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|origin = It's eleven! なんだか最後は賑やかな夜だったねー ま、賑やかなのはいいよねー 寂しくないし、さっ! じゃあ寝よっか、一緒に! Good night!
|origin = It's eleven! なんだか最後は賑やかな夜だったねー ま、賑やかなのはいいよねー 寂しくないし、さっ! じゃあ寝よっか、一緒に! Good night!
|translation = It's eleven! Somehow, the last night was lively. Well, it's good to be lively. It's not lonely. So! Then let's sleep. Together! Goodnight!
|translation = It's eleven! Somehow, the last night was lively. Well, it's good to be lively. It's not lonely. So! Then let's sleep. Together! Goodnight!
===[[General Belgrano]]===
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = General Belgrano|scenario = Introduction
|origin = Buenos días! 提督、あたし今の名前はGeneral Belgranoってんだ!ま、中身は一緒なんだけど。問題ないだろ!
|translation =
{{ShipquoteKai|name = General Belgrano|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = イギリスのさぁ、近代機動部隊と戦ったんだよ!マジで!ハリアーとかってさ、もうジェットどころじゃないよ!
|translation = I totally misunderstood! I thought you were serious! Eh? I'm not? Huh? Which one?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = General Belgrano|scenario = Joining A Fleet
|origin =巡洋艦、General Belgrano、マジ出撃すっぞー!
|translation =
{{ShipquoteKai|name = General Belgrano|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin = あの、サムとかって…。いや、何でも。
|translation =
{{ShipquoteKai|name = General Belgrano|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|origin = んじゃ、Belgrano抜錨しますかね。いっくよー!
|translation =
{{ShipquoteKai|name = General Belgrano|scenario = Battle Start
|origin = まあ、相手が原潜とかじゃなきゃ、いいっしょ!戦闘用意!
|translation =
{{ShipquoteKai|name = General Belgrano|scenario = Sunk
|origin = え、あたしが。やっぱ名前が不死鳥じゃねえから…?名前、大事だよな。マジか…マジなんか…。クソが…
|translation =
{{ShipquoteKai|name = General Belgrano|scenario = 00
|origin = Hi! この元不死鳥の巡洋艦、Belgranoさんが、今日は提督のお・あ・い・て、しちゃうよー!うれしい? なあ嬉しい?うぇ? マジで?
|translation =
