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|{{Equipment/Card|16inch Mk.I Triple Gun Mount Kai + FCR Type 284|size=70px}} {{Equipment/Card|QF 2-pounder Octuple Pom-pom Gun Mount|size=70px}}<br>'''OR'''<br>{{Equipment/Card|20-tube 7inch UP Rocket Launchers|size=70px}} {{Equipment/Card|QF 2-pounder Octuple Pom-pom Gun Mount|size=70px}}<br>'''OR'''<br>{{Equipment/Card|20-tube 7inch UP Rocket Launchers|size=70px}} {{Equipment/Card|20-tube 7inch UP Rocket Launchers|size=70px}}
|{{Equipment/Card|16inch Mk.I Triple Gun Mount Kai + FCR Type 284|size=70px}} {{Equipment/Card|QF 2-pounder Octuple Pom-pom Gun Mount|size=70px}}<br>'''OR'''<br>{{Equipment/Card|20-tube 7inch UP Rocket Launchers|size=70px}} {{Equipment/Card|QF 2-pounder Octuple Pom-pom Gun Mount|size=70px}}<br>'''OR'''<br>{{Equipment/Card|20-tube 7inch UP Rocket Launchers|size=70px}} {{Equipment/Card|20-tube 7inch UP Rocket Launchers|size=70px}}
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==Voice Lines==
==Voice Lines==
|name = Javelin|scenario = Introduction
|origin = Are you alright?そうよ。私がJ級駆逐艦のname ship、Javelin。覚えておいてね。うん、よろしい。
|translation = Are you alright? That's right. I'm the J-class destroyer's name ship, Javelin. Remember that. Yes, very well.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Introduction|kai = true
|origin = Are you alright?ふん、よし、J級駆逐艦のname ship、Javelin。今日は問題なしよ。さぁ、始めましょう。
|translation = Are you alright? Alright then. I'm the J-class destroyer's name ship, Javelin. No problems today. Now, let's begin.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Library
|origin = J級駆逐艦name ship、Javelinよ!ダンケルクから地中海まで、縦横無尽に活躍したわ。そうよ。共同艦こそJervisに譲ったものの、J級のname shipはこの私なんだから!大破損傷を乗り越えて、Jervisと共に、あの戦いを最後まで戦い切ったわ!J級駆逐艦、あなたも覚えていたね。
|translation = I'm Javelin, the J-class destroyer name ship! From Dunkirk to the Mediterranean, I was active all over the place. The name ship role is usually given to Jervis, but I'm the J-class name ship! I overcame the catastrophic damage and fought that battle with Jervis until its end! You should remember us J-class destroyers too, okay?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = 身支度はちゃんとさせてちょうだい?さあ、せっかちさんは嫌いよ。
|translation = Please let me get dressed properly, ok? I don't like impatient people.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secretary 1|kai = true
|origin = 目支度はちゃんとさせてちょうだい?うん、okay。待たせたわね。
|translation = Please let me get dressed properly, ok? Yes, okay. Sorry for keeping you waiting.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin = 仕方ないなぁ...いいよ。
|translation = I guess it can't be helped. Fine.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = 何Jervis、やめてって、くすぐったいから。え?Admiral?はぁ?何やってんの?怒るよ、普通に。ねえ、聞いてる? Are you listening?
|translation = What's with you, Jervis? Stop it, it tickles. Eh? Admiral? Huh? What are you doing? I'll get mad, normally. Hey, are you listening? Are you listening?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secretary 3|kai = true
|origin = あ、何?くすぐったいから、やめてって。こーら、あなた、ねえ、聞いてる?Are you listening? うっははは、だから、やめてって、怒るよ、もう~。
|translation = Ah, what? I said stop it, it tickles. Hey, you! Are you listening? Are you listening? Ahahaha, I said stop it! I'll get angry, jeez...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Idle
|origin = ああ、あの時の傷?あ、いやよ、見せないわ!女の子のそんなとこ見たいなんて、最低!あ、違う?なーに、心配してるの?...感知しているから、問題なしよ。心配...しないで。
|translation = Ah, that wound from back then? Ah, no, I won't show it! You're the worst wanting to see that part of a girl!<ref>Referring to when Javelin's bow and stern was completely blown off in 1940</ref> Ah, I'm mistaken? What, are you worried? I'm aware of it, so it's no problem. Don't... worry.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secretary Married
|origin = 疲れた時には紅茶よね~。私が入れてあげる。そうよ、私が一番上手なんだから。負けないわ~。あなた、待ってて。
|translation = Tea is the best when you're tired, don't you agree? I'll make some for you. That's right, I'm the best at this. I won't lose. Please wait, darling.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Wedding
|origin = えっ?あなた、私で、いいの?違う?私が、いい...の?本気?私、いつか反乱を起こしちゃうかもよ。ん?鎮圧してみせる?言ったな~!うん、じゃあ、OKよ。あなたなら!
|translation = Eh? You're fine with me? No, I'm fine with you? Really? I might cause a rebellion someday you know.<ref>Referring to the outbreak of indiscipline (and one count of mutiny) on 17th of October 1945</ref> Oh? You'll suppress me? Hehe, now you've said it! Well, then, OK. If it's you...!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Looking At Scores
|origin = 情報ね?了解。私が整理しておいたわ。はい、これよ。OK?
|translation = Information, right? Understood. I'll organize it for you. Here, this is it. Okay?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Joining A Fleet
|origin = HMS Javelin!抜錨します!みんな!ついてきて!
|translation = HMS Javelin! Weighing anchor! Everyone! Follow me!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin = Cheers!うん、いい感じ!
|translation = Cheers! Yep, feels good!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = いい感じよ。やるじゃない!
|translation = Looking good! Not bad!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin = Are you listening?
|translation = Are you listening?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Supply
|origin = Cheers!十分よ。
|translation = Cheers! That's plenty!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Docking Minor
|origin = もう、せっかくの制服が...汚れちゃったわ。
|translation = Man, my precious uniform is all dirty now...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Docking Major
|origin = I'm not feeling so well. ちょっとお休みもらうわ。いいでしょ?
|translation = I'm not feeling so well. I'm going to take a small break. That's okay, right?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Construction
|origin = Completed!
|translation = Completed!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Returning From Sortie
|origin = We went home! はぁ、疲れたわ。
|translation = We went home! Phew... I'm tired.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|origin = 本国艦隊、Destroyer Flotilla! 出撃よ! 行くわー! Follow me!
|translation = The Home Fleet, Destroyer Flotilla! Sortieing! Here we go! Follow me!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Starting A Sortie|kai = true
|origin = 駆逐艦戦隊、J-Class, Javelin! 出撃よ!行くわー!Follow me!
|translation = Destroyer Squadron, J-Class, Javelin! Sortieing! Here we go! Follow me!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Battle Start
|origin = Javelin, Enemy in Sight! みんな、用意はいい?
|translation = Javelin, Enemy in Sight! Everyone, are you ready?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Attack
|origin = こっちよ!Shoot!
|translation = Over here! Shoot!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secondary Attack
|origin = 私だって...負けないから!
|translation = I won't lose either!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secondary Attack|kai = true
|origin = Name shipは伊達じゃない!負けるもんか!
|translation = I'm not the name ship just for show! As if I'd lose!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = Destroyer Flotilla、突撃隊形、殲滅します!
|translation = Destroyer Flotilla, Assault formation, annihilate the enemy!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Night Battle|kai = true
|origin = 戦隊、突撃隊形!敵を、殲滅します!
|translation = Squadron, assault formation! Annihilate the enemy!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = MVP
|origin = ほら、私? JavelinがAce? ねえ、Jervis、あんたも見てたわよね? え? 見てなかった? なぜ? なぜ見てないのよ!
|translation = Oh, it's me? Javelin is the ace? Hey, Jervis, you saw that too, right? Eh? You didn't? Why? Why didn't you watch?!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = キャーッ!
|translation = Kyaa!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = こんなの...!
|translation = This can't be!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = やられた...艦首?艦尾?え?嘘?両方?Really?
|translation = I've been done in... Bow, Stern... Eh? No way... Both of them...? Really?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Sunk
|origin = 私,ここまでか...あとは、あんただけね、Jervis。あとは、頼んだわ。
|translation = This is as far as I go I guess... You're the only one left, Jervis... I'm counting on you to finish this...
{{ShipquoteHeader|type = hourly}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 00|kai = true
|origin = 今日はJ-class, name shipのこの私、Javelinがいろいろと面倒を見てあげるわ。もちろん任務だから。そう、仕方なく。いや、嫌いじゃないから、気にしないで。
|translation = Today, I, the J Class Name ship, Joblin, will take care of you. Of course, it's a mission. So, it can't be helped... No... I don't hate you, so don't worry about it.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 01|kai = true
|origin = It's 1 o'clock now! It's one o'clock now! そうよ、Jクラスは小さいけれど、強いの。あなたは充分わかってるでしょ?
|translation = It's 1 o'clock now! That's right, J-class is small, but... It's strong! You know that well, don't you?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 02|kai = true
|origin = It's 2 o'clock now! だから、どんな時でも油断はダメよ! 聞いてる? Are you listening?
|translation = It's 2 o'clock now! That's why, you can't let your guard down no matter what! Are you listening? Are you listening?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 03|kai = true
|origin = It's 3 o'clock now. Would you like something to drink? Tea? Okay! まかせて! 得意なの!
|translation = It's 3 o'clock now. Would you like something to drink? Tea? Okay! Leave it to me! I'm good at this!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 04|kai = true
|origin = It's 4 o'clock now! よかったでしょ? Earl Grey! Would you like more tea?
|translation = It's 4 o'clock now. Earl Grey tea I made was good, wasn't that great? Would you like more tea?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 05|kai = true
|origin = It's 5 o'clock now. 外が明るくなってきたわ。 おはようございます。 Good morning. いい日になりそう。
|translation = It's 5 o'clock now. It's getting brighter outside. Good morning. Good morning. It's going to be a good day.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 06|kai = true
|origin = It's 6 o'clock now! わかってる! まかせて!もう覚えたの! ソウインオコーシ! Get up! Please, get up!
|translation = It's 6 o'clock now! I know! Leave it to me! I already memorized it! Fleet group~ wake-up~! Get up! Please, get up!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 07|kai = true
|origin = It's 7 o'clock now! さあ、私の朝は、Full Breakfastよ! 卵はスクランブルでいいわよね。 トーストはたっぷりのバターで。 召し上がれ!
|translation = It's 7 o'clock now! Now, my breakfast is a full breakfast! Scrambled eggs are fine, right? A lot of butter for toast! Dig in!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 08|kai = true
|origin = It's 8 o'clock now! そうよ、朝は火の通ったもの、たっぷり食べないと、パワーが出ないわ。 おかわりは? おう、そう?
|translation = It's 8 o'clock now! That's right, You have to eat a lot of food that's been cooked in the morning! I can't get the power! Do you want some more? Oh, really?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 09|kai = true
|origin = It's 9 o'clock now! Ark! Good morning! え? 何? Hi, Saint Javelin? やめてよ! 私は J-class Javelinよ! でも、みんなを守る、それは変わらないわ!
|translation = It's 9 o'clock now! ARK! Good morning! Eh? What are you saying? “Hi, Saint Javelin?” Stop it! I'm J-class Javelin! But, I'll protect everyone. That won't change!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 10|kai = true
|origin = It's 10 o'clock now! そうよ、Jクラスはみんな最前線で頑張ったわ。 私もそう、できることを、したいの。 それは大切なこと。
|translation = It's 10 o'clock now! That's right. Everyone in the J-Class did their best in the front line. I want to do what I can do too. That's important.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 11|kai = true
|origin = It's 11です! あ、ハーイ、Jervis! あんた、いつもほんと元気そうね! わたし?も、もちろん、問題なし、よっ 負けないわ!
|translation = It's 11! Ah, hi, Jervis! You always look so energetic! Me? O-of course! No problem! No, I won't lose!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 12|kai = true
|origin = It's noon! Lunch time! わ? Jervis、なに? あんたが作った J-Class sandwich? あら! あなた、Jervisが! そう? 聞いてた? せっかくだから、いただきましょう! あら、やだ、おいしい! んん…ま、負けないから!
|translation = It's noon! Lunch time! Huh? Jervis, what? The J-class sandwich you made? See? You, Jervis, made it! Oh, really? You heard? Since we're here, let's eat! Wow, it's still delicious! I-I won't lose!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 13|kai = true
|origin = It's 1 o'clock now. あれは… Japanese Destroyer Flotilla! あれが雪風! そしてあれが時雨か! ううん… 一見呑気で無防備そうに見えて… 何か得体が知れないあなどれなさ… 私… 感じるわ!
|translation = It's 1 o'clock now. That's... Japanese Destroyer Flotilla! That's Yukikaze! And that's Shigure, I see. No... At first glance, they look like a bunch of easygoing and reckless girls. I feel like I'm being watched by some unknown entity.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 14|kai = true
|origin = It's 2 o'clock now! 次はJapaneseの戦艦戦隊か! あれは、コンゴウクラス! ん?並走しているのは、うちのレディ!? Hi, Lady! Are you alright?
|translation = It's 2 o'clock now. Next is the Japanese battleship squadron. Those are Kongou class girls. Oh? Who walk with them is my “Lady”? Hi, “Lady”! Are you alright?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 15|kai = true
|origin = It's 3 o'clock now! そうね、コンゴウ! ティータイムは大事! あなた、アールグレイでいい? んっ、任せて!
|translation = It's 3 o'clock now! That's right, Kongou! Tea time is important! Do you want a cup of Earl Grey tea? Yes, leave it to me!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 16|kai = true
|origin = It's 4 o'clock now! Janus!そうよ、気を付けて! 敵は水上、水中だけではないわ! 空への警戒、忘れちゃダメよ!
|translation = It's 4 o'clock now! Janus! I say, be careful! Enemies are not only above and below the water! Beware of the sky! Don't forget!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 17|kai = true
|origin = It's 5 o'clock now! そうね この時間の地中海も綺麗だったけど この海も素敵 So beautiful!
|translation = It's 5 o'clock now. That's right. The Mediterranean Sea at this time was beautiful, but... This sea is also wonderful. So beautiful.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 18|kai = true
|origin = It's 6 o'clock now! 今日は本国艦隊のヴィクトリアスに誘われてて、有名なパブに行くの! そう、あなたも一緒よ!
|translation = It's 6 o'clock now! Today, I'm invited by the Home Fleet team's Victorious, to go to a famous pub! You're due to come too!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 19|kai = true
|origin = It's 7 o'clock now! Hi, Victorious! ここね、Pub Mamiya! 楽しみだわ!
|translation = It's 7 o'clock now! Hi, Victorious! Here, Pub Mamiya! I'm looking forward to it!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 20|kai = true
|origin = It’s 8 o’clock now! そう、Normandy, Battle of Brittanyでしょう?覚えてる。駆逐艦戦隊だけだけど、もちろん勝ったわ。負けるもんか!
|translation = It's 8 o'clock now! Normandy, Battle of Brittany, right? I remember. There was only a destroyer squadron, but of course We won! I won't lose!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 21|kai = true
|origin = It's 9 o'clock now. ねえ、Victorious、あのテーブルがJapanese Nagumo Fleetの空母でしょ? なんかすごい。みんなすごいけど、特にあの中型空母、すごい食べっぷり。 尋常じゃないわ。
|translation = It's 9 o'clock now. Hey, Victorious. That table is the Japanese Nagumo Fleet's aircraft carrier, right? It's amazing. Everyone's amazing, but... Especially that medium-sized aircraft carrier. She's really eat too much. It's not normal.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 22|kai = true
|origin = It's 10 o'clock now. なんか釣られて食べ過ぎちゃった。 明日はダイエットしなきゃ。 え? 心配ない? 本当?
|translation = It's 10 o'clock now... I ate too much with them... I must go on a diet tomorrow... Eh? You're not worried? Really?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 23|kai = true
|origin = It's 11 o'clock now.  Jupiter, Jackal, Jersey… あ、うん、なんでもない。 今だけ、 少しだけ、抱きしめて。ん、 ありがとう。大丈夫。 Good night. また、明日ね。
|translation = It's 11 o'clock now. Jupiter, Jackal, Jersey... Ah, yeah, it's nothing. Just for now, hold me just a little bit. Thank you... I'm fine. Good night. See you... tomorrow.
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Ship Full Javelin Kai.png|Kai
Ship Full Javelin Kai.png|Kai
Ship Full Javelin Kai Damaged.png|Kai Damaged
Ship Full Javelin Kai Damaged.png|Kai Damaged
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
Javelin Full Saury 2023.png|[[Seasonal/Autumn 2023|Saury 2023]]
Javelin Full Saury 2023 Damaged.png|[[Seasonal/Autumn 2023|Saury 2023 Damaged]]
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;General Information
;General Information
* She is named after [???].
* She is named after the Javelin which is a light throwing spear from antiquity frequently used by skirmishers and later to disable shields.
* She was launched on the 21st of December 1938.
* She was launched on the 21st of December 1938.
* Sold for scrap on the 11th of June 1949.
* Sold for scrap on the 11th of June 1949.
Line 75: Line 323:
* Survived World War II.
* Survived World War II.
* She fought in D-Day
* She fought in an engagement with German Destroyers in November 1940 where she lost her bow and stern.
* It is interesting that multiple official sources and archives are conflicting between who is the name-ship of the J-class Destroyers. Some sources argue HMS Javelin while others argue HMS Jervis.
* It is interesting that multiple official sources and archives are conflicting between who is the name-ship of the J-class Destroyers. Some sources argue HMS Javelin while others argue HMS Jervis.
* Her crew had a rough record as there were mutinies that occurred during her service
* Her crew had a rough record as there were disciplinary actions taken against the crew due to refusal to work and return to duties that occurred on 17th of October 1945.
==See Also==
==See Also==

Latest revision as of 06:29, 29 June 2024


Javelin (ジャヴェリン) Javelin
J Class Destroyer

HP  1519FP  12→34
ARM  7→18TORP 30→83
EVA  44→77AA  22→41
PLA  0ASW  40→81
SPD  FastLOS  10→21
RGE  ShortLUK  30→80
0QF 4.7inch Gun Mk.XII Kai
Modernization  1   1   1   1
Build Time0:24 (Unbuildable)Remodel Req
Consumption  15   25Dismantle  1   1   6   1
IllustratorKonishiSeiyuuTouyama Nao
Javelin (ジャヴェリンかい) Javelin Kai
J Class Destroyer

HP  3136FP  14→54
ARM  15→50TORP 40→91
EVA  47→87AA  30→71
PLA  0ASW  53→92
SPD  FastLOS  12→53
RGE  ShortLUK  39→91
0QF 4.7inch Gun Mk.XII Kai ★+2
0Type144/147 ASDIC
Modernization  1   1   1   1
Remodel Level50Remodel Req  330   390
  95   10
Consumption  15   25Dismantle  1   2   10   1
IllustratorKonishiSeiyuuTouyama Nao

Gameplay Notes

Destroyers (DD) are very versatile, utilizing   Small Caliber Main Guns,   Torpedoes, and    ASW equipment, and having high torpedo  , ASW  , and evasion  , and good "night attack power  " stats, to the detriment of firepower and armor. They:

Special Mechanics

  • Can perform special AACI:
AACI Patterns
ID Priority
Setup Shot down
per slot
K-value Rate User
32 40    
+4 1.2 50 % Javelin 
  • Can perform "innate" OASW.

Equipability Exceptions

DD Default equipment compatibility
✔️ Can Equip ❌ Cannot Equip
           Sp  Recon  Bomber            
           Small  Small      Sp    Sp_Sec  Sub  Minisub  Large  Large  Sp  
                       Medium  Large  Large            
Equipability notes:  =  ;  =  ;  =  ;   = Recon ;   = Bomber ;  Small=  ;  Medium=  ;  Sec=  ;  = 
  • Default DD equipment compatibility

Fit Bonuses

[edit]Javelin Equipment Bonuses
Equipment Extra Requirement                 Note
 533mm Quintuple Torpedo Mount (Late Model)  +1 +2
 SG Radar (Late Model)  +2 +2 +2
(1st equipped) +2 One-time
 RUR-4A Weapon Alpha Kai  (1st equipped) +1 +1 One-time
 Lightweight ASW Torpedo (Initial Test Model)  (1st equipped) +2 +1 One-time
 Hedgehog (Initial Model)  (1st equipped) +3 +1 One-time
 Mk.32 ASW Torpedo (Mk.2 Thrower)  +1
 20-tube 7inch UP Rocket Launchers  +2 +1 +1
Ship-Type Bonuses
 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model C Kai 3 H  + Air Radar +2 +2 One-time
(2nd equipped) + Air Radar +2 One-time
(3rd equipped) + Air Radar +2 One-time
 5inch Single Gun Mount Mk.30 Kai + GFCS Mk.37  +1
 12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E Kai  (★2-3) +1
(★4-5) +1 +2
(★6-7) +1 +1 +2
(★8-9) +1 +2 +2
(★MAX) +1 +2 +1 +2
 53cm Bow (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount  -5
 Passive Radiolocator (E27) + Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model)  (1st equipped) (★7) +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8) +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★9) +1 +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★MAX) +1 +2 +1 One-time
+ ★3+ 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 2  OR ★3+ 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 3  +1 +1 One-time
+ ★4+ Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model)  +1 +4 +1 +3 One-time
 Type 2 Depth Charge  (★8-9) +1
(★MAX) +2
 2cm Flakvierling 38  (★4-6) +1 +1
(★7-9) +1 +2 +1
(★MAX) +1 +3 +2
(★4-MAX) + Air Radar +1 One-time
 3.7cm FlaK M42  (★6-7) +1 +1
(★8-9) +1 +1 +1
(★MAX) +1 +1 +1 +2
(★6-MAX) + Air Radar +2 One-time
 25mm Anti-aircraft Autocannon Mount & Machine Guns  +1 +2 +2
Hidden Fit Bonuses
  • Has some hidden fit bonuses when equipped with certain equipment. Please see Hidden Fit Bonuses for more details.

Important Information

  • Required for quest:

Drop Locations

Voice Lines


Event Japanese/English
Are you alright? That's right. I'm the J-class destroyer's name ship, Javelin. Remember that. Yes, very well.
Are you alright?そうよ。私がJ級駆逐艦のname ship、Javelin。覚えておいてね。うん、よろしい。
Are you alright? Alright then. I'm the J-class destroyer's name ship, Javelin. No problems today. Now, let's begin.
Are you alright?ふん、よし、J級駆逐艦のname ship、Javelin。今日は問題なしよ。さぁ、始めましょう。
I'm Javelin, the J-class destroyer name ship! From Dunkirk to the Mediterranean, I was active all over the place. The name ship role is usually given to Jervis, but I'm the J-class name ship! I overcame the catastrophic damage and fought that battle with Jervis until its end! You should remember us J-class destroyers too, okay?
J級駆逐艦name ship、Javelinよ!ダンケルクから地中海まで、縦横無尽に活躍したわ。そうよ。共同艦こそJervisに譲ったものの、J級のname shipはこの私なんだから!大破損傷を乗り越えて、Jervisと共に、あの戦いを最後まで戦い切ったわ!J級駆逐艦、あなたも覚えていたね。
Secretary 1
Please let me get dressed properly, ok? I don't like impatient people.
Secretary 1
Please let me get dressed properly, ok? Yes, okay. Sorry for keeping you waiting.
Secretary 2
I guess it can't be helped. Fine.
Secretary 3
What's with you, Jervis? Stop it, it tickles. Eh? Admiral? Huh? What are you doing? I'll get mad, normally. Hey, are you listening? Are you listening?
何Jervis、やめてって、くすぐったいから。え?Admiral?はぁ?何やってんの?怒るよ、普通に。ねえ、聞いてる? Are you listening?
Secretary 3
Ah, what? I said stop it, it tickles. Hey, you! Are you listening? Are you listening? Ahahaha, I said stop it! I'll get angry, jeez...
あ、何?くすぐったいから、やめてって。こーら、あなた、ねえ、聞いてる?Are you listening? うっははは、だから、やめてって、怒るよ、もう~。
Ah, that wound from back then? Ah, no, I won't show it! You're the worst wanting to see that part of a girl![1] Ah, I'm mistaken? What, are you worried? I'm aware of it, so it's no problem. Don't... worry.
Secretary Married
Tea is the best when you're tired, don't you agree? I'll make some for you. That's right, I'm the best at this. I won't lose. Please wait, darling.
Eh? You're fine with me? No, I'm fine with you? Really? I might cause a rebellion someday you know.[2] Oh? You'll suppress me? Hehe, now you've said it! Well, then, OK. If it's you...!
Looking At Scores
Information, right? Understood. I'll organize it for you. Here, this is it. Okay?
Joining A Fleet
HMS Javelin! Weighing anchor! Everyone! Follow me!
HMS Javelin!抜錨します!みんな!ついてきて!
Equipment 1
Cheers! Yep, feels good!
Equipment 2
Looking good! Not bad!
Equipment 3[3]
Are you listening?
Are you listening?
Cheers! That's plenty!
Docking Minor
Man, my precious uniform is all dirty now...
Docking Major
I'm not feeling so well. I'm going to take a small break. That's okay, right?
I'm not feeling so well. ちょっとお休みもらうわ。いいでしょ?
Returning From Sortie
We went home! Phew... I'm tired.
We went home! はぁ、疲れたわ。
Starting A Sortie
The Home Fleet, Destroyer Flotilla! Sortieing! Here we go! Follow me!
本国艦隊、Destroyer Flotilla! 出撃よ! 行くわー! Follow me!
Starting A Sortie
Destroyer Squadron, J-Class, Javelin! Sortieing! Here we go! Follow me!
駆逐艦戦隊、J-Class, Javelin! 出撃よ!行くわー!Follow me!
Battle Start
Javelin, Enemy in Sight! Everyone, are you ready?
Javelin, Enemy in Sight! みんな、用意はいい?
Over here! Shoot!
Secondary Attack
I won't lose either!
Secondary Attack
I'm not the name ship just for show! As if I'd lose!
Name shipは伊達じゃない!負けるもんか!
Night Battle
Destroyer Flotilla, Assault formation, annihilate the enemy!
Destroyer Flotilla、突撃隊形、殲滅します!
Night Battle
Squadron, assault formation! Annihilate the enemy!
Oh, it's me? Javelin is the ace? Hey, Jervis, you saw that too, right? Eh? You didn't? Why? Why didn't you watch?!
ほら、私? JavelinがAce? ねえ、Jervis、あんたも見てたわよね? え? 見てなかった? なぜ? なぜ見てないのよ!
Minor Damage 1
Minor Damage 2
This can't be!
Major Damage
I've been done in... Bow, Stern... Eh? No way... Both of them...? Really?
This is as far as I go I guess... You're the only one left, Jervis... I'm counting on you to finish this...
  1. Referring to when Javelin's bow and stern was completely blown off in 1940
  2. Referring to the outbreak of indiscipline (and one count of mutiny) on 17th of October 1945
  3. This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.


Time Japanese/English
Today, I, the J Class Name ship, Joblin, will take care of you. Of course, it's a mission. So, it can't be helped... No... I don't hate you, so don't worry about it.
今日はJ-class, name shipのこの私、Javelinがいろいろと面倒を見てあげるわ。もちろん任務だから。そう、仕方なく。いや、嫌いじゃないから、気にしないで。
It's 1 o'clock now! That's right, J-class is small, but... It's strong! You know that well, don't you?
It's 1 o'clock now! It's one o'clock now! そうよ、Jクラスは小さいけれど、強いの。あなたは充分わかってるでしょ?
It's 2 o'clock now! That's why, you can't let your guard down no matter what! Are you listening? Are you listening?
It's 2 o'clock now! だから、どんな時でも油断はダメよ! 聞いてる? Are you listening?
It's 3 o'clock now. Would you like something to drink? Tea? Okay! Leave it to me! I'm good at this!
It's 3 o'clock now. Would you like something to drink? Tea? Okay! まかせて! 得意なの!
It's 4 o'clock now. Earl Grey tea I made was good, wasn't that great? Would you like more tea?
It's 4 o'clock now! よかったでしょ? Earl Grey! Would you like more tea?
It's 5 o'clock now. It's getting brighter outside. Good morning. Good morning. It's going to be a good day.
It's 5 o'clock now. 外が明るくなってきたわ。 おはようございます。 Good morning. いい日になりそう。
It's 6 o'clock now! I know! Leave it to me! I already memorized it! Fleet group~ wake-up~! Get up! Please, get up!
It's 6 o'clock now! わかってる! まかせて!もう覚えたの! ソウインオコーシ! Get up! Please, get up!
It's 7 o'clock now! Now, my breakfast is a full breakfast! Scrambled eggs are fine, right? A lot of butter for toast! Dig in!
It's 7 o'clock now! さあ、私の朝は、Full Breakfastよ! 卵はスクランブルでいいわよね。 トーストはたっぷりのバターで。 召し上がれ!
It's 8 o'clock now! That's right, You have to eat a lot of food that's been cooked in the morning! I can't get the power! Do you want some more? Oh, really?
It's 8 o'clock now! そうよ、朝は火の通ったもの、たっぷり食べないと、パワーが出ないわ。 おかわりは? おう、そう?
It's 9 o'clock now! ARK! Good morning! Eh? What are you saying? “Hi, Saint Javelin?” Stop it! I'm J-class Javelin! But, I'll protect everyone. That won't change!
It's 9 o'clock now! Ark! Good morning! え? 何? Hi, Saint Javelin? やめてよ! 私は J-class Javelinよ! でも、みんなを守る、それは変わらないわ!
It's 10 o'clock now! That's right. Everyone in the J-Class did their best in the front line. I want to do what I can do too. That's important.
It's 10 o'clock now! そうよ、Jクラスはみんな最前線で頑張ったわ。 私もそう、できることを、したいの。 それは大切なこと。
It's 11! Ah, hi, Jervis! You always look so energetic! Me? O-of course! No problem! No, I won't lose!
It's 11です! あ、ハーイ、Jervis! あんた、いつもほんと元気そうね! わたし?も、もちろん、問題なし、よっ 負けないわ!
It's noon! Lunch time! Huh? Jervis, what? The J-class sandwich you made? See? You, Jervis, made it! Oh, really? You heard? Since we're here, let's eat! Wow, it's still delicious! I-I won't lose!
It's noon! Lunch time! わ? Jervis、なに? あんたが作った J-Class sandwich? あら! あなた、Jervisが! そう? 聞いてた? せっかくだから、いただきましょう! あら、やだ、おいしい! んん…ま、負けないから!
It's 1 o'clock now. That's... Japanese Destroyer Flotilla! That's Yukikaze! And that's Shigure, I see. No... At first glance, they look like a bunch of easygoing and reckless girls. I feel like I'm being watched by some unknown entity.
It's 1 o'clock now. あれは… Japanese Destroyer Flotilla! あれが雪風! そしてあれが時雨か! ううん… 一見呑気で無防備そうに見えて… 何か得体が知れないあなどれなさ… 私… 感じるわ!
It's 2 o'clock now. Next is the Japanese battleship squadron. Those are Kongou class girls. Oh? Who walk with them is my “Lady”? Hi, “Lady”! Are you alright?
It's 2 o'clock now! 次はJapaneseの戦艦戦隊か! あれは、コンゴウクラス! ん?並走しているのは、うちのレディ!? Hi, Lady! Are you alright?
It's 3 o'clock now! That's right, Kongou! Tea time is important! Do you want a cup of Earl Grey tea? Yes, leave it to me!
It's 3 o'clock now! そうね、コンゴウ! ティータイムは大事! あなた、アールグレイでいい? んっ、任せて!
It's 4 o'clock now! Janus! I say, be careful! Enemies are not only above and below the water! Beware of the sky! Don't forget!
It's 4 o'clock now! Janus!そうよ、気を付けて! 敵は水上、水中だけではないわ! 空への警戒、忘れちゃダメよ!
It's 5 o'clock now. That's right. The Mediterranean Sea at this time was beautiful, but... This sea is also wonderful. So beautiful.
It's 5 o'clock now! そうね この時間の地中海も綺麗だったけど この海も素敵 So beautiful!
It's 6 o'clock now! Today, I'm invited by the Home Fleet team's Victorious, to go to a famous pub! You're due to come too!
It's 6 o'clock now! 今日は本国艦隊のヴィクトリアスに誘われてて、有名なパブに行くの! そう、あなたも一緒よ!
It's 7 o'clock now! Hi, Victorious! Here, Pub Mamiya! I'm looking forward to it!
It's 7 o'clock now! Hi, Victorious! ここね、Pub Mamiya! 楽しみだわ!
It's 8 o'clock now! Normandy, Battle of Brittany, right? I remember. There was only a destroyer squadron, but of course We won! I won't lose!
It’s 8 o’clock now! そう、Normandy, Battle of Brittanyでしょう?覚えてる。駆逐艦戦隊だけだけど、もちろん勝ったわ。負けるもんか!
It's 9 o'clock now. Hey, Victorious. That table is the Japanese Nagumo Fleet's aircraft carrier, right? It's amazing. Everyone's amazing, but... Especially that medium-sized aircraft carrier. She's really eat too much. It's not normal.
It's 9 o'clock now. ねえ、Victorious、あのテーブルがJapanese Nagumo Fleetの空母でしょ? なんかすごい。みんなすごいけど、特にあの中型空母、すごい食べっぷり。 尋常じゃないわ。
It's 10 o'clock now... I ate too much with them... I must go on a diet tomorrow... Eh? You're not worried? Really?
It's 10 o'clock now. なんか釣られて食べ過ぎちゃった。 明日はダイエットしなきゃ。 え? 心配ない? 本当?
It's 11 o'clock now. Jupiter, Jackal, Jersey... Ah, yeah, it's nothing. Just for now, hold me just a little bit. Thank you... I'm fine. Good night. See you... tomorrow.
It's 11 o'clock now. Jupiter, Jackal, Jersey… あ、うん、なんでもない。 今だけ、 少しだけ、抱きしめて。ん、 ありがとう。大丈夫。 Good night. また、明日ね。




General Information
  • She is named after the Javelin which is a light throwing spear from antiquity frequently used by skirmishers and later to disable shields.
  • She was launched on the 21st of December 1938.
  • Sold for scrap on the 11th of June 1949.
Update History
  • Survived World War II.
  • She fought in an engagement with German Destroyers in November 1940 where she lost her bow and stern.
  • It is interesting that multiple official sources and archives are conflicting between who is the name-ship of the J-class Destroyers. Some sources argue HMS Javelin while others argue HMS Jervis.
  • Her crew had a rough record as there were disciplinary actions taken against the crew due to refusal to work and return to duties that occurred on 17th of October 1945.

See Also