
< User:Ninnin
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Example of a large smoke deployed.
  • There's 3 smoke screen size, being Small < Medium < Large
    • The maximum smoke size is depend of the number of smoke generator, being respectively 1/2/3.
  • It sharply reduces the accuracy of all fleets, proportionally to the smoke screen size (the hit rate is still capped at 11%).
    • This effect can be partially bypassed by using Radars (both sides).
  • The effect will last for the day battle.

Smoke activation button next to the Formation ones.
  • If equipped, it can be activated with a specific button when selecting the formation.
    • It can be activated multiple times per sortie until it triggers, being triggerable once, in day battle only.
  • It cannot be activated in Exercises in the current implementation.
  • The trigger rate is not 100% and depends on the fleet's flagship's luck Luck, as well as the amount and type of Smoke Generators used.
    • For combined fleets, it is the luck of the main flagship.
    • The size of the triggered smoke screen depends on how many smoke generators are used.
  • It will only trigger at the beginning of the Shelling phase.

The trigger rate depend on the number of Smoke generator in the fleet and th Flagship Luck Luck.

  • There is a breakpoint that guarante to trigger at least the small smoke screen:
    • Having one Smoke generator and Smoke generator Kai in the fleet.
    • Having one Smoke generator Kai in the fleet and the flagship luck is above 26.

  • The smoke give an accuracy malus to both fleet when used:
    • Pleas note that these are a first estimation and are subject to change.
    • It's currently unknown if the airtrike accuracy is affected by the smoke.
    • Some modifier are impossible to determine because the fleet hit the lower bound hit rate (11% hard cap).
    • There are some inconsistency between old enemy and new enemy.
    • Having a radar equiped reduce the smoke effect but only for the shelling phase.
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Mod}_\text{smoke} }[/math][1]
Day Shelling
Fleet Radar Equiped Type 1 Type 2 Type 3
Allied No < 0.3 <0.33 <0.37
Yes 0.35 0.25 < 0.37
Enemy No < 0.69 < 0.7 <0.7
Yes 0.91 0.83 0.75
Torpedo Phase
Fleet Type 1 Type 2 Type 3
Allied 0.45 0.42 0.42
Enemy 0.7 0.6 0.5
Allied 0.25

  • The smoke affect the allied shootdown but not the enemy shootdown.
  • No fixed shootdown above 2 have been observed under a smoke.
  • The guaranted shootdown doesn't seems to be affected.
  • A modifier to the Adjusted AA is suspected but there's not enough data to confirmed it.
  • The Smoke reduce the Anti-Air Rocket Barrage trigger rate either directly or by reducing the Adjusted AA.