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!colspan="5"|2016 Lines
!colspan="5"|2016 Lines
|羽黒さん、この季節は注意して! あ、足柄さんも! どこかに行くときは、私も一緒に行きますから!
|Haguro-san, please be careful this season!  Ah, Ashigara-san too.  Wherever you are headed, I'll come along too!
|Haguro and Ashigara were sunk in May and June of 1945 respectively by the British.  Kamikaze was escorting the ships in each incident.
|Rain.  Although some people might think it's not great that it rains so much, still, I like it.  The sight of umbrellas suits this season so well, I love it.  Is that alright?
|It's the rainy season isn't it.  Rain, sometimes it's pretty good too.  It's peaceful, just maybe.
|はぁ? 雨避けのてるてる坊主? いいよそんなの……漣、手先器用ねぇ。やってみようかな?
|Ah?  A Teru teru Bozu in case it rains?  Well I suppose that’s fine, Sazanami lend me a hand.  I guess I might as well try it.
|Teruteru bozu?  Ah, yes I made one.  Here!  One for master and one for me!
|The showers in the rainy season have a sort of calming effect on me.  It’s strange.
|梅雨かぁ……ちょっとしょぼーん。あ、電。それ、てるてる坊主? やるじゃない!
|This rainy season is a bit ???.  Oh Inazuma.  Is that, a teruteru bozu?  Not bad!
|Inazuma's teruterubozu is so nice.  It's cute.  Akatsuki's do I put it? Monstrous?
|The commander's hands are so warm.  No, Russia, it's a good thing to have hands like that.
|電、てるてる坊主作ってるの? 可愛いわね! 作り方教えて? ……なるほど、分かったわ!
|Inazuma, did you make that teruteru bozu?  It's so cute! Would you teach me how to make one?  Oh I see, now I get it!
|I made a teruteru bozu nanodesu!  You do it like this, see!  If you do it this way it'll be cute!
|いっちばん効き目のあるてるてる坊主作ろーっと! ……ん、むむ……あれ? あれれ? む、難しい……。
|I'll make the most effective teruteru bozu!  Mmm...hmm hmm, what?  Wh-what? This is hard....
|てるてる坊主? じゃあ、村雨が作ってみますね。ほら、ここをこうして……できました。
|A teruteru bozu?  Well, just watch Murasame make one then.  Right, here it is, I'm finished.
|う~ん、雨の日は出不精になってしまいがちだけど、でも外に出かけるっぽい! ぽーい♪
|Yup, On rainy days you tend to get stuck in the house, but it feels like we can go out now poi!  poi!
|This season, there's a lot of rain isn't there.  But the's pretty nice.  Umikaze likes rainy days too.
|Yup, these rainy days are going on.  It's the rainy season ya know. Nothing we can do about it, let's just take it easy then.
|Commander, the rain just keeps falling.  Would you like order the 8th Destroyer Division on a Teruteru Bozu making expedition?
|梅雨の季節は、少しアゲアゲになりにくいですか? いえ、そんなことはありません! 大潮いつだってアゲアゲです!
|In the rainy season do I find it a little hard to psyched up?  No that's not true at all.  Ooshio is always psyched up!
|Much like Mojo Rawley Ooshio doesn't get hyped she stays hyped.
|じめじめ降るわねぇ……まぁ、たまには雨の日もいいか。……あ、私の傘、勝手に使わないでね! 印つけてあるから!
|Drip, Drip, it's coming down, well I suppose rainy days are fine too sometimes.  Ah, don't just mess around with my umbrella! I know because it's specially marked!
|The rainy days just keep on going.  Drip Drop, Drip Drop.  On these rainy days, In these rainy days, I'm having so much fun.
|Rainy season...rain...the sound of rain.  It's not so bad.
|The Rainy Season huh?  When it's rainy it gets misty outside similar to when it's hazy.  When it's hazy like this I'll be fine.  I'll be fine, Arare, don't worry.
|This one's a bit complicated.  Kasumi means haze, so she'll be fine when there's whether like her name.  Kiri (mist), Kasumi (haze), and Arare (hail) also all contain the radical for rain in their kanji.
|During this season my heart has a bit of a sinking feeling.  Commander, oh.  Sorry, I'm fine.  I can't afford to make the Commander worry about me like this.  I'll do my best to stay focused!
|Yet another boat sunk in the spring.
|The Rainy season.  This season gives me a bit of a soothing feeling.  That's why, I think this season isn't so bad after all.
|'s the rainy season ain't it?  The hydrangea flowers though, they're so pretty.  I'm awfully fond of it all, ya know.
|It's raining, must be because it's the rainy season.  No, I don't think the rain is bad, but I wouldn't mind if it settled down a bit.  It's impossible to hate this season
|紫陽花の花?私も好きですね。 青い花、綺麗だと思います。落ち着きますね…。
|Hydrangea flowers?  I like them too.  I think the blue flowers are so pretty.  The rain will settle down soon.
|この季節は雨が多いねぇ。 雨の音もこうしてゆっくり聞いていれば、悪くないね♪
|There's a lot of rain in this season.  Listening to the sound of rain slowly falling isn't so bad through.
|Aw, aw, aw, it’s raining ain’t it?  If this rain keeps up my body will start to get all weird feeling.  Commander, what about you, you OK?
|I like the colors of the Hydrangea Flowers.  Even though they’re so pretty, the hydrangea flowers are still poisonous.  It’s strange isn’t it, Commander.  Commander?
|雨の季節ですね。う… のわっち、こんな日は一緒に踊ろうよ? えっ?狭いから駄目?おケチ!
|It’s the season of rain now.  Oh, Nowacchi, on days like these why don’t we dance together?  Eh?  There’s not enough space here?  Oh, spoilsport!
|梅雨かー、つまんないな~……。え、何? みんなてるてる坊主作ってんだ! じゃあ秋雲はフルスクラッチで作ってみようかな~。塗装は~っと……。
|This rainy season is so boring~.  Huh, what?  Everyone is making teruteru bozu?  Well then, why doesn't Akigumo join in and make one from scratch  too. Painting is great~.
|Oh, hehehe.  Makigumo-san what is it?  That teru teru bozu.  It's a bit unique.  Let me help, now isn't it much cuter?
|There's so much rain, so I should make teruteru bozu to pray for good weather.  I'll use Yuugumo onee-san as a motif. Let's see, like this...and then like that...there!  Huh?  This oh my. 
|This season, I don't really like it all that much.  It gives me a sinking feeling in my heart...why is that?
|Maybe because she had a sinking feeling in her hull 8 June 1944....
|Heya..what's this, a teruteru bozu?  Hey, Makigumo-nee let me borrow that for a sec.  There, now it's so cute!  Eh, why are you so mad all of a sudden?
|It's really coming down.  But, the rainy season is kind of fun, you know.  I sort of like it.
|Ah, what's this? It just keeps on raining~.  I'm getting so restless being stuck indoors on like this.
|Commander.  Um, once in a while, together, nevermind.
|司令官~? あのさ、ねえ、ねえ?
|Commander?  Hey, guess what, guess what?
|During the the rainy season I don't like how damp it gets.  Without any sunny periods you can't hang out your laundry.  Well, Admiral if you have anything that needs washing, take it off.
|雨が続くな。少し体が鈍りそうだ。……こんな日は、缶詰の整理でもしよう! あ、これ、膨らんでいる……。駄目、だな。
|The rain keeps on coming.  My body feels so listless.  ....On days like these, why don't I try organizing the canned goods!  A, this one is all inflated.  That's no good.
|Rain!  Rain Rain Rain!  You call this season “Tsuyu”, is it nothing but rain?  I see, so it's like that then.
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