair: 2021
        • All of these quests will reward you with lots of Hishimochi
        • It's possible to exchange these for Hishimohi for resources or for other stuff like Blueprints or Flight Decks
    • Permament Quests
      • Elite "7th Destroyer" exercise started!
      • Elite "Seventh Destroyer", sortie!
      • Acquiring aviation technology through Western Contact Operation (※ German aircraft Do 17 Z-2 can be acquired)
  8. Regarding Hishimochi
    • "Hishimochi" can be exchanged for resources by itself, but it is also possible to acquire valuable items by the [Peach Festival Modernization] mission.
  9. Furniture
    • Along with Hinamatsuri Fruniture and White day Furniture, the following new Furniture has been implemented:
      • Hina Matsuri Floor
      • Yuugumo-class Doll with 2 Tier Decoration Stand
      • Etorofu-class Peach Festival Wall Display Shelf
      • Amatsukaze and Admiral's table
  10. Small technical changes
    • Some small graphical changes have been maded with missle guided bombers
    • AB Boats armed onto Shinshuu Maru's Expansion slot can now provide resource bonuses
    • Various fruniture has been updated for Hina Matsuri
  11. BGM Update
    • Jukebox and some maps have been updated with Music that centers around the Hina Matsu themed music
  12. Limited Time Drops
  13. Sortie Combat Mechanics update
    • Sorite cap has been changed:
      • Firepower, Torpedo Power, Night Battle, Anti-Air, ASW, Airstrikes from Bombing planes and Jet have had thier cap incrases
      • Support attacks have also had thier cap increased.
  14. Akashi Improvement Arsenal Update