Game Updates/2020/April 23rd

April 23rd, 2020 7th Anniversary Update

  1. Shipgirl changes
    • Kongou-class battleship Hiei has received her long-awaited third remodel, Hiei Kai Ni C.
      • One of her guns will be replaced with torpedo tubes for close range torpedo attacks, making her a deadly night combatant.
      • Her hangar has been reduced in size resulting in lesser air complement, but in return she can now equip seaplane fighters and multi-purpose seaplanes in addition to seaplane recons.
      • Similarly to her older sister, she will receive a new remodel animation.
      • New voice lines have also been implemented.
      • The remodel asks for two Blueprints, two New Artillery Materials and 1 Action Report.
      • Under specific circumstances she will be able to use a powerful night battle attack.
        • Named "Consorts' Night Battle".
        • Requires Hiei to be the flagship.
        • Requires the second Shipgirl to be Kongou Kai Ni C or Kirishima Kai Ni (this will change to her third remodel when available).
        • This chance is further boosted by equipping a large searchlight and gets even higher with a radar.
        • Kongou Kai Ni C has received the same ability.
          • She can used it when paired with Hiei Kai Ni C and Haruna Kai Ni (this will change to her third remodel when available).
          • It can also be used when paired with British battleships, however its power level is unknown.
          • Additionally this version has a higher chance of occurring when equipped with a radar and further bonus when a large searchlight is also present (opposite of Hiei)
        • Requires Line Ahead or Formation 4 to be usable.
        • Chance of this effect occurring is dependent on proficiency level of each Shipgirl.
        • This attack cannot occur if another large ship has performed their special attack.
        • This is subject to change.
    • Kongou Kai Ni C will receive additional bonuses from specific equipment.
      • In addition to twin turrets, large bulges and boilers will receive additional statistics when equipped.
    • Kongou Kai Ni C will have her armour and torpedo power increased.
    • 7th Anniversary voice lines have been added for: Yamato, Musashi, Nagato, Mutsu, Ise, Hyuuga, Kongou, Hiei, Kirishima, Haruna, Shoukaku, Zuihou, Hiyou, Shinyou, Nisshin, Hayasui, Takao, Atago, Jintsuu, Sendai, Naka, Nishiro, Yahagi, Suzutsuki, Hatsushimo, Wakaba, Shiratsuyu, Shigure, among many others.
  2. Furniture changes
    • A lot of new and returning furniture has been added to the shop.
      • 比叡の日用雑貨棚 new!
      • 緑のプランター
      • 新緑のフローリング
      • 緑の壁紙
      • 軍艦色の壁
      • 鉄製の床材
      • 青畳
      • 床半分の簡易畳
      • 戦艦タイルの床
      • 真っ赤な高級絨毯
      • 高級赤煉瓦の壁
      • 高級木材の壁
      • 緑の和壁紙
      • 緑の壁紙
      • 「瑞雲」の壁板
      • 広く開いた大窓
      • 皐月の窓
      • 皐月の壁紙
      • 皐月の季節のお茶セット
      • Caféの壁
      • 「七周年記念」掛け軸 new!
      • 提督の机
      • 提督の舷窓
      • 海軍基地航空隊の机
      • 陸軍飛行戦隊の指揮机
      • 壁掛け図上演習セット
      • 「横須賀鎮守府」掛け軸
      • 「佐世保鎮守府」掛け軸
      • 「最上」模型と桐箪笥
      • 艦娘専用デスク
      • 北欧艦娘の私物棚 new!
      • 北欧艦娘の食卓 new!
  3. System changes
    • The maximum number of fleet presets has been increased from 15 to 17.