
Choice quest information/evaluations for important one-time quests - defusing the traps and baits.(probably/something like that)


Development MaterialDevelopment Materialx2★+8


Testing Quests
B7Less important quest Development MaterialDevelopment Material finally
Development MaterialDevelopment Material
Development MaterialDevelopment Material this took all night to get working
Development MaterialDevelopment Material
B8 yea nah don't do this quest
Development MaterialDevelopment Material now I can sleep
Development MaterialDevelopment Material
Development MaterialDevelopment Material
Testing Quests

Current Colour Scheme Meanings
Great/Best Option(*)
Very Good, but not quite there
Neutral or N/A
Pretty Bad (unused atm)
Bad/Horrid compared to other items

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Composition Quests (編成)


Composition Quests

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A80 F6F-3  F4U-1D is a great fighter-bomber, only available here and Intrepid  stock.

F6F-3 is available from the next Saratoga quest, stock from Intrepid  and can be converted from F4F-4.
TBF  Need a total of 3 TBF for quests F62 & F91.
If you already have 3 or more TBF then you can grab the Air Mats.
New Model Aerial Armament MaterialNew Model Aerial Armament Material
A82Less important quest Food Supply Ship IrakoFood Supply Ship Irako Easy Furniture fairy.

Grab gun mat if you don't care about furniture whatsoever
Furniture FairyFurniture Fairy
New Model Gun Mount Improvement MaterialNew Model Gun Mount Improvement Material
A83Less important quest Combat Ration (Special Onigiri)  Rations are temporary, Furniture is forever.
Furniture FairyFurniture Fairy
A90Less important quest Combat Ration  Likely Combat Ration for 1-2 days of easy upgrade +1 screw.
Instant Repair if full on equipment
Instant Repair MaterialInstant Repair Material
A91Less important quest Instant Repair MaterialInstant Repair Material Damage is temporary, Furniture is forever.
Furniture FairyFurniture Fairy
A92Less important quest 41cm Twin Gun Mount  No contest
New Model Gun Mount Improvement MaterialNew Model Gun Mount Improvement Material
Development MaterialDevelopment Material
Composition Quests

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Sortie Quests (出撃)

One-time Sortie Quests


Sortie Quests

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B88 Type 2 Seaplane Fighter Kai  Seaplane Fighters are important, you want up to 8 of them.
Type 2 Seaplane Fighter Kai  can be can be converted from Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane .
This gives you an easy quick one and saves time & screws.

PBY-5A Catalina  is a LBAS range extender which is useful and important, though just a worse version of Type 2 Large Flying Boat .
However PBY-5A Catalina  is currently only obtainable from here and may not be obtainable at all in the future.

No obvious choice here but I lean on recommending picking PBY-5A Catalina  and then making at least two Type 2 Seaplane Fighter Kai  through Akashi.
PBY-5A Catalina 
B89Less important quest Improved Kanhon Type Turbine  The boiler and its better version are stock equipment of many ships. For some, Turbines may be harder to come by. However both are for increasing the speed of ships though.
Both craftable development.
Enhanced Kanhon Type Boiler 
B95Less important quest Kyoufuu Kai  Free High-tier seaplane fighter
The bulge is bait for the lesser-informed.
New Kanhon Design Anti-torpedo Bulge (Medium) 
B101Less important quest MedalMedal You'll likely never use it but it's worth more & rarer than the other two items.
However, you are already guaranteed a Type 0 Fighter Model 63 (Fighter-bomber) from B96.
If you think its worthless and you're never going to need it, grab either other option.
New Model Gun Mount Improvement MaterialNew Model Gun Mount Improvement Material
Type 0 Fighter Model 63 (Fighter-bomber) 
B102Less important quest
B103Less important quest
B105 F6F-3  No contest
Skilled Crew MemberSkilled Crew Member
New Model Aerial Armament MaterialNew Model Aerial Armament Material
TBF  No contest*
TBF is stock from event ships.
Night Operation Aviation Personnel 
Night Operation Aviation Personnel + Skilled Deckhands 
New Model Aerial Armament MaterialNew Model Aerial Armament Material
Reinforcement ExpansionReinforcement Expansion Always need more holepunches
New Model Aerial Armament MaterialNew Model Aerial Armament Material
Skilled Crew MemberSkilled Crew Member
B109Less important quest
B110Less important quest
B111Less important quest
B112Less important quest
B113Less important quest
B114Less important quest
B115Less important quest
B117 Furniture FairyFurniture Fairy 1 Action Report > 1 NewGunMat
Furniture Fairy vs Action report up to you
New Model Gun Mount Improvement MaterialNew Model Gun Mount Improvement Material
Action ReportAction Report
MedalMedal Pult >>>> 12.7cm D K2
You get too many of these guns when K2ing Yuugumo-class anyway.
Prototype Flight Deck CatapultPrototype Flight Deck Catapult
12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 2 
Zuiun (634 Air Group)  Shouldn't be a choice quest
Suisei Model 22 (634 Air Group) 
New Model Gun Mount Improvement MaterialNew Model Gun Mount Improvement Material
B119Less important quest Type 96 Fighter  Model 21 is used more for quests/improvement fodder.
If you're just gonna scrap the planes grab T99Dive.
Type 99 Dive Bomber 
Type 0 Fighter Model 21 
Shiden Kai 2  Action Report > 1Medal
Action ReportAction Report
B120Less important quest Instant Repair MaterialInstant Repair Material
Action ReportAction Report
Type 22 Surface Radar 
Improvement MaterialImprovement Material
B121Less important quest
B122Less important quest 12.7cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount (Late Model) 
Instant Repair MaterialInstant Repair Material
B123 Type 3 Active Sonar  Easy Furniture.
12.7cm Single High-angle Gun Mount (Late Model) 
Furniture FairyFurniture Fairy
Action ReportAction Report No Contest.
Currently the only way to obtain this valuable torpedo.
12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model C Kai 2 
61cm Quadruple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model 
B124 Furniture FairyFurniture Fairy Easy Furniture.
Getting 12 Daihatsu is easy with the amount of ships and quests that give it.
12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model B Kai 2 
Daihatsu Landing Craft 
Development MaterialDevelopment Material No Contest.
Currently the only way to obtain this one of a kind, niche large sonar.
Improvement MaterialImprovement Material
Type 0 Passive Sonar 
B125Less important quest MedalMedal Easy holepunch.
Reinforcement ExpansionReinforcement Expansion
New Model Gun Mount Improvement MaterialNew Model Gun Mount Improvement Material
Action ReportAction Report
B126Less important quest
B127Less important quest Type 0 Fighter Model 21  Easy Furniture.
Type 0 Fighter Model 32 
Furniture FairyFurniture Fairy
Improvement MaterialImprovement Material 2NewAirMats > 4screws
Type 22 Surface Radar 
New Model Aerial Armament MaterialNew Model Aerial Armament Material
B128 Action ReportAction Report Take Large Searchlight so you never need to make one.
It sees rare use but helps when you need it.
If you already have one, take Action Report.
Type 96 150cm Searchlight 
B129 41cm Twin Gun Mount  Whatever you need as improvement fodder, likely 41cm.
Type 91 Armor Piercing Shell 
Type 3 Shell 
Action ReportAction Report Currently the only way to obtain Prototype Nanzan , as is one of the few dive bombers that can attack installations.
Prototype 46cm Twin Gun Mount  is easily obtainable from the next quest, B130.
Prototype 46cm Twin Gun Mount 
Prototype Nanzan 
B130 New Model Gun Mount Improvement MaterialNew Model Gun Mount Improvement Material Currently the only way to obtain Prototype 46cm Twin Gun Mount  (aside from above quest, B129)
It's an awful gun and not worth any investments, and if you upgrade it even once it can't be used as fodder for making an additional 41cm Twin Gun Mount Kai Ni  from 41cm Triple Gun Mount Kai  from Akashi's Arsenal.
Improvement MaterialImprovement Material
Prototype 46cm Twin Gun Mount 
B131Less important quest
B133Less important quest
B134Less important quest Furniture Box (Large)Furniture Box (Large) Easy holepunch.
Reinforcement ExpansionReinforcement Expansion
B135Less important quest
B136Less important quest New Model Gun Mount Improvement MaterialNew Model Gun Mount Improvement Material Easy Furniture.
Type 13 Air Radar 
Furniture FairyFurniture Fairy
B137Less important quest
B138Less important quest New Model Aerial Armament MaterialNew Model Aerial Armament Material Easy holepunch.
Reinforcement ExpansionReinforcement Expansion
Furniture FairyFurniture Fairy
B140 Type 2 Depth Charge  Type 2 Depth Charge  are hard to acquire and aren't really worth converting from Type 95 Depth Charge .

If you already have 6+ of them, you can consider skipping out and grabbing the Furniture Fairy instead.
Daihatsu Landing Craft 
Furniture FairyFurniture Fairy
B141 Development MaterialDevelopment Material SHOULD NOT BE A CHOICE QUEST
Type D Kouhyouteki Kai (Kouryuu Kai) 
Improvement MaterialImprovement Material
B142Less important quest Underway Replenishment  Free Underway Replenishment, grab buckets if you think you have far too many.
Instant Repair MaterialInstant Repair Material
Combat Ration (Special Onigiri) 
New Model Gun Mount Improvement MaterialNew Model Gun Mount Improvement Material Furniturecolle
NewRocketMats for those who don't care for furniture.
New Model Rocket Development MaterialNew Model Rocket Development Material
Okinami's Shelf
B143 If you have 4 or more Tokai, consider not completing this quest until a later date
Underway Replenishment  Free Underway Replenishment, grab buckets if you think you have far too many.
Instant Repair MaterialInstant Repair Material
Combat Ration (Special Onigiri) 
Prototype Toukai  Take Prototype Toukai if you have less than 4.

If you have more than 4, I'd recommend leaving this quest for a later date to see if you need any or if one option suddenly becomes more useful.
However if you've already completed the quest and need to turn it in, a 5th Toukai could be a niche option for LBAS regarding subs at preboss and one at boss.
Prototype Keiun allows you to make a 3rd jet if you somehow have materials for it, though likely wouldn't be very useful.
Or you could gamble that Prototype Keiun will be needed/useful for future jet equipment.
Prototype Keiun (Carrier-based Reconnaissance Model) 
B144 New Model Gun Mount Improvement MaterialNew Model Gun Mount Improvement Material SHOULD NOT BE A CHOICE QUEST
35.6cm Twin Gun Mount Kai Ni 
Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane Model 11B  Note, this is the non-skilled 11B. YuraK2 also has it as stock.
The bulge is the far better option here in sheer screw cost.
If you want more 11B, dupe Yura.
New Kanhon Design Anti-torpedo Bulge (Large) 
Action ReportAction Report
B145 Swordfish (Seaplane Model)  Can be a very tough decision for you to evaluate.

Picking the single Swordfish Mk.III Kai (Seaplane Model)  immediately gets you a good equip and doesn't cost any screws.

Picking the two Swordfish (Seaplane Model)  allows you to eventually double the equipment worth you get, but requires a hefty screw investment.
You'll end up converting both to Swordfish Mk.II Kai (Reconnaissance Seaplane Model) , and from there use one or both to convert S9 Osprey (consumes the SwordfishMK.II) to Swordfish Mk.III Kai (Seaplane Model) .
Note: This quest is currently the only way to obtain Swordfish (Seaplane Model) .
S9 Osprey 
Swordfish Mk.III Kai (Seaplane Model) 
Improvement MaterialImprovement Material Easy holepunch.
New Model Aerial Armament MaterialNew Model Aerial Armament Material
Reinforcement ExpansionReinforcement Expansion
B146 New Model Aerial Armament MaterialNew Model Aerial Armament Material NO CONTEST
Fairey Seafox Kai 
B147Less important quest Improvement MaterialImprovement Material Emergency Repair is consumable, Akashi upgrades are forever.
Emergency Repair MaterialEmergency Repair Material
Instant Repair MaterialInstant Repair Material
Tenzan  OS2U is Iowa stock, and overall rare, but a meh plane.
Grab if you wanna hoard.
B148Less important quest F4F-3  All of these are bad, no right/wrong choice here for now.
Development MaterialDevelopment Material
B149Less important quest
B150 Prototype Flight Deck CatapultPrototype Flight Deck Catapult SHOULD NOT BE A CHOICE QUEST
Whilst this quest offers up a Protopult, it isn't worth it.
This 20ASW Depth charge is insane and worth much much much more than a single protopult.
Lightweight ASW Torpedo (Initial Test Model) 
Remodel BlueprintRemodel Blueprint
B151 Instant Repair MaterialInstant Repair Material Whatever you have less of.
Development MaterialDevelopment Material
SK Radar  Currently the only way to obtain this radar.
Due to the screw cost it probably isn't worth converting but you might as well grab it for equipcolle and just horde it for a potential future date.
New Model Aerial Armament MaterialNew Model Aerial Armament Material
B152 Development MaterialDevelopment Material SHOULD NOT BE A CHOICE QUEST
TBF Night Bomber conversion quest doesn't carry over improvements so the stars are meaningless.
Prototype Flight Deck CatapultPrototype Flight Deck Catapult
B153 Prototype Shuusui  If you have less than 3 High-Altitude Land-Based Fighters, grab Prototype Shuusui , they are necessary.
If you have 3 or more grab Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraft Model 22A  for an extra decent Bomber.
Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraft Model 22A 
Ka Type Observation Autogyro 
B154 Prototype Flight Deck CatapultPrototype Flight Deck Catapult Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraft Model 34 s are great LBAS bombers with a powerful +1  and +4  with a nice ★+2 bonus.
There is currenly no other way of obtaining these, and only rarely rewarded in events.
Well worth taking over the other two options.

Whilst two Tenzan Model 12A Kai (w/ Type 6 Airborne Radar Kai)  looks like and is a great deal, and is worth a huge amount in screws. There is currently no way of utilizing many night bombers in a single sortie and you can eventually make these yourself through conversion.
Tenzan Model 12A Kai (w/ Type 6 Airborne Radar Kai) 
Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraft Model 34 
Action ReportAction Report SHOULD NOT BE A CHOICE QUEST
Remodel BlueprintRemodel Blueprint
Ryuusei Kai (CarDiv 1/Skilled) 
B155Less important quest Action ReportAction Report New material still kinda rare and will potentially have more things consume it soon.
New Model Armament MaterialNew Model Armament Material
Sortie Quests

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Action ReportAction Report