Game Updates/2021/October 15th

October 15th, 2021 Oyashio / Saury Preparation / Halloween Update

  1. Haloween CG
  2. Autumn Season themed CG
    • Yamagumo and Asagumo have switched to their fall / winter uniforms
    • Tsushima has returned to her Happi Coat mode CG
    • Z1 has been given her Oktoberfest CG
    • Richelieu has been given her Mitsukoshi CG with a newly drawn moderate damaged CG form
  3. Halloween Voice lines
  4. Furniture Update
    • The following new Furniture has been released along side many previous fruniture:
      • Halloween Window
      • 32 Desdiv Halloween Personal belonging shelf
    • Furniture fairies can be obtained from today's newly released quests
  5. Development Update
  6. Quest Updates
    • Previous Quests have now been updated to meet the requirement of the new foreign ships added since its released in 2020:
      • Nansei Island Water Combined Patrol
      • Combined Fleet Flagship, Remodeled Fletcher, weigh Anchor!
      • Remodeled Escort Destroyer Fletcher, Commence Operation!
      • Combined Fleet Operation Mission (Extra Operation)
      • Combined Fleet Mobile Task Force, Sortie!
  7. Equipment CG update
  8. Akashi Improvement Arsenal Update