
Revision as of 12:35, 12 October 2013 by (talk) (Undo revision 7960 by (talk))

Combat Stages

Stage Notes

Requires planes or high detection stat.

Success increases hit rate and evasion.

Failure leaves you unable to participate in air combat phase.

Air Combat
Supporting Fire Map 5, requires sortie support expedition.
Opening Torpedo Salvo Requires midget subs or submarines over level 10
Shelling, 1st Round (Range Order) Any carrier using bombers to attack during this phase must not have taken more than light damage in order to participate in the phase.
Shelling, 2nd Round (Lineup Order) Only occurs when one or both sides has a battleship, or the enemy contains one of the special ship classes: 鬼, 姫, 戦鬼, or 戦姫.
Torpedo Salvo Must not have taken more than light damage to participate.
Night Combat Lineup Order

Night Combat Attacks

Any vessel at night must not have taken more than moderate (orange) damage before nighttime in order to participate in night battle.

Type Main Secondary Torpedo Notes
Cut-In 2+ Torpedo Attack
3+ Shelling
2 1+
1-2 1 Combined Attack
Double Attack 2 0 0
1 1+ 0
0 2 0-1 Secondary Gun Double-Attack, Torpedo doesn't fire
Single Attack Results from failing to meet equipment requirements, or other attacks random chance at failing.  Fires with gun or torpedo in highest equipment slot.
Anti-Submarine Any enemy submarines will force Destroyers and Light Cruisers to target them.  Cut-In and Double Attacks are ignored.

Victory Conditions

  • Perfect S
    • No damage taken, all enemy ships sunk.
  • S (Victory)
    • All enemy ships sunk.
  • A (Victory)
    • No friendly ships sunk and required number of enemy ships sunk.
      • Sink 4 of 6, 3 of 5, 2 of 4, 2 of 3, or 1 of 2.
  • B (Tactical Victory)
    • Enemy flagship sunk.
    • No damage taken, and enemy took over a certain amount of damage.
    • Damage gauge at least twice enemy damage gauge.
    • Friendly ship sunk, specified number of enemy ships sunk, and damage gauge twice enemy gauge.
    • Friendly ship sunk, enemy flagship sunk, and damage gauge twice enemy gauge.
  • C (Tactical Defeat)
    • Didn't clear any of the conditions for A or B, but enemy took over a certain amount of damage.
    • Damage gauge higher than enemy gauge, but not reaching twice as much.
    • Friendly ship sunk, damage gauge higher than enemy, but not twice as much.
  • D (Defeat)
    • Enemy took less than a certain amount of damage.
      • Both sides taking 0 damage is also D.
    • Damage gauge lower than enemy gauge.
    • Friendly ship sunk, not all enemy ships sunk, and gauge lower than enemy gauge.
  • E (Defeat)
    • Over a certain number of friendly ships sunk.
    • Friendly ship sunk while not meeting any victory conditions.
    • No damage done to enemy, while taking over a certain amount.