
no edit summary
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   _scrap_steel = 3,
   _scrap_steel = 3,
   _scrap_bauxite = 1,
   _scrap_bauxite = 1,
   _info = nil,
   _info = "トリコロールの国で建造された新鋭大型駆逐艦、その主兵装として装備された主砲兵装、その改修型です。<br>新型の高速大型駆逐艦Mogador級に装備された、連装で密閉型の小型艦主砲兵装、その後期改良型です。<br>ぜひ、Mogador級などのフランス艦で積極運用を!",
   _info_en = nil,
   _info_en = "This is an improved version of the main gun  that was equipped as the main armament of a new large destroyer constructed in the tricolor country.<br>This is a later improved version of the twin enclosed, small shipboard main gun armament fitted to the new high-speed large destroyers, the Mogador-class.<br>We encourage you to actively use it on French ships such as the Mogador-class!",
   _wikipedia = "Canon de 138 mm Modèle 1929",
   _wikipedia = "Canon de 138 mm Modèle 1929",
   _buildable = false,
   _buildable = false,
   _improvements = false,
   _improvements = false,
