Game Updates/2020/July 10th

July 10th, 2020 Summer 2020 Event: Extra Opetation Release

  1. Extra Operation Event Map 1 (E-5) "Southern Front, Island Waters Transport Operation"
    • Operation will have your fleet secure and take control of the waters around Rabaul to do a transport operation to Tuluvu. From there the fleet and your land base air squadron will being a transport operation to Kolombangara Islands.
  2. E-5 Drop - Hatsuharau-class Destroyer Akiare
  3. E-5 Reward - USS Brooklyn-class Light Cruiser Helena
  4. Extra Operation Event Map 1 (E-6) "Battle to the Death in the Iron Bottom Sound"
    • Operation will use your suface task force to launch a rushing all out attack against the "Lycoris Airfeild Base" in the area along with your LBAS. You will also encounter a new abyssal called the "Southern Battleship Princess"
    • It will be possible to get drops of Teruzuki, Nisshin, and Fletcher.
  5. E-6 Drop - Mikura Class DE Yashiro
  6. E-6 Reward - South Dakota
  7. Extra Operation Final Map (E-7) "Decisive Battle! Battle of the South Pacific!"
    • This operation have your carrier task force to battle against the enemy task force with your carriers across Santa Cruz.
    • It will possible to get Taihou and Akigumo on this map.
  8. E-7 Reward - Hornet