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==Gameplay Notes==
==Gameplay Notes==
===Special Abilities===
* Able to equip seaplane bombers and seaplane fighters at Kai Ni.
* Able to equip autogyros at Kai Ni.
* Able to equip Daihatsu Landing Craft and Ka-Mi tanks at Kai Ni.
* Able to equip [[SCAMP]] at Kai Ni.
* Able to equip bulges.
* Average firepower, torpedo, ASW, HP and armour.
'''Kai Ni'''
'''Kai Ni'''
* Average firepower.
* Gains the ability to equip :
* High torpedo.
** [[:Category:Landing_Craft|Landing Craft]] and {{EquipmentLink|Special Type 2 Amphibious Tank|text=Tanks}}.
* Good ASW, armour and HP.
** {{EquipmentLink|Type A Kouhyouteki|Type C Kouhyouteki|Type D Kouhyouteki Kai (Kouryuu Kai)|text=Midget Submarine}}.
** seaplane bombers and seaplane fighters.
** autogyros.
** [[SCAMP]].
** Bulges.
===Fit Bonuses===
===Fit Bonuses===


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