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4,856 bytes added ,  7 years ago
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| scenario    =Introduction
| scenario    =Introduction
| origin      =
| origin      =司令、おはようございます!択捉型海防艦一番艦、択捉です。今日も頑張ります!
| translation =
| translation =Good morning Commander! I'm the 1st ship of the Etorofu-class destroyer escorts, Etorofu. I'll do my best today too.
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Library
| scenario    =Library
| origin      =
| origin      =択捉型海防艦の一番艦、択捉です。先輩の占守型の改良型です。生産性と爆雷装備数などが向上しているの。
| translation =
| translation =I'm the first ship of the Etorofu-class destroyer escorts, Etorofu. I'm an improved version of my seniors, the Shimushu-class. My engine power and depth charge equipment were improved.
A lot of my sisters were sent to be fleet escorts. Even though not a lot of us were left fighting at the end, we protected the home waters to the last.
Even after the battle was over, I kept doing my best.<ref>She served as a transport ship for refugees after the war.</ref>
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Secretary 1
| scenario    =Secretary 1
| origin      =
| origin      =頑張ります!
| translation =
| translation =I'll do my best!
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Secretary 2
| scenario    =Secretary 2
| origin      =
| origin      =海防艦の務め、果たします!
| translation =
| translation =I'll fulfil my duties as a destroyer escort!
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Secretary 3
| scenario    =Secretary 3
| origin      =
| origin      =司令、なんでしょう?船団護衛ですか?海峡警備?いつでも出られます!え、違うんですか?
| translation =
| translation =What's wrong Commander? Fleet escort? Guarding the strait? I'm ready anytime! Eh, that's not it?
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Secretary Idle
| scenario    =Secretary Idle
| origin      =
| origin      =司令、仕事はしっかりなのに。。。お部屋は。。。仕方ない、私が片付けしてあげますね?あ、提督、このカメラはどこしまえますか?え、せっかくだから一緒に写真を?あ、はい。。。あの、あとで焼き増しもらっていいですか?
| translation =
| translation =Commander, I know you're busy with work but... your room is... It can't be helped, I'll clean it up for you alright? Ah Admiral, where does this camera go? Eh, since it's out you want to take a picture together? Ah, yes... Umm, later can I get a copy too?
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Wedding
| scenario    =Wedding
| origin      =
| origin      =司令、たまにはご自身のお部屋も片付けたほは。。。今日は私がきれいにして起きますね?えっと。。。あれ?これは?司令、これはなんですか?え、これは。。。わたしに?え。。。あの。。。えっと。。。
| translation =
| translation =You've got to clean up your room once in a while Commander... I'll clean it up nicely for you today alright? Ummm... huh? What's this? Commander, what is this? Eh, it's... for me? Eh... Oh... Umm....
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Secretary (Married)
| scenario    =Secretary (Married)
| origin      =
| origin      =司令、いつもお部屋はきれいにって。。。あ、この写真。。。飾ってくれるんだ。えへ、うれしい。司令、ありがとうございます。
| translation =
| translation =I'm always cleaning your room commander... Ah, this photo... You decorated it. Ehe, I'm happy. Thanks Commander.<ref>The pic they took before.</ref>
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Player's Score
| scenario    =Player's Score
| origin      =
| origin      =報告書ですね。お待ちください。私が!
| translation =
| translation =You want the report. Please wait a while. I'll get it!
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Joining The Fleet
| scenario    =Joining The Fleet
| origin      =
| origin      =海防艦択捉、抜錨します!
| translation =
| translation =Destroyer Escort, Etorofu, setting sail!
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Equipment 1
| scenario    =Equipment 1
| origin      =
| origin      =ありがとうございます!
| translation =
| translation =Thank you very much!
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Equipment 2
| scenario    =Equipment 2
| origin      =
| origin      =これは新型ですか?
| translation =
| translation =Is this a new model?
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Equipment 3
| scenario    =Equipment 3
| origin      =
| origin      =これは、ありがたいですね!
| translation =
| translation =I'm grateful for this!
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Supply
| scenario    =Supply
| origin      =
| origin      =ありがたいです!
| translation =
| translation =I'm grateful!
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Docking (Minor)
| scenario    =Docking (Minor)
| origin      =
| origin      =すみません、少しお風呂に。
| translation =
| translation =Sorry, I'll be in the bath a while.
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Docking (Major)
| scenario    =Docking (Major)
| origin      =
| origin      =ほんの少しだけ、お風呂、長く。。。はい、なるべく早く上がります!
| translation =
| translation =I'll be in the bath a little while longer... Yes, I'll be out as soon as I can!
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Construction
| scenario    =Construction
| origin      =
| origin      =新造艦完成です!
| translation =
| translation =A new ship is complete!
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Return From Sortie
| scenario    =Return From Sortie
| origin      =
| origin      =艦隊、無事戻りました。皆さん、お疲れ様です!
| translation =
| translation =The fleet has returned safely. Thanks for your hard work everyone!
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Starting A Sortie
| scenario    =Starting A Sortie
| origin      =
| origin      =第一海上護衛隊、択捉、出撃!皆さん、行きましょう!
| translation =
| translation =First Maritime Escort Squadron, Etorofu, sortieing! Follow me everyone!
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Starting A Battle
| scenario    =Starting A Battle
| origin      =
| origin      =敵、発見です。皆さん気をつけて!
| translation =
| translation =We've found the enemy. Be careful everyone!
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Attack
| scenario    =Attack
| origin      =
| origin      =撃ち方、はじめ。てえ!
| translation =
| translation =Open fire. Fire!
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Air Battle/ Daytime Spotting/ Night Battle Attack
| scenario    =Air Battle/ Daytime Spotting/ Night Battle Attack
| origin      =
| origin      =この海で好き勝手はさせませんから!
| translation =
| translation =I'm not going to let you do whatever you want on this sea!
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Night Battle
| scenario    =Night Battle
| origin      =
| origin      =突入します!皆さん続いてください。
| translation =
| translation =Let's charge in! Follow me everyone.
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =MVP
| scenario    =MVP
| origin      =
| origin      =私が一番ですか!?そうですか。ありがたいです!もっと精進を重ね、みなさんの海を守れるよう、頑張ります!
| translation =
| translation =I'm number one you say!? Is that so. I'm grateful! I'll put in even more effort and work hard to protect our sea!
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Minor Damage 1
| scenario    =Minor Damage 1
| origin      =
| origin      =ひゃああああ!だ。。。大丈夫?
| translation =
| translation =Yaaaaaah! Are... are you alright?
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Minor Damage 2
| scenario    =Minor Damage 2
| origin      =
| origin      =ぐっ。。。でも、まだ!
| translation =
| translation =Ugh... But, I'm not done yet!
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Major Damage
| scenario    =Major Damage
| origin      =
| origin      =きゃあああ!機関部は?無事?まだ。。。まだまだです!
| translation =
| translation =Aaaaaah! How's the engine room? It's fine? I'm... I'm really not done yet!
| audio      =
| audio      =
| scenario    =Sunk
| scenario    =Sunk
| origin      =
| origin      =冷たい。。。私。。。そうです。。。あ。。。みんなさんごめんなさい。。。守れなくて。。。
| translation =
| translation =It's cold... I... That's right... Ah... I'm sorry everyone... I couldn't protect you...
| audio      =
| audio      =
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