Game Updates/2016/April 22nd

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2016 April 22nd The 3rd Anniversary Update

  1. Kawakaze Kai Ni
    • Shiratsuyu Class Destroyer Kawakaze can now be remodeled into a Kai Ni.
    • She will be capable of using Daihatsu landing gear.
    • She will require a fairly high level to be upgraded and will not need a blueprint.
  2. End of Coming of Spring Voice Lines
  3. Third Anniversary Voice Lines
    • 150 Kanmusus will be given limited time third anniversary voices until the Spring Event.
  4. Limited Time Third Anniversary Wall Scroll
    • A new wall scroll will be given to admirals who complete a mission during the third anniversary update.
    • In addition, a gift box will be given to all admirals.
  5. Quests
    • New missions have been implemented for the third anniversary which will include:
      • A68 Organize the high-speed transport fleet.
      • B67 Fleet, Third Anniversary!
      • B68 High-speed transport fleet, sortie!
      • B69 First Carrier Division, to the West!
      • F32 Preparing the new equipment
      • F33 Preparations for the new equipment for the landing operation
      • C9 Wargames for the Landing Squad!
  6. Kawakaze Limited Time Drop
    • Kawakaze will be available for a limited time at 2-5.
    • Akashi and Uzuki will remain available till the next update.
  7. Akashi Improvement Arsenal Update
  8. Ise and Hyuuga Kai improvements
    • Ise Kai and Hyuuga Kai get a buff in their max FP, Max AA, and LoS buff
  9. Mogami, Mikuma, Kumano and Suzuya stats improvements
  10. Stat buff to Akagi and Zara
  11. New BGM
    • The Kanmusu picture book dictionary will now play the BGM "Encounter", but the equipment section still play the old BGM (possible bug).
  12. Third Anniversary CG Art