Recent Updates

Revision as of 07:49, 13 March 2015 by >コノエユメ
Message on DMM's site indicating that the game is under maintenance.

Here are listed updates from Kancolle game maintenance.

Latest Maintenance:  13th March, 2015

Next Maintenance: TBA

Future updates

Estimated time until maintenance ends


Last update

13th March 2015

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  1. Remodels
    • Maya Kai Ni
      • No blueprint required
      • At level 75
      • Requires 1150 ammo and 750 steel
      • New lines
  2. Quests
    • 防空射撃演習を実施せよ!
    • 「改装防空重巡」出撃せよ!
    • 囮機動部隊支援作戦を実施せよ!
    • Some quests need to be unlocked beforehand
  3. Jukebox
    • 5 new loops have been added
      • 「士魂の護り」"Grace of the Bushi's Soul"
      • 「特型駆逐艦」"Special-type destroyer"
      • 「艦娘のお菓子作り」 "Candy-making by the Shipgirls"
      • 「桃の節句と艦娘」 "Hinamatsuri and the Shipgirls"
      • 「武蔵の帰投」 "Musashi's return"
      • These require a few furniture coins to play
  4. Furniture
    • Returning furniture
      • 桜舞う春のフローリング
      • ピンクの床
      • 家具職人の壁紙
      • 木板の壁
      • コンクリート壁
      • 春の高級窓
      • お花見窓
      • 緑カーテン&窓
      • インテリア椅子
      • 提督の書斎机
      • 書斎本棚
      • 模様替えお掃除セット
      • 「武蔵」模型と桐箪笥
        • Changes the BGM into 「武蔵の帰投」 "Musashi's return"
  5. Voices and other
    • New lines for Maya Kai, including resupply, homeport, etc.
    • Limited-time White Day themed voices
      • For about 20 shipgirls
      • Will be removed next update
    • Homeport expansion
      • Max 240 ship slots (up from 240)
      • Max 1,060 equipment slots (up from 1,020)

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Archived updates

For updates starting June 2014, see the forum section News and Announcements .

April 23rd(Game Start)
May 17th(Event)
June 5th
August 1st(Event) 17th 26th
October 16th 23rd
November 1st ( Event ) 13th 20th 27th
December 4th 11th 24th ( Event )
January 8th 15th 22nd 29th
February 14th 26th
March 14th 28th
April 9th 23rd ( Event )
May 9th 23rd
June 6th 20th
July 4th 18th 28th
August 8th ( Event ) 29th
September 12th 26th
October 10th 24th
November 14th ( Event ) 20th
December 1st 12th 26th
January 1st 9th 23rd
February 6th ( Event ) 17th 23rd
March 13th 14th

Japan Standard Time
