Merchandise/Alarm Notifications

In the June issue of Comptiq released in May 10th, 2018 KanColle released a series of alarm voice lines which you could get the code if your purchased the Physical Copy of the Magazine and use the code to download the voice lines from the code provided. The alarm voice notifications came with a total of 12 different voices with 2 lines from each of the following:

Below are the translations of all the alarm notification lines which were provided in the release from the issue:


Ship Name Japanese English Notes
Abukuma 提督、起きてください!んん、起きてください!朝、朝です! Admiral, Wake up please! Mmmm, wake up please!, It’s morning, morning! Alarm Notification 1
提督、時間なんですけど。うわあ、ほら、越しての作戦時間です。はい、一緒、一戦の出撃です。 Admiral, it’s time now you know. Uwaa, come on, it’s time to get up for the operation. Yup, we’ll set sail for the battle together. Alarm Notification 2
Hamakaze 艦隊、総員、起こし。提督、朝です。大変きよしくですが、起床お願いします。 Attention Fleet, All hands, Rise. Admiral, it’s morning. I know it’s difficult, but please get up. Alarm Notification 1
提督、定刻と成りました。艦隊、作戦コードの時間です。艦隊、かくかん、抜錨。 提督、参りましょう。 Admiral, it’s the set time. Fleet, it’s time for operations. Fleet, set sail. Admiral, let’s go. Alarm Notification 2
Richelieu Mon Amiは?起きなさい。今朝はこのRichelieuは特別に起こしてあげます。早く、お、き、な、さ、い。んん、よろし。Caféをいれてあげるは、待っていなさい。 Mon Ami, it’s time to wake up. This morning I’ll give you Richelieu’s special wake up service so quickly Wa-ke-up-ok-ay? Mmm, very good. I’ll fetch you some Cafe, wait just a moment. Alarm Notification 1
もう、こんな時間。あなたがしてはぜがよう。なにがあるよ。早くかざけて。て家で なにをいやなの?さあ、よろし。 Alarm Notification 2
Shigure そろそろ時間だ。提督、作戦開始の時間だ。大丈夫、雨はいつか辞めさ。さあ、始めよう。 It’s just about time now. Admiral, it’s time to start the operation. Don’t worry, this rain will stop soon. Okay, let’s get started. Alarm Notification 1
提督、朝だよ、起きて。艦隊、総員,起こしの時間だ。提督、うわ、提督、おはよう、うん、いい朝だね。今日も頑張ろう。 Admiral, it’s morning, time to get up. It’s time for all the members of the fleet to wake up. Admiral...oh, Admiral, good morning. Yup, it’s a fine morning. Let’s do our best today. Alarm Notification 2
Shiratsuyu じゃじゃん!提督時間だよ!何の時間かって?そう、提督がこの時間になったら教えてていったんだよ! Ta-da! Admiral, it’s time! What time is it? Let’s see, it’s just about the time that the Admiral told me to remind him about! Alarm Notification 1
提督、朝だよ。一番に、この白露が起こしてあげる。さあ、起きて、起きて。何?おめざのキス欲しいの?ちゃんと、起きたからね。ああ、冗談だよね。 Admiral, it’s morning. First off I came to wake you up. Come on, get up, get up. What? You want a good morning kiss? Then you better seriously get up in that case. Oh, I’m only joking though. Alarm Notification 2
Shoukaku あの、提督、翔鶴が所定時間になりましたごうほうこくします。提督、お疲れ様です。翔鶴にお手伝い出来る事があれば、また、お知らせください。 Umm, Admiral, It’s about to be the time you set, so I’ve come to remind you. Admiral, good luck. If there’s anything I can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to call me. Alarm Notification 1
提督、起きて、んん、困りました。。。おの、提督、朝でええす!提督、起きて。うわ、んん!あの、提督、おはようございます。本日も頑張ってまいりましょう。 Admiral, time to wake up….hmmm...I failed….um, admiral, it’s moorning! Admiral, time to wake up. Uwa...mmm! Umm, Admiral, good morning to you. Make sure to try your very best out there today too. Alarm Notification 2
Tanikaze カー!提督、時間てやつだ!準備はいいかい?ヤシャ! KA! Admiral! The time has arrived! All set and ready? Yasha! Alarm Notification 1
よしゃ!朝だ!艦隊総員、起こし!ああ、ほれぼれそれいいようきっぽりだね。これで、勝つよ! Alarm Notification 2
Urakaze 提督、作戦時間じゃけ。十七駆抜錨じゃ。浜風も遅れたらあかんよ。 Admiral, it’s time for the operation ya know? The 7th DesDiv’s gotta set sail. Hamakaze, you too, we don’t wanna be late do we? Alarm Notification 1
提督、朝じゃけ、起きるんじゃ。もう、提督はおのぼっちゃんじゃね。えいんよ。て、痛いとこじゃけど、皆まってるけ。オーキーヨ!うん、えいよんきっぷりじゃ!今日も一緒に頑張らんと。 Alarm Notification 2
Yura 提督さん、由良な作戦の開始遅刻を知らせします。サン、ニ、イチ、今!提督さん、作戦開始です!由良も号一緒に出撃します。 Admiral, you’ve called me to make sure you don’t get a late start for your operation. Three, Two, One, Now! Admiral, Mission Start! I’ll set sail alongside you. Alarm Notification 1
提督さん、提督さん起きて!あの、提督さん、起きて、起きてください、ね、ね?提督さー、ああ、あの、はい、おはようございます。今日と由良一緒に頑張りましょうね、ね? Admiral, Admiral, wake up! Um, Admiral, wake up, wake up please, okay, okay? Admira-oh...umm...hello, good morning to you. Let’s do our best together today, okay, okay? Alarm Notification 2
Zuihou 提督、時間だって、いいの?そう?じゃあ、行か!ああ、そうだ!ねえ、かれ、しんぞくの瑞鳳の卵焼、食べる? Admiral, it’s time, alright? Oh? Alright, let’s go! Oh, I know. Hey, would you like to eat some of Zuihou’s Tamagoyaki? Alarm Notification 1
提督、おめざだよ。提督、起きる?はい、おはようございます。おめざ、完了! Admiral, time to get up. Admiral, you up? Alright, good morning to you. Wake up, complete! Alarm Notification 2
Zuihou あ、ああ、時間だ?提督さん、教えていていた時間だよ。のんびりしてていいの?あ、ああ、そう?なら、いいけど。んん、じゃ翔鶴ねえ、どうか遊びに行こうか?提督さんも、それ終わったら、よかったから、来る?いいよ? Oh, Is it time already? Admiral, it’s the time you told me to remind you about. Are you sure it’s okay for you to be acting so carefree? Oh, I see, really? Well, I guess it’s alright then….hmmm, in that case Shoukaku-nee where should we go to play? Admiral, when you’re done here, you can come too, if you want. Sound good? Alarm Notification 1
提督さん、朝だよ!いつまで寝ってんの?もう、爆撃しちゃうよ。。。。うそ!wwww、ハ、ハ?ウウェ? Admiral, morning! How long are you gonna keep sleeping? Jeez, guess I’ll just have to blow you up then…....kidding! Hahahaha….h-huh? Whaaa….. Alarm Notification 2
Abyssal Crane Princess チ!シカッタナインジャ!ゼンリョクデオコシッテアゲルヨ!コレデモ、クラエーーーーー!アハハハハハ!マダオキナインダ?ジャ、コレデドウサ:「朝だよ、愛してる」ウワ、オキルンダ。。。 Damn! Guess it can’t be helped then! I’ll wake you up with my full power! Ready? TAKE THAAAAAT! AHAHAHAHAHA! You’re still not awake? Fine, try this then: (Zuikaku's voice) “It’s morning, I love you.” Wha...he woke up…. Alarm Notification 1
ホラ、ジカンダッテヨ。イイノカイ?オクレシマウヨ。チコクハネ、チコクハネ、サビシイーーー!ンンン、ダカラ、ホラ、ハヤクイキナ? Come on, it’s about time now. You sure this is fine? We’re gonna be late. Being late is, being late is, SO LONELLLLLLLLY! *clears throat* That’s why, um, hurry up okay? Alarm Notification 2