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==Previous Dev Tweets - December 2015==
==Previous Dev Tweets - December 2015==
===December 10th, 2015===
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! Kancolle Staff Tweets - December 10th, 2015 Akatsuki, Journey to the Stars!
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|JP =現在「艦これ」では、クリスマスmode期間限定実装中です。まだ「家具屋さん」で【冬家具】をチェックしてない提督方は、ぜひ冬の模様替えもご検討ください。また、鎮守府ジュークボックス及びいくつかの冬家具設置で、新曲「聖夜の母港」や「冬の抜錨!」等も母港BGMに設定可能です。
|EN = Right now on Kancolle, we are now featuring limited time Chirstmas mode feature which have been implemented. Admirals should also be sure to check the furniture store to check for new furniture and consider remodeling thier rooms. Also, if you use the jukebox, you can be able to play Chirstmas themed songs such as "Chirstmas Time at the Naval Base", and "Winter, Set Sail!"
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|JP = マルキューヨンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます!本日は木曜日!惑星探査機「あかつき」が、数々の困難と損傷を乗り越え、金星周回軌道への投入に成功しました!「あかつき」、そして同プロジェクトの皆さん、同機を応援している全ての皆さん、本当におめでとうございます!#艦これ
|EN = 0930. Good morning to all of you admirals out there! Today's Thursday! The Planetary Venus Orbitor Akashi has overcome much difficulties, but has finally reached her destination successfully as she is now at Venus's Orbit! Akatsuki, and all of those invovled in the project, we support you and are rooting for all that you done, congratulations!
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