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==Previous Dev Tweets - December 2015==
==Previous Dev Tweets - December 2015==]
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! Kancolle Staff Tweets - December 16th, 2015 Kancolle Merchandise
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|JP =艦娘想歌【参】加賀岬、さらに「艦これ」オリジナルサウンドトラックvol.3【雲】のCDリリース準備を進めています。来春早めにお届けできる予定です。先行生産分の予約開始時期等の詳細情報は、決定次第お知らせ致します。加賀岬、「艦これ」OST3もどうぞよろしくお願い致します!
|EN = With the Kanmusus sung "Kaga Cape" we have been promoting. We are preparing to work on Kancolle OST. 3 "Cloud" which will be released on Spring. More information regarding pre-order information will be released soon. For those who love Kaga Cape, thank you so much.
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|JP =いつまでもその手に持っておける「艦これ」、PS Vita用ソフト「艦これ改」。お待たせして大変申し訳ありません、オリジナル版より少しだけ戦略SLG方向にリファインされ、できるだけ多くの艦娘を搭載して、来年2/18(木)出撃に向けて現在準備中です。
|EN = While it seems you have been waiting a long time to get the PS Vita version of Kancolle known as Kancolle Kai. We want to apalogize for having you all wait this long as we are working on inplementing as many of the ship girls over to this SLG version of the game.  The game will be released on 2/18.
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|JP = マルキューサンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は水曜日!70数年前の今日は、大和型戦艦一番艦「大和」が就役した日です。師走も中間地点を越えました。いよいよ今年の残りタスクが切迫してくる季節ですが、本日も元気に頑張ってまいりましょう!
|EN = 0930. Good Morning to all of your Admirals out there! Today's Wednesday! 70 years ago to this day, the Yamato-Class Battleship Yamato was commissioned. We are also now past the half way point of December. As the year continues to draw near, let's all do our best!
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