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==[[Sandbox/Whisper/Akebono, Harusame, Mikuma, Ushio|Akebono, Harusame, Mikuma, Ushio]]==
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Air Battle
==Early Spring 2024 Event==
|origin = 勝手は春菜が許しません!
|translation = I won't let you do as you please!
* [[Sandbox/Whisper/Early Spring 2024 Event/whisper-large-v3|whisper-large-v3]], [[Special:Diff/170015|#2]], [[Special:Diff/170016|prompted]]
* [[Sandbox/Whisper/Early Spring 2024 Event/whisper-large-v2|whisper-large-v2]]
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Attack
* [[Sandbox/Whisper/Early Spring 2024 Event/faster-whisper-large-v3|faster-whisper-large-v3]], [[Special:Diff/170019|#2]]
|origin = 春菜!全力で参ります!
* [[Sandbox/Whisper/Early Spring 2024 Event/faster-whisper-large-v2|faster-whisper-large-v2]]
|translation = Haruna! I'll do my best!
* [[Sandbox/Whisper/Early Spring 2024 Event/faster-whisper-large-v2-japanese-5k-steps|faster-whisper-large-v2-japanese-5k-steps]], [[Special:Diff/170023|prompted]]
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Battle Start
|origin = 手砲、砲撃開始!
|translation = Main guns, fire!
The following is a line from Kantai Collection (艦隊これくしょん), abbreviated as KanColle (艦これ), a Japanese web browser game about ship girls (艦娘). Ship girls are World War II warships personified as teenage girls and young adult women with personality characteristics reflecting the history of each ship.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Construction
|origin = 新しい缶が誕生しました
|translation = A new version of KAN has been born!
!Model!!Example 1!!Example 2
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Docking Major
|origin = 私の疲れを見抜いたのですね。 提督、ありがとうございます。 おやすみしますね。
|translation = You've seen through my exhaustion. Admiral, thank you very much. I'll be going to sleep now.
|U.S.S. DRUM? そうだよ、楽器じゃないよ、魚の方。 ま、その魚の名前も元は楽器の音なんだけどさ。<br><br>U.S.S. Drum? That's right, it's not a musical instrument. It's a fish. Well, the name of the fish is originally a musical instrument.
|蹴ってきたぜー あー疲れたー 飯飯!飯くれー!<br><br>I'm back! Ah, I'm tired... Me-me-me-[...]
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Docking Minor
|origin = いいのでしょうか? 春菜がお休みしてて。
|whisper-large-v3 #2
|translation = Is it really okay? Haruna is sleeping...
|蹴ってきたぜー あー疲れたー 飯飯!飯くれー!<br><br>I'm back! Ah, I'm tired. Give me some food!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = これは…素敵です! ちょっと重い感じもしますけれど…でも、頑張ります!
|translation = This is... Amazing! It feels a little heavy, but... I'll do my best!
|uss ドーン そうだよ楽器じゃないよ魚の方 まあその魚の名前も元は楽器の音なんだけどさ<br><br>USS Drum... That's right, it's not an instrument. It's a fish. Well, the name of that fish is also originally a sound of an instrument.
|けーってきたぜー! あー疲れたー 飯飯!飯くれー!<br><br>I'm back! Ah, I'm tired. Meal! Meal! Give me meal!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin = 春菜、感激です!
|translation = Haruna is touched!
|U.S.S. DRUM? そうだよ、楽器じゃないよ、魚の方。 ま、その魚の名前も元は楽器の音なんだけどさ。<br><br>U.S.S. drum? That's right, it's not a musical instrument, it's a fish. Well, the name of that fish is originally the sound of a musical instrument.
|ケーって来たぜー。あー疲れたー。 飯飯、飯くれー。<br><br>I came back! Ahh, I'm tired. Me-me-me-[...]
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Introduction
|origin = 高速戦艦、春菜。着任しました。 あなたが提督なのね。 よろしくお願いいたします。
|translation = Haruna, the high-speed battleship. I've arrived. You're the Admiral, right? I'm counting on you!
|uss ドーン そうだよ楽器じゃないよ魚の方 まあその魚の名前も元は楽器の音なんだけどさ<br><br>U.S.S. drum? That's right, it's not an instrument. It's a fish. Well, the name of that fish is also originally a sound of an instrument.
|けーってきたぜー あー疲れた めしめしめしくれー<br><br>I did it! Ah, I'm tired. Meal! Meal! Give me meal!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Joining A Fleet
|origin = 春菜!いざ、出撃します!
|translation = Haruna! Now, I'll go!
|us is done?そうだよ、楽器じゃないよ、魚のほう!ま、その魚の名前も元は楽器の音なんだけどさ!<br><br>"us" is "dom"‼ That's right, it's not an instrument! It's a fish. Well, the name of the fish is also originally a sound of an instrument, but you know...
|けーってきたぜー!ああ、疲れたー。めしめし、めしくれー!<br><br>Ah, I'm tired. Meshi-meshi! Give me some meshi!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Library
|origin = 高速の巡洋戦艦、春菜です。 国産の41式、36cm砲を装備しました。 呉珍珠府の枝島で、最後まで空を睨んで奮戦したわ。 高速戦艦4姉妹で、最後まで戦い抜いた春菜のこと、覚えていてね。
|translation = I'm the high-speed cruiser, Haruna! I equipped a domestic 41-caliber 36cm cannon. I fought to the end on the Edajima Island in the Kure Chinju Prefecture. Remember that I fought to the end with 4 high-speed cruisers.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Looking At Scores
|origin = 提督、ご連絡です!
|translation = Admiral, we've got a message!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = MVP
|origin = 当然のことをしたまでです 特別な評価なんて 春菜にはもったいないです
|translation = I did what was natural! A special evaluation... Haruna, you're wasting it!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = やだ、こんな……でも、まだやれます!
|translation = No! This is... But, I can still do it!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = はあああああああ!!!
|translation = HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = やだ!被弾した!?
|translation = No! I was hit!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = 夜戦なの? 腕が鳴るわね!
|translation = A night battle? My arms are going to get tired!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Returning From Sortie
|origin = 作戦完了の報告書です。ご覧になりますか?
|translation = This is the report of the operation. Would you like to take a look?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = はい!春菜は大丈夫です!
|translation = Yes! Haruna is fine!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin = ええ、春菜でいいならお相手しましょう
|translation = Yes! If you're fine with Haruna, I'll be your partner!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = 提督は優しいのですね。 春菜にまで気を使ってくれて。
|translation = Admiral, you're so kind. You even took care of Haruna.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Secretary Married
|origin = 提督、優しくしてくれても、春菜十分なお返しできません。
|translation = Admiral... Even if you're kind to me... I can't repay you enough...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|origin = 勝利を! 提督に!
|translation = Victory! For Admiral!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Sunk
|origin = これが運命ならば、受け入れます。 ごめんなさい。
|translation = If this is fate, I'll accept it. I'm sorry.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Supply
|origin = 力を感じます お心遣いありがとうございます
|translation = I feel your power. Thank you for your understanding.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Wedding
|origin = なんでしょう 守りたい気持ちが溢れてしまいます 仲間もそして提督 あなたのことも
|translation = I don't know why, but I just want to protect you. My comrades, and you, Admiral.
==Haruna Kai==
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 00|kai = true
|origin = 〇〇〇! 提督、深夜の任務、お疲れ様です!
|translation = 0000! Admiral, good work on your late night mission!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 01|kai = true
|origin = 丸一丸々、春菜もご一緒します。眠くなんかありません。
|translation = Maruhitomarumaru, I'll join you. I'm not sleepy.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 02|kai = true
|origin = マルフターマルマル! 提督、気を抜いてはいけません! 春菜も頑張ります!
|translation = 0200! Admiral, you can't let your guard down! I'll do my best too!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 03|kai = true
|origin = 0300 提督ここは春菜が見張りますから 先にお休みになっては
|translation = 0300... Admiral, I'll be watching over here... So go to sleep first...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 04|kai = true
|origin = 0400 提督 春菜も一緒に休んでは珍珠府の守りが
|translation = 0400... Admiral, if Haruna rests with me, the protection of the Pearl Harbor...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 05|kai = true
|origin = 〇五〇〇…確かに布団一組は狭いですね。 でも、春菜、暖かいです。
|translation = 0500... It's true that one bed is a bit cramped. But... Haruna... Is warm.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 06|kai = true
|origin = 0600! 提督! 朝ですね! 調子はいかがでしょうか?
|translation = 0600! Admiral! It's morning! How are you doing?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 07|kai = true
|origin = 0700、すっかり朝です! 提督は元気ですね! 春菜も頑張ります!
|translation = 0700! It's morning already! Admiral, you're doing well! I'll do my best too!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 08|kai = true
|origin = 0800 提督の朝食 春菜もご一緒してもいいですか?
|translation = 0800... Can I join you for the Admiral's breakfast?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 09|kai = true
|origin = 0900! 提督、出撃の用意は整っています!
|translation = 0900! Admiral, we are ready to sortie!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 10|kai = true
|origin = 1000 本日の作戦スケジュール 春菜にお任せください
|translation = 1000. Today's operation schedule, leave it to me!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 11|kai = true
|origin = ひとひとまるまる。 提督、春菜のおすすめプランです。 少し休養を取られてはいかがでしょうか?
|translation = This is 1100. This is Admiral Haruna's recommendation plan. Would you mind taking a little break?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 12|kai = true
|origin = 一二〇〇…少し休んで頂けますと… なぜかって、提督は忙しすぎますから… 春菜のお願いです。
|translation = 1200... If you could take a break... For some reason, the Admiral is too busy... It's a wish from Haruna.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 13|kai = true
|origin = 1300 提督 こうしてゆっくりと春菜とお昼をいただくことも 重要な任務です なんて
|translation = 1300. Admiral, it's an important mission for me to have a leisurely lunch with Haruna. Just kidding.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 14|kai = true
|origin = 1400! カンムスたちの士気も向上しています! 一気に撃って出ましょう!
|translation = 1400! The command of the Kanmusu is also improving! Let's go all out!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 15|kai = true
|origin = 人が丸々 提督成績が更新されますね 春名とを確認します
|translation = Hitogawa 00. Admiral, your results are being updated. Do you want to confirm it with Haruna?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 16|kai = true
|origin = 1600 提督艦隊司令部の情報コメントも はるなと更新いたしましょう
|translation = 1600. Admiral, let's update the information comments of the fleet command center with Haruna!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 17|kai = true
|origin = 1700 春菜マイランクの前後の方のコメント少し気になります
|translation = 1700... Haruna, I'm a bit curious about the comments of the people in the front and back of my rank.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 18|kai = true
|origin = 1800 提督日が暮れましたね そろそろ夜の時間です
|translation = 1800... Admiral, the sun has set. It's almost night time.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 19|kai = true
|origin = 1900 提督の執務室からの夜景 春菜は大好きです
|translation = 1900... The night view from the admiral's office. Haruna loves it.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 20|kai = true
|origin = 2000 頑張って働いているドックのクレーン 春菜ちょっとロマンを感じます
|translation = 2000, a dog crane that's working hard. Haruna, I feel a bit of romance!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 21|kai = true
|origin = 二人とまるまる。 春菜もドックのクレーンのように働いて、 提督と艦隊のお役に立てるよう、頑張りますね!
|translation = Futahi and Marumaru, I'll work like a dog's crane, and do my best to help the Admiral and the fleet!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 22|kai = true
|origin = ふたふたまるまる。 今宵は春菜、少しおしゃべりが過ぎました。 ご容赦くださいね。
|translation = FutaFuta○○, I talked too much tonight. Please forgive me.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = 23|kai = true
|origin = 2300 提督 たまには早めにお休みください ねっ 春菜のお願いです
|translation = 2300... Admiral... Please stop calling me that so soon... Okay? It's a wish from Haruna.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Idle|kai = true
|origin = 春菜、待機命令。了解です。
|translation = Haruna, standby order. Roger.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Supply|kai = true
|origin = ありがとうございます 春菜戦います
|translation = Thank you very much! Haruna, I'll fight!
==Haruna Kai Ni B==
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Equipment 2|kai2b = true
|origin = これは…素敵です! 今の春菜なら使いこなせそう
|translation = This is... ...Wonderful! If it's the current Haruna, I think I can use it well.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Introduction|kai2b = true
|origin = 紺卒戦艦、春菜! 提督、お待ちしていました! カイ・コンゴウ型の力、どうぞお役立てください! 頑張ります!
|translation = Haruna, the speedy battleship! Admiral, I've been waiting for you! The power of the Kite-class, please help me! I'll do my best!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Major Damage|kai2b = true
|origin = いやだ、偽装が! でも、春菜、まだ続けられます!
|translation = No, my disguise is... But, Haruna, I can still continue!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Night Battle|kai2b = true
|origin = これから夜戦ですか? 春成りどうぞ! お任せください!
|translation = A night battle from now on? Harunari, please! Leave it to me!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Secretary 2|kai2b = true
|origin = 提督、ありがとうございます! 春菜、頑張ります!
|translation = Admiral, thank you so much! Haruna, I'll do my best!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Secretary 3|kai2b = true
|origin = 提督は優しいのですね。 春菜にずっと気を使っていただいて。 春菜もしっかりお返しできればいいのですが。
|translation = Admiral, you're so kind. You've been taking care of me all this time. I wish I could return the favor to you, but...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Secretary Married|kai2b = true
|origin = 提督 春菜 ケーキを焼いてみました どうでしょう お口に合いますか? はっはっは よかったー 春菜 嬉しいです
|translation = Admiral... Haruna... I baked a cake! How is it? Does it suit your taste? Thank goodness! Haruna... I'm so happy!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Haruna|scenario = Special 1|kai2b = true
|origin = 提督の前を遮る敵艦隊は この春菜が許しません
|translation = The enemy fleet that defies the Admiral... I, Haruna, will not forgive them!
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Air Battle
|origin = ミユキスプシャブ!いっけー!
|translation = Miyuki Special! Go!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Attack
|origin = あったれー!
|translation = Take that!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Battle Start
|origin = くらえ!
|translation = Take this!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Construction
|origin = お!艦隊に新しい仲間みたいだな!
|translation = Oh, it's like a new ally for the fleet!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Docking Major
|origin = いってって、参ったな。名誉の不詳だよ。
|translation = Ouch... I'm screwed. I'm a disgrace to the name.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Docking Minor
|origin = ちょっと疲れたなぁ 休憩一等
|translation = I'm a little tired. I'll take a break.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = サンキューな司令官!ご機嫌だぜぃ!
|translation = Thank you, Commander! I'm in a good mood!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin = よしっ!
|translation = Alright!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Introduction
|origin = 三行だよよろしくな
|translation = I'm Miyuki! Nice to meet you!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Joining A Fleet
|origin = よーし!いくぞー!
|translation = Alright! Let's go!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Library
|origin = 特型駆逐艦4番艦のみゆき様だよ! 演習中に他の駆逐艦とぶつかって事故っちゃったこともあるんだ! まぁでも、やるとけやるぜ! 見てなって!
|translation = I'm the special destroyer, the 4th ship, Miyuki-sama! During practice, I've crashed into other destroyers and had an accident! Well, I'll do it! Just watch!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Looking At Scores
|origin = うーんめんどくさい なーんか連絡だよ
|translation = Ah, what a pain. I'll call you later!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = MVP
|origin = やったぜ!なぁ、ミユキ様の活躍、見てくれた?
|translation = Yay! Hey, did you see Miyuki-sama's performance?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = やられた!失敗したぜちくしょう!
|translation = I've been defeated! I've failed, damn it!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = いったったったった
|translation = Ouch...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = これ以上はやらせねえよ!
|translation = I won't let you do this anymore!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = んんっ!もういっちょー!
|translation = Ngh! One more time!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Returning From Sortie
|origin = ざっと組んだもんだ!楽勝だな!
|translation = It's that simple! Easy peasy!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = つゆは鬱陶しいよなぁ なぁイソナミよ おい聞いてる?
|translation = The soy sauce is so annoying... Hey, Isonami... Hey, are you listening?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin = 次も頑張っていこうぜ!
|translation = Let's do our best next time too!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = ちょ、ちょっと!何すんだよ!
|translation = H-Hey! What are you doing!?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|origin = ミユキ様一番乗り! 敵はどいつだ?
|translation = Miyuki-sama is the best! Who's the enemy?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Sunk
|origin = ごめん、先に行くわ。またな。
|translation = Sorry, I'll be going now... See you later!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Supply
|origin = いけるいける!早く戦いたいぜ!
|translation = I can do it! I can do it! I want to fight soon!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Wedding
|origin = えっとさ、あのさ、司令官のこと、好きだぜ って、なんだよ!そんな顔で見んなって!
|translation = Um, you know... I like you, Commander. What!? Don't look at me like that!
==Miyuki Kai==
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 00|kai = true
|origin = あ、てっぺん回ったな!今日はこのミユキ様が日直さ! あ、日直じゃねーや! まぁいいか!よろしくな!
|translation = Ah, we're at the top! Today, I, Miyuki-sama, will be the director! Ah, I'm not the director! Well, whatever! I'm counting on you!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 01|kai = true
|origin = 丸ひと丸々さ!さ、寝るか! 司令官も早く寝ちまえよ!じゃ!
|translation = Maruhitomaru Maru-san! Now, let's sleep! Commander, you should sleep too! See ya!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 02|kai = true
|origin = にゃー まるスターまるまる 美雪スピンじゃーん あ お腹いっぱい にゃー
|translation = Nyaa... I'm a bad star, I'm a bad star! Miyuki Spirits! Ah... I'm so full... Nyaa...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 03|kai = true
|origin = はぁ…はぁ…はぁ… んん…えいっ… にょ… いま何時? ん… 丸さん…まるまる?
|translation = Zzz... Zzz... Zzz... Ouch! ... What time is it now? ... 03... 00?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 04|kai = true
|origin = あーもうちょっと寝たかったなー 司令官は寝たの? え?仕事してた?えらい! 時間は… ○○○
|translation = Ah, I wanted to sleep a little more... Commander, did you sleep? Eh? You were working? Good for you! Time is... 0400!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 05|kai = true
|origin = 〇〇さん!さあ、みんなを起こす用意をするぜ! ミユキ総員おこしスペシャルさ! 行くぜ!
|translation = 0500! Now, I'll get everyone ready to wake up! Miyuki's wake-up call special! Let's go!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 06|kai = true
|origin = 〇〇〇!さあ、皆の衆、起きるんだ! 三雪総員お越し! スペシャーーーーーール! どや!
|translation = 0600! Now, everyone's week, wake up! Miyuki's Souin Yokoshi! SPECIAL! DOYA!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 07|kai = true
|origin = 〇〇さん! 三雪朝定食スペシャルの時間だ! 朝はこれだ! 握り飯! たくあんもあるぜ! 食ってくれ!
|translation = 0700! It's time for Miyuki's morning special! This is for breakfast! Rice balls! And pickled radish! Eat up!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 08|kai = true
|origin = 0800さ!司令官、朝飯は十分か?そっか、ならいっか!朝食わんと一日もたないぜ!
|translation = 0800! Commander, is breakfast enough? I see! Then it's fine! I won't hold back until I eat breakfast!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 09|kai = true
|origin = マルキューマルマル! あ! フブキ! このミユキ様を置いてかないでくれよ! ジュイックのミユキ様を! なっ!
|translation = 0900! Ah, Fubuki! Don't leave this Miyuki-sama behind! Juic-kun's Miyuki-sama! Right?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 10|kai = true
|origin = 1000さ! はぁん、あれが赤城カガ! 航空部艦起動部隊ってやつか! でっかいね!
|translation = It's 100! Hmm, so that's Akagi Kaga! The aircraft carrier, the mobile unit! It's huge!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 11|kai = true
|origin = ひとひとまるまる! なんか腹減ってきちまったなぁ ちょっと早いけど昼飯にしちゃう? あ、そうか? うひっ
|translation = 1100! I'm getting hungry! It's a little early, but let's have lunch! Oh, yeah? Uhi!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 12|kai = true
|origin = 一ふたまるまるお昼だ! って、もう食ってるけどな ああ、海と潮風に握り飯 悪くないね
|translation = Hitofuta 00! It's lunch time! Hehe, I'm already eating though! Ah, a rice ball in the sea and the sea breeze! It's not bad at all!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 13|kai = true
|origin = 1300! 食ったら眠くなるよなぁ 波に揺られて一休みも悪くない 昼寝スペシャル!いいよな!
|translation = 1300! I'll get sleepy if I eat it, right? It's not bad to take a break from being swayed by the waves. A special nap! It's good, right?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 14|kai = true
|origin = あ~~よく寝た~~ 気が合うわ あ!まだ1400さ! さて! 演習でもしますか! あ! 演幕演習は要注意さね!
|translation = Ah, I slept well! I'm tired... Ah, it's still 1400! Well then, let's practice! Ah, be careful when you practice the enma!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 15|kai = true
|origin = 人号丸々た! 演習、状況をはじめ! 円幕展開! 見張りは厳に! え? 真剣だな?って、当たり前じゃん! ここはガチ真剣にやるとこだから! マジで!
|translation = 1500! Start the exercise! Enmaku, deploy! Watchful eye, on the spot! Eh? You're serious? Of course I am! This is a place where I'm going to be serious! Seriously!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 16|kai = true
|origin = ひとろくも! お! いなずま!おひさだ! あー!大丈夫! ちゃんと目で追ってたさ! 警戒は最高に厳任! そして! 見なよこれ! 今はこの 天壇ってのもある! ふふーん!
|translation = Hitorokumo! Oh, Inazuma! It's the sun! Ah, it's fine! I was following it with my eyes! I'm the most vigilant person! And, look at this! Right now, I have this, a flashlight! Fufu!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 17|kai = true
|origin = 1700さ! 司令官! 見なよ! 夕日! 綺麗なもんだよなぁ なんか泣けてくるぜ! ちくしょうめ!
|translation = 17-003! Commander! Look! The sunset! It's so beautiful, isn't it? I'm starting to cry! Damn it!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 18|kai = true
|origin = 1800!さて夜はどうする?このミユキ様が夕飯作ろっか! 握り飯と味噌汁でいいかな? えっ!?司令官が作ってくれるのか!?マジで!?
|translation = 1800! Now, what do you want to do at night? I, Miyuki-sama, will make dinner! Rice balls and miso soup will do. Eh!? The commander will make it for me!? Seriously!?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 19|kai = true
|origin = ひときゅーまるまる くんくん いいにおいだ! このにおい、カレーだな! だいすきさ! たのしみだな!
|translation = 1900... Kuh, kuh... It smells good! This smell... It's curry! I love it! I'm looking forward to it!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 20|kai = true
|origin = 二丸丸丸うまそう! いただきまーす! ハムッ! んー? うまい! うまいよ! お、おかわり! おかわりスペシャルだー!
|translation = It looks so good! Let's eat! Nom! Mmm! It's so good! It's so good! I-It's a special! It's a special!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 21|kai = true
|origin = いやー、うまかったなぁカレー サンキューな 時間は2人ともあるま あ、来客だ 誰だろう
|translation = Man, that curry was so good! Thank you! The time is 2 am. Ah, a visitor. Who could it be?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 22|kai = true
|origin = ふたふたまるまるさ! 司令官! 吹雪、白雪、初雪がお菓子持って遊びに来てくれて なんかこんな時間なのに賑やかだなぁ なんかいいな!こういうのも! なんか・・・な!
|translation = FutaFuta00! Commander! Fubuki, Shirayuki, and Hatsuyuki came to play with the sweets! It's so lively at this time! This is so nice! It's so... Right?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = 23|kai = true
|origin = ふとさんまるまる みんな帰ったぜ はぁーなんだろう なんかさこんな毎日もいいな 楽しかった 明日もその先も こんな日が続くといいな
|translation = Futo-san, Marumaru, everyone's back! Ahh, I wonder what it is. You know, this everyday life is nice. It was fun! Tomorrow and the day after that, I hope this day will continue.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Equipment 3|kai = true
|origin = まあ、なんとかなるかな
|translation = Well, I guess it'll work out somehow.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Idle|kai = true
|origin = あーそうねお腹のあたりがなんかキリキリするけど あー稲妻別に心配いらないから 平気平気元気元気
|translation = Ah, yeah. My stomach is a little itchy, but... Ah, Inazuma! I don't need to worry about you! I'm fine, I'm fine! I'm fine, I'm fine!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Introduction|kai = true
|origin = ミユキ様だよ!またよろしくな!司令官!
|translation = It's Miyuki-sama! Nice to meet you again, Commander!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Joining A Fleet|kai = true
|origin = 特型駆逐艦、ミユキ、出撃するぜ! 一回行ってみたかったんだよね
|translation = I'm going to sortie! I've always wanted to go!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Looking At Scores|kai = true
|origin = そっか!情報だね!それは大切!見てみよう!どれどれ~?
|translation = I see! Information! That's important! Let's take a look!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Night Battle|kai = true
|origin = 追い込みますか! 艦隊追撃戦に突入だ! いっけー!
|translation = Let's get them! Let's charge into the fleet pursuit battle! Go!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Returning From Sortie|kai = true
|origin = おー!艦隊が母港にたどり着いたね! よかったよかった!
|translation = Oh! The fleet has arrived at Boko! Thank goodness!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Secretary 3|kai = true
|origin = おいおいおい! そんなスキンシップはどうなのかな? まぁ、いっか!
|translation = Hey, hey, hey! I wonder how that kind of physical contact is like? Well, whatever!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Secretary Married|kai = true
|origin = 司令官、いつもサンキューな。思いっきり戦えて、なんかスッとしたぜ。なんでだろうな。ま、いいか。細かいことは。なっ。
|translation = Commander, thank you for everything. I'm so relieved to fight with all my might! I wonder why? Well, whatever! It's not a big deal!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Starting A Sortie|kai = true
|origin = さあ、ミユキ様の敵はどいつだ! 艦隊抜粒!
|translation = Now, who is Miyuki-sama's enemy!? Team, punishment time!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Supply|kai = true
|origin = はぁーきゅー!ありがたいぜ! ごっそさん!
|translation = Thank you for the meal!
==Miyuki Kai Ni==
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Attack|kai2 = true
|origin = 10周年スペシャル! くらえ!
|translation = 10th Anniversary Special! Eat this!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Introduction|kai2 = true
|origin = 改装された特別な特型のミユキ様だよ! そう! スペシャル! な! 嬉しいぜ!
|translation = I'm the remodeled special special-type Miyuki-sama! Yes! Special! Na! I'm happy!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Secretary 2|kai2 = true
|origin = 次もミユキスペシャルでいっちゃう? いいぜ! なぁ! ごきげんだぁ! くはっ!
|translation = I'll go with Miyuki special next time too! Sounds good! Hey, how are you doing? Ahaha!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Secretary 3|kai2 = true
|origin = そうだなぁなんかさ最近たまーにね考えるんだ 何のために生まれてきたのかなーって ん? らしくないって? いやーなんかさ今は嬉しいって思えるんだ へへへん まあいいじゃん
|translation = That's right. I've been thinking about it recently. I wonder what I was born for. Hmm? Don't I look like it? No, I'm just happy right now. Hehe. Well, it's fine, right?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Miyuki|scenario = Starting A Sortie|kai2 = true
|origin = さあスペシャルなみゆき様の敵はどいつだ? 艦隊抜粋! 行くぜー!
|translation = Now, who is the special enemy of Miyuki-sama? Fleet punishment! Let's go!
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Air Battle
|origin = 残念だったね
|translation = What a shame.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Attack
|origin = ここは譲れない
|translation = I won't let you have this place.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Battle Start
|origin = 見つけたよ
|translation = I found it!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Construction
|origin = 新しい感が建造されたね
|translation = A new ship has been constructed.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Docking Major
|origin = みんなに迷惑かけてるかな? この分は、きっと取り返すから。
|translation = I wonder if I'm causing everyone trouble. I'll definitely get my revenge for this.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Docking Minor
|origin = ありがとう これでいけるね
|translation = Thank you. I can go on like this.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin = ありがとう 少し強くなれたみたいだ
|translation = Thank you. It seems I've become a little stronger.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = 酸素魚雷とか…うん、積みたいかな。
|translation = Oxygen torpedoes, huh? Yeah, I'd like to load them.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin = 雨はいつか止むさ
|translation = The rain will stop someday.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Idle
|origin = 僕はまだここにいても大丈夫なのかな?
|translation = I wonder if I'm still okay here.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Introduction
|origin = 僕は白露型駆逐艦、茂。 これからよろしくね。
|translation = I'm Shiratsuyu-class destroyer, Shigure. Nice to meet you.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Joining A Fleet
|origin = シグレ、行くよ!
|translation = Shigure, let's go!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Library
|origin = 僕は白露型駆逐艦2番艦の志暮だよ。 あの0帝沖海戦では西村艦隊に所属して、 運命のすり顔海峡に突入したんだ。 不走も山城もすごかったよ。 みんなが忘れても、僕だけはずっと覚えているから。
|translation = I'm Shigure, the second ship of the Shiratsuyu-class destroyer. I was part of the Nishimura fleet on the Reiteio machine ship, and I entered the Shurigaokaikyo of fate. Fuso and Yamashiro were amazing. Even if everyone forgets, I'll always remember.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Looking At Scores
|origin = 提督、手紙が届いているよ
|translation = Admiral, a letter has arrived.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = MVP
|origin = この勝利、僕の力なんて些細なものさ。 この雨と、そう、提督のおかげだよ。
|translation = This victory is nothing compared to my power. It's all thanks to this rain... Yes, thanks to Admiral.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = この僕をここまで追い詰めるとはね。 まあ、いいさ。
|translation = To think that you'd corner me like this... Well, whatever.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = え、当たった?
|translation = Eh? I got it?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = やめてよ、痛いじゃないか
|translation = Stop it, it hurts!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = 君たちには失望したよ
|translation = I'm disappointed in you guys.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Returning From Sortie
|origin = 艦隊が無事帰島したね。 よかった。
|translation = The fleet has returned safely. I'm glad.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = 梅雨の雨…うん、大丈夫。もう止むさ。
|translation = The rain in the rainy season... Yeah, it's fine. I'll stop now.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin = 僕に興味があるの? いいよ、何でも聞いてよ。
|translation = Are you interested in me? It's fine, ask me anything.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = 僕に興味があるの?いいよ、何でも聞いてよ。
|translation = Are you interested in me? Fine, ask me anything.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Secretary Married
|origin = 頑張る提督も素敵だね。 でも、無理しちゃダメだよ。
|translation = It's nice to have an admiral who works hard. But, don't push yourself too hard.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|origin = 駆逐艦シグレ、出撃するね!
|translation = I'll sortie after destroying the ship.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Sunk
|origin = 僕もここまでか。 提督、みんな、さよなら。
|translation = So this is the end for me too... Admiral... Everyone... Goodbye...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Supply
|origin = ありがとう
|translation = Thank you.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Wedding
|origin = 雨、止みそうにないね。 提督、そこにいると濡れるよ。 もう少しこちらにおいでよ。 雨が上がるまで、こうしていいよ。
|translation = It's not raining, is it? Admiral, you'll get wet if you stay there. Come over here a little more. Let's stay like this until the rain stops.
==Shigure Kai==
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 00|kai = true
|origin = 深夜0時だよ 日付が変わったね
|translation = It's midnight. The date has changed.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 01|kai = true
|origin = ○100 提督、疲れたね。
|translation = 0100. Admiral, you must be tired.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 02|kai = true
|origin = 0200 大丈夫?
|translation = 0200 Are you okay?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 03|kai = true
|origin = 0300 静かな夜だね
|translation = 0300. What a quiet night.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 04|kai = true
|origin = 0400 僕は大丈夫 提督は優しいね
|translation = 0400 I'm fine. Admiral, you're so kind.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 05|kai = true
|origin = 0500 新しい一日が始まるね
|translation = 0500. A new day has begun.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 06|kai = true
|origin = 0600 今日一日僕が提督に時間を伝えるよ
|translation = 0600. Today, I'll be the one to tell the Admiral about the time.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 07|kai = true
|origin = 0700 朝は僕も好きだな
|translation = 0700 I like mornings too.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 08|kai = true
|origin = 0800 提督そろそろ出撃しよう
|translation = 0800 Admiral, it's time to sortie.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 09|kai = true
|origin = 0900 世間はせわしないね
|translation = 0900 The world is not busy.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 10|kai = true
|origin = 1000 提督の仕事は まあ 提督が仕事だよねうん
|translation = 1000. The job of an Admiral is... Well, being an Admiral is a job, right? Yeah.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 11|kai = true
|origin = ひとひとまるまる 僕も少しお腹が空いたなぁ
|translation = 1100. I'm a little hungry too.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 12|kai = true
|origin = 一二丸々 疲れたかい? ちょうどいい、お昼にしよう
|translation = 1200 Are you tired? Perfect! Let's take a nap!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 13|kai = true
|origin = 1300 提督とお昼 嬉しいね
|translation = 1300 Admiral Hill, I'm glad to hear that.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 14|kai = true
|origin = 1400 午後の任務も頑張ろう
|translation = 1400 Let's do our best for the afternoon mission.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 15|kai = true
|origin = 人号〇〇 いえ、大丈夫。僕もそばにいる。
|translation = 1500 No, it's fine. I'm here with you.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 16|kai = true
|origin = 1600 そうだね、白露。よかった。 僕も、そう思うよ。
|translation = 1600. That's right, Shiratsuyu. I'm glad. I think so too.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 17|kai = true
|origin = 1700 夕日があんなに赤くて 提督、綺麗で、そして、なぜだろう、少し悲しいね
|translation = 1700 The sun is so red... Admiral, it's so beautiful... And, I wonder why... It's a little sad...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 18|kai = true
|origin = 1800 ごめん、僕は大丈夫 提督、ありがとう 夕食、用意するね
|translation = 1800. Sorry, I'm fine. Admiral, thank you. I'll prepare dinner.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 19|kai = true
|origin = 1900 提督、簡単なものだけど ご飯、作ったよ 一緒に食べよう 麦飯のおかわり、あるから
|translation = 1900 Admiral, it's simple, but I made you dinner. Let's eat together. I have some more barley rice.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 20|kai = true
|origin = 2000 そろそろ夜戦の時間か 騒がしくなるね
|translation = 2000. It's almost night battle time. It's getting noisy.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 21|kai = true
|origin = 2100 すっかり夜か
|translation = 2100 It's completely night...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 22|kai = true
|origin = ふたふたまるまる マイペースでいいんだ うん 僕もそうさ
|translation = FutaFuta○○ It's fine to do it at your own pace. Yeah, I'm like that too.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 23|kai = true
|origin = 2300 今日はサセボのしぐれもそろそろ看板かな
|translation = 2300 Today's sunset is also almost a sign, I guess.
==Shigure Kai Ni==
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Docking Complete|kai2 = true
|origin = ありがとう 準備は大事だね
|translation = Thank you… Preparations are important.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Secretary 1|kai2 = true
|origin = 梅雨の雨…うん、大丈夫。もう止むさ。 提督、もうすぐ、僕らの夏だね。
|translation = The rain in the rainy season... Yeah, it's fine. It's going to stop soon. Admiral... Our summer is just around the corner.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Secretary 2|kai2 = true
|origin = 僕に興味があるの? ん? いいよ、何でも聞いて。 そうだね、あともう少しで、きっと。
|translation = Are you interested in me? Mm? Sure. Ask me anything. That's right. Just a little longer... I'm sure...
==Shigure Kai San==
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 00|kai3 = true
|origin = 日付が変わった。深夜0時だよ。 提督、今日は僕が秘書官を担当するよ。 いいかな?
|translation = The date has changed… It's midnight. Admiral, I'll be in charge of the Secretariat today. Is that… okay?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 01|kai3 = true
|origin = ○100 提督、疲れたね そうでもない? そっか、わかった
|translation = 0100… Admiral, you must be tired. Or maybe not? I see, I understand.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 02|kai3 = true
|origin = 0200 提督 大丈夫? 僕の分の書類は片付けておいたよ 提督のも手伝うね ううん 任せて
|translation = 0200… Admiral, are you alright? I've already prepared my documents. I'll help you with yours too. No, leave it to me.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 03|kai3 = true
|origin = 0300、静かな、静かな夜だね。 提督、少し、少しだけ寒くない? そうでもないか。 あ……
|translation = 0300... It's a quiet... It's a quiet night, isn't it? Admiral... Don't you feel... Don't you feel a little cold? Or maybe not... Ah...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 04|kai3 = true
|origin = 0400 提督、ありがとう。 僕は大丈夫。 提督は、優しいね。
|translation = 0400... Admiral, thank you. I'm fine. You're so kind, Admiral.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 05|kai3 = true
|origin = 0500 新しい一日が始まるね 提督 今日も頑張っていこう
|translation = 0500… A new day has begun. Admiral, let's do our best today as well.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 06|kai3 = true
|origin = 0600、27区、総員おこし。ほら、白露も起きて。 夕暮れ、はよ。有明は任せていい? 僕は、二水戦宿舎に総員おこし、かけてくるから。
|translation = 0600...27th Ward, all hands, come! Come on, Shiratsuyu, wake up! Good morning, Yugure. Can I leave the Ariake to you? I'll go call the Nisui Fleet's headquarters, so I'll be back soon.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 07|kai3 = true
|origin = 0700 提督、いい朝だね 朝食は僕が作ったよ 炊きたての麦飯に豆腐とわかめのお味噌汁 たくあんに漁師さんたちが差し入れてくれたアジ 朝から少し豪華すぎたかな さあ、召し上がれ
|translation = 0700. Admiral, what a nice morning. I made breakfast. Freshly cooked barley rice, tofu and seaweed miso soup, and a mackerel that the fishermen gave me for takuan. It's a bit too luxurious for breakfast. Now, let's eat.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 08|kai3 = true
|origin = 0800 提督、お待たせ 朝食の後片付け、一緒に手伝ってくれて助かったよ さ、海に出よ うん、いい潮風だね
|translation = 0800. Thanks for waiting, Admiral. You helped me clean up after breakfast, so I'm glad. Now, let's go to the sea. Yeah, the sea breeze is nice.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 09|kai3 = true
|origin = 0900 提督、大丈夫。 僕たちは僕たちのペースで行けばいいんだ。 幸せはそこにある。 気づいてない人たちもいるけど、 僕は見つけたよ。
|translation = 0900. Admiral, it's alright. We just have to go at our own pace. That's where happiness is. There are people who haven't noticed, but... I've found it.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 10|kai3 = true
|origin = 1000。 提督の仕事って… まぁそうだよね。 提督が仕事だよね。 うん、何言ってんだろう僕は。 ごめん。 でも、一緒にこうして海にいると… 幸せ、かな?
|translation = 1000… The job of an admiral… Well, that's right. An admiral is a job, right? Yeah, I wonder what I'm saying. Sorry. But, if we're together like this, at the sea… I guess we'll be happy.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 11|kai3 = true
|origin = 一人〇〇。 提督、お腹すかない? やっぱり、僕も少しお腹が空いたなぁ。 あ、有明! 違うよ、元気だから! 大丈夫!
|translation = 1100… Admiral, are you hungry? I knew it… I'm a little hungry too… Ah, Ariake! No, I'm fine! I'm fine!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 12|kai3 = true
|origin = 一二丸々。 提督、疲れたかい? ちょうどいい、お昼にしよう。 おにぎり作ってきたんだ。 お茶もここに。 あ、って、あ、有明、それ提督の… あ、ありがとう夕暮れ。 白つゆ?一気に食べすぎ!
|translation = ...1200. Admiral, are you tired? Perfect timing, let's have lunch. I made rice balls. Here's some tea. Ah, wait, Ariake, that's the Admiral's... ...Thanks, Yggdrasil. Shiratsuyu, you ate too much in one go!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 13|kai3 = true
|origin = 1300 海で提督と そして27区とお昼 楽しいね よかった こんな日が来て 提督 ありがとう
|translation = 1300. The Admiral and the 27th Cavalry Division are having a fun day at the sea. I'm glad that this day has come. Admiral, thank you.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 14|kai3 = true
|origin = 人4丸… あ、龍宝! お疲れ様! 僕? 僕は平気。 うん。 そうだね。 今度の護衛は、きっと僕に任せて。 もちろん守る。 やらせない。
|translation = 140... Ah, Ryuhou! Good work. Me? I'm fine. Yeah, that's right. Leave the escort to me this time. Of course, I'll protect you. I won't let you do it.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 15|kai3 = true
|origin = 1500、ヒエ、お疲れ様。 大丈夫、僕も、僕らもずっと側にいる。 最後まで、頑張ろう。 うん、そうだね。
|translation = 1500... Hiei, good work. It's alright. I'm... We're always by your side. Let's do our best until the end. Yeah, that's right.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 16|kai3 = true
|origin = 1600…そうだね、白露。よかった。僕もそう思う。 でも、いろいろと気をつけてよ。 ほら、危ない。言ってる側から… 僕?そうだね、僕も気をつけるよ。うん。
|translation = 1600... That's right, Shiratsuyu. I'm glad. I think so too. But, be careful of everything, okay? Look, it's dangerous. From the side you're going... Me? That's right. I'll be careful too. Yeah.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 17|kai3 = true
|origin = 1700 夕日が…夕日があんなに赤くて…綺麗で… そして… 提督、なぜだろう…少し…悲しい色… ねえ、泣いてないよ! 僕は…泣いて…ない!
|translation = 1700... The sun... The sun is so red... And so beautiful... And... Admiral, I wonder why... It's a little... A sad color... Eh? I'm not crying! I... I'm not crying!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 18|kai3 = true
|origin = 1800…ごめん、僕は大丈夫。 提督、ありがとう。 あ、そうだ、今日の夕食、僕が用意するね。 提督、何食べたい?
|translation = 1800... Sorry, I'm fine. Admiral, thank you. Ah, that's right. I'll prepare today's dinner. Admiral, what do you want to eat?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 19|kai3 = true
|origin = 1900 提督 簡単なものだけど湯ごはん僕が作ったよ さあ一緒に食べよ 麦飯のおかわりあるよ わかった おかわり少し少なめね こうかな 丁度いい? よかった
|translation = 1900. Admiral, it's simple, but I made the dinner. Now, let's eat together. I have some more barley rice. Yeah, I got it. A little less, okay? Like this, maybe? Is this just right? Thank goodness.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 20|kai3 = true
|origin = 2000 そろそろ夜戦の時間か 騒がしくなるね で、え?誰か来た? はーい ユキ、お疲れ様 今日はもういいの?上がって デトク、ユキが差し入れ持ってきてくれたよ。お茶にしよう
|translation = 2000… It's almost night time… It's getting noisy… Eh? Did someone come? Yes! Ah, Yuki, good work. Are you done for today? Come up. Admiral, Yuki brought some snacks. Let's have some tea.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 21|kai3 = true
|origin = 二人ひとま…え?また誰か来たみたい。今日の夜は先客万来だね。 あ、もがみ、どうしたの? え、山城も? 風装まで… 一体何? 提督…あの、ごめん、なんだか… あの、えへへ…まあ、いいか。 みんな、上がって?
|translation = Futahitomaru... Eh? It seems like someone else came. Tonight's the night of the first guest. Ah, Mogami, what's wrong? Eh, Yamashiro too? Fuso too? What's going on? Admiral, um, sorry, I just... Um, hehe... Well, whatever. Everyone, come up.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 22|kai3 = true
|origin = ふたふたまるまる。やっとみんな帰った。 提督、今夜はなんだか騒がしくてごめん。 え、気にしてない?楽しかった? 提督は優しいね。 そうだね。僕ら、マイペースでいいんだ。 うん、僕もそう思う。 ありがとう、提督。
|translation = 2200... Everyone's finally gone home. Admiral, I'm sorry for being so loud tonight. Eh? You don't mind? Did you have fun? You're so kind, Admiral. That's right. We can just go at our own pace. Yeah, I think so too. Thank you, Admiral.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = 23|kai3 = true
|origin = 2300 今日はサセボのしぐれも そろそろ看板かな 提督 今日もお疲れ様 明日もよろしくね 少しだけ横になろう 提督 おやすみ いい夢を見てね 素敵な夢を
|translation = 2300. Today's Sasebo's sunset is also... ...about time to sign it. Admiral, you've worked hard today. Tomorrow, I'll be in your care. Let's lie down for a bit. Admiral, good night. Have a good dream. A wonderful... ...dream.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Air Battle|kai3 = true
|origin = 残念だったね 逃がさない
|translation = What a shame. I won't let you escape!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Attack|kai3 = true
|origin = 今なら、守れるから
|translation = I can protect you now.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Battle Start|kai3 = true
|origin = 見つけたよ。任せて。
|translation = I found it. Leave it to me.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Construction|kai3 = true
|origin = 新しい感が建造されたね
|translation = A new ship has been constructed.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Docking Complete|kai3 = true
|origin = ありがとう、これなら……
|translation = Thank you. With this...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Docking Major|kai3 = true
|origin = みんなに迷惑かけてるかな? この分は、きっと取り返すから!
|translation = I wonder if I'm causing everyone trouble… I'll definitely get my revenge for this!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Docking Minor|kai3 = true
|origin = 提督、ごめんね。すぐ支度するから、待ってて。
|translation = Admiral, I'm sorry. I'll get ready soon, so wait for me.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Equipment 1|kai3 = true
|origin = うん、ありがとう。少し……そうだね、強くなれた、みたいだ。
|translation = ...Thank you. I feel a little... That's right, I feel stronger.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Equipment 2|kai3 = true
|origin = 最新の対戦兵装、そして、電探。 提督、ありがとう。 これなら、負けないよ。
|translation = The latest battle gear, and the electric wire... Admiral, thank you. I won't lose to you.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Equipment 3|kai3 = true
|origin = 雨はいつか止むさ
|translation = The rain will stop someday.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Idle|kai3 = true
|origin = 僕はここにいていいのかな? あ、提督、そうなのかな? なら、ならよかった。 うん、わかった。 今はやれるだけ、やってみるよ。
|translation = Is it okay for me to stay here? Ah, Admiral. Is that so? Then... Then, it's fine. Yeah, I understand. For now, I'll just do it. I'll try it.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Introduction|kai3 = true
|origin = 僕は白露がたくち区間、しぐれ。 これからも、よろしくね。
|translation = I'm Shigure, from the Shiratsuyu-class destroyer. I'm looking forward to working with you.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Joining A Fleet|kai3 = true
|origin = サセボのシグレ、行くよ!
|translation = I'm going to go, Sasebo's Shigure!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Library|kai3 = true
|origin = 僕は白露型駆逐艦2番艦の志暮だよ。 あの0手置き回線では西村艦隊に所属して、 運命のすり顔海峡に突入したんだ。 不走も山城もすごかったよ。 みんなが忘れても、僕だけはずっと覚えているから。 忘れないよ。
|translation = I'm Shigure, the second ship of the Shiratsuyu-class destroyer. During the Cold Hand Okikai, I was part of the Nishimura Fleet, and I entered the Shurigaokaikyo of fate. Fuso and Yamashiro were amazing. Even if everyone forgets, I'll always remember you. I won't forget you.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Looking At Scores|kai3 = true
|origin = 提督、手紙が届いているよ。僕が開けていい? あ、ごめん、最新の艦隊情報だった。はい、どうぞ。
|translation = Admiral, you have a letter. Can I open it? Ah, sorry. It's the latest fleet information. Here, take it.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = MVP|kai3 = true
|origin = この勝利、僕の力なんて本当に些細なものさ。 この雨と、そう、提督とみんなのおかげだよ。 ありがとう。
|translation = This victory… My power is really insignificant. It's all thanks to this rain… Yes, thanks to Admiral and everyone else. Thank you.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Major Damage|kai3 = true
|origin = くっ…今の僕をここまで…でも負けないよ! まだ、まだいけるから!
|translation = ...Ugh, I've come this far... But, I won't lose! I can still... I can still go!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Minor Damage 1|kai3 = true
|origin = あ、当たった?僕に?
|translation = ...I hit it? Me?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Minor Damage 2|kai3 = true
|origin = 行きたい… でも… こんなの…
|translation = I want to go... But... This is...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Night Battle|kai3 = true
|origin = 君たちには失望したよ やらせない
|translation = I've disappointed you all. I won't let you do this.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Returning From Sortie|kai3 = true
|origin = 艦隊は無事帰島? よかった?
|translation = The fleet has returned safely... I'm glad.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Secretary 1|kai3 = true
|origin = 提督、僕を呼んだ? うん、いいよ。
|translation = Admiral, did you call for me? Yeah, sure.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Secretary 2|kai3 = true
|origin = いい雨だね
|translation = It's a good rain, isn't it?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Secretary 3|kai3 = true
|origin = そうだね 雨はいつか止むさ そうしたら 提督 いつか いつかあの海で 二人で ううん なんでもない なんでもないんだ
|translation = That's right... The rain will stop someday. And then... Admiral... Someday... Someday, we'll be together... In that ocean... No, it's nothing. It's nothing.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Secretary Married|kai3 = true
|origin = うん。頑張る提督も素敵だね。でも、無理しちゃダメだよ。 僕がお茶を入れようか? そうだ、知らついにもらったとっておきの蜂蜜あるんだ。 二人で飲もう。待ってて。
|translation = Yeah. It's nice to have an admiral who works hard. But, don't push yourself too hard. Should I make some tea? Oh, right. I got some special honey from Shiratsui. Let's drink it together. Wait for me.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Starting A Sortie|kai3 = true
|origin = 第2水雷戦隊所属、駆逐艦シグレ。 出撃します。
|translation = 2nd Watercraft Fleet, Shigure, destroyer. Departing.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Sunk|kai3 = true
|origin = 僕もここまでか… 提督、みんな…ありがとう… ごめん… さよなら…
|translation = So I've come this far, huh... Admiral... Everyone... Thank you... I'm sorry... Goodbye...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Supply|kai3 = true
|origin = ありがとう。よし。
|translation = Thank you. Alright.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Shigure|scenario = Wedding|kai3 = true
|origin = 雨…うん、止みそうにいないね。 提督、そこにいると濡れるよ。もう少し、もう少しだけこっちにおいでよ。 温かい。 雨が上がるまで、そう、この雨の間だけ、こうしていよう。 いいよね。
|translation = Rain... Yeah, it's not as if it's going to stop. Admiral, if you stay there, you'll get wet. Just a little more, just a little more, come over here. ...It's warm. Until the rain stops... Yes, let's stay like this, just between the rain. ...It's nice.
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Ariake|scenario = Idle
|origin = なんだよ提督のやつ忙しそうだな 夕暮れなんかしようぜ なんかはなんかだよ 梅雨しぐれちょうどいい27区でマミアに行こうぜ ミカも誘ってさ 梅雨なんだよその顔 別に梅雨でいいじゃん何ダメな 一回とナイーブだよな梅雨な
|translation = What's with that Admiral guy, he seems busy. Let's do something in the evening! Something is something. Oh, Tsuyu, Shigure, just in time! Let's go to Mamiya in the 27th Ward! Mika, you should invite us too! Tsuyu, what's with that face? It's fine if it's just Tsuyu. What's wrong? You're pretty naive, Tsuyu. Right?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Ariake|scenario = Introduction
|origin = よ、有明だ。元気してるかい?提督。 そうか、いい感じだな。 今日もあたしと行くだろ? 夕暮れ、梅雨、渋れ、準備はいいか? 27区、バツビオだ!
|translation = Yo, it's Ariake. How are you, Admiral? I see, you're doing well. You're coming with me today, right? Is the evening, the rainy season, and the dewy weather ready? 27th Ward, Batsubio!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Ariake|scenario = Looking At Scores
|origin = 夕暮れ、情報取ってきてくる ああ、ありがとう、助かる 提督、はいいよ 情報の把握は、うん、大事だな
|translation = I'll go get some information this evening. Yeah, thanks. You're a big help. Admiral, it's fine. It's important to know the information.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Ariake|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin = 夕暮れ、しぐれ、なんだよ、しけたずらすんなって。いけるさ。
|translation = It's dusk, it's dusk… What's with that? Don't be so nosy. I can go!
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Brooklyn|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = はぁー、これは噂の、つゆか。じめじめねー、私はあまり好きじゃないわー。みんなはどうなの?
|translation = Hmm, so this is the rumored... 2U, huh. It's pretty grim. I don't really like it. What about you guys?
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hayashio|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = 親父お姉がなんか元気ない梅雨だから 提督おいしいご飯のためにも親父お姉に優しくしよう一緒に
|translation = My sister is not in a good mood. Is it because of the rainy season? Admiral, for the sake of delicious food, let's be kind to my sister! Together!
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Heywood|scenario = L.E. Secretary 1
|origin = シグレって雨好きなの? そういうわけじゃないんだ…そう… ね、あの子… あ、やっぱり? 名前ありやけって言うんですね。なんか親近感… あ、ヘヴァー!
|translation = Do you like rain, Shigure? So that's not it... I see... Hey, that girl... Ah, I knew it. Her name is Ariake, right? Somehow, I feel close to her... Ah! Hello!
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-201|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = よく降りますね。梅雨ですから仕方ないけど。 提督、風見。半減上陸や外出の際は傘を持って行かないと。 え、風見、何?潜るからいい? 丘で外出の時よ。
|translation = It's raining a lot. It's rainy, so it can't be helped. Admiral, Fumi. When you're going to land or go out, you have to bring an umbrella. Eh? Fumi, what? Is it okay to dive? It's time to go out on the hill.
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Kumano|scenario = Maru Secretary 1
|origin = しとしと振るねー 山尻丸それは おお 提督のてるてる坊主か やるなぁ よし俺も作ってみるか どれ
|translation = It's so soft and fluffy. Hm? Yamashio-maru, what's that? Oh, it's the Admiral's Tertel-bozu. Not bad. Alright, I'll try making one too. Which one?
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Kurahashi|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = 患者ちゃん傘持った 雲の雰囲気だと午後から降ってくるかも あ 提督もお出かけだったら雨具をお持ちください
|translation = Kanju-chan, do you have an umbrella? The clouds are a bit... It might start to rain in the afternoon. Ah, Admiral, if you're going out, please bring an umbrella.
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Langley|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = なんだなんだイントレピットも愛をも全然わかってないなぁ 通有の本当の意味はなあなたのために そうさ愛を告白するシーズンだろ 何完璧に違う
|translation = Oh my, oh my. I don't understand the meaning of the word, either. The real meaning of the word, is... For you. That's right! It's the season to confess your love! What? It's completely different?
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Massachusetts|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = To you…いや、To youだろ?日本の。誰がめちゃくちゃ言ってる?どこの国の勘だよ、たく。
|translation = To you… No, to you, right? You Japanese… Who's talking nonsense? What country are you from? Seriously…
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Natsugumo|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = これが朝グモさん こっちが山グモさん これ峰グモさんで あっ はい こちらが提督のです 可愛いですよ ねっ
|translation = This is Asagumo-san. This is Yamagumo-san. This is Minegumo-san. Ah, yes. This is Teitoku-no. They're cute, aren't they?
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = No.101|scenario = Transport Ship Secretary 1
|origin = そうですよ 私はディゼル仕様ですから雨の日や天気が悪い日はちょっと嫌ですね だからほらテルテル坊主です いっぱい吊るします
|translation = That's right. I'm a diesel type, so I don't like rainy days or bad weather. So, look! I'm a Tertel-Bozu! I'll hang a lot!
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Noumi|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = よく降りますね。 提督、こんな日は部屋の中でお茶を楽しむのもいいですね。 のんみ、入れましょう。 何がいいですか? 日本茶と洋館。 了解です。
|translation = It's raining a lot. Admiral, on a day like this, it's nice to enjoy tea in your room. Let's have a drink. What would you like? Japanese tea and yokan. Roger that.
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Ranger|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = ワイニーシーズン…それが日本の梅雨って言葉の意味ですよね。何かしら誤解が広がっているみたい。なぜかしら、誰のせい?
|translation = Rainy season… That's the meaning of the word, right? It seems like there's a misunderstanding… I wonder why… Whose fault is it?
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Tuscaloosa|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = ん? Rainy Seasonは苦手 なんか… ね
|translation = Hmm? I'm not good with rainy season… Somehow… Right?
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Ukuru|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = 会場護衛テルテル坊主作りました 提督どうでしょうか はい手作りです おじか方のてるてる坊主も作ってみようかな
|translation = I made a Tertar pose for the audience! Admiral, how is it? Ah, yes! It's handmade! I wonder if I should make a Tertar pose for the house too?
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Yuugure|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = 雨が続きますね 茂さん今何か言いました そう
|translation = It's raining. Shigure-san, did you say something? Did you?
==Rainy Season 2023==
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Ariake|scenario = Idle
|origin = なんだよ提督のやつ忙しそうだな 夕暮れなんかしようぜ なんかはなんかだよ 梅雨しぐれちょうどいい27区でマミアに行こうぜ ミカも誘ってさ 梅雨なんだよその顔 別に梅雨でいいじゃん何ダメな 一回とナイーブだよな梅雨な
|translation = What's with that Admiral guy, he seems busy. Let's do something in the evening! Something is something. Oh, Tsuyu, Shigure, just in time! Let's go to Mamiya in the 27th Ward! Mika, you should invite us too! Tsuyu, what's with that face? It's fine if it's just Tsuyu. What's wrong? You're pretty naive, Tsuyu. Right?
|audio = Ariake Rainy Season 2023 Idle.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Ariake|scenario = Introduction
|origin = よ、有明だ。元気してるかい?提督。 そうか、いい感じだな。 今日もあたしと行くだろ? 夕暮れ、梅雨、渋れ、準備はいいか? 27区、バツビオだ!
|translation = Yo, it's Ariake. How are you, Admiral? I see, you're doing well. You're coming with me today, right? Is the evening, the rainy season, and the dewy weather ready? 27th Ward, Batsubio!
|audio = Ariake Rainy Season 2023 Introduction.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Ariake|scenario = Looking At Scores
|origin = 夕暮れ、情報取ってきてくる ああ、ありがとう、助かる 提督、はいいよ 情報の把握は、うん、大事だな
|translation = I'll go get some information this evening. Yeah, thanks. You're a big help. Admiral, it's fine. It's important to know the information.
|audio = Ariake Rainy Season 2023 Looking At Scores.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Ariake|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin = 夕暮れ、しぐれ、なんだよ、しけたずらすんなって。いけるさ。
|translation = It's dusk, it's dusk… What's with that? Don't be so nosy. I can go!
|audio = Ariake Rainy Season 2023 Secretary 2.mp3
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Brooklyn|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = はぁー、これは噂の、つゆか。じめじめねー、私はあまり好きじゃないわー。みんなはどうなの?
|translation = Hmm, so this is the rumored... 2U, huh. It's pretty grim. I don't really like it. What about you guys?
|audio = Brooklyn Rainy Season 2023 Secretary 1.mp3
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Hayashio|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = 親父お姉がなんか元気ない梅雨だから 提督おいしいご飯のためにも親父お姉に優しくしよう一緒に
|translation = My sister is not in a good mood. Is it because of the rainy season? Admiral, for the sake of delicious food, let's be kind to my sister! Together!
|audio = Hayashio Rainy Season 2023 Secretary 1.mp3
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Heywood|scenario = L.E. Secretary 1
|origin = シグレって雨好きなの? そういうわけじゃないんだ…そう… ね、あの子… あ、やっぱり? 名前ありやけって言うんですね。なんか親近感… あ、ヘヴァー!
|translation = Do you like rain, Shigure? So that's not it... I see... Hey, that girl... Ah, I knew it. Her name is Ariake, right? Somehow, I feel close to her... Ah! Hello!
|audio = Heywood L.E. Rainy Season 2023 Secretary 1.mp3
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-201|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = よく降りますね。梅雨ですから仕方ないけど。 提督、風見。半減上陸や外出の際は傘を持って行かないと。 え、風見、何?潜るからいい? 丘で外出の時よ。
|translation = It's raining a lot. It's rainy, so it can't be helped. Admiral, Fumi. When you're going to land or go out, you have to bring an umbrella. Eh? Fumi, what? Is it okay to dive? It's time to go out on the hill.
|audio = I-201 Rainy Season 2023 Secretary 1.mp3
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Kumano|scenario = Maru Secretary 1
|origin = しとしと振るねー 山尻丸それは おお 提督のてるてる坊主か やるなぁ よし俺も作ってみるか どれ
|translation = It's so soft and fluffy. Hm? Yamashio-maru, what's that? Oh, it's the Admiral's Tertel-bozu. Not bad. Alright, I'll try making one too. Which one?
|audio = Kumano Maru Rainy Season 2023 Secretary 1.mp3
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Kurahashi|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = 患者ちゃん傘持った 雲の雰囲気だと午後から降ってくるかも あ 提督もお出かけだったら雨具をお持ちください
|translation = Kanju-chan, do you have an umbrella? The clouds are a bit... It might start to rain in the afternoon. Ah, Admiral, if you're going out, please bring an umbrella.
|audio = Kurahashi Rainy Season 2023 Secretary 1.mp3
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Langley|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = なんだなんだイントレピットも愛をも全然わかってないなぁ 通有の本当の意味はなあなたのために そうさ愛を告白するシーズンだろ 何完璧に違う
|translation = Oh my, oh my. I don't understand the meaning of the word, either. The real meaning of the word, is... For you. That's right! It's the season to confess your love! What? It's completely different?
|audio = Langley Rainy Season 2023 Secretary 1.mp3
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Massachusetts|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = To you…いや、To youだろ?日本の。誰がめちゃくちゃ言ってる?どこの国の勘だよ、たく。
|translation = To you… No, to you, right? You Japanese… Who's talking nonsense? What country are you from? Seriously…
|audio = Massachusetts Rainy Season 2023 Secretary 1.mp3
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Natsugumo|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = これが朝グモさん こっちが山グモさん これ峰グモさんで あっ はい こちらが提督のです 可愛いですよ ねっ
|translation = This is Asagumo-san. This is Yamagumo-san. This is Minegumo-san. Ah, yes. This is Teitoku-no. They're cute, aren't they?
|audio = Natsugumo Rainy Season 2023 Secretary 1.mp3
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = No.101|scenario = Transport Ship Secretary 1
|origin = そうですよ 私はディゼル仕様ですから雨の日や天気が悪い日はちょっと嫌ですね だからほらテルテル坊主です いっぱい吊るします
|translation = That's right. I'm a diesel type, so I don't like rainy days or bad weather. So, look! I'm a Tertel-Bozu! I'll hang a lot!
|audio = No.101 Transport Ship Rainy Season 2023 Secretary 1.mp3
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Noumi|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = よく降りますね。 提督、こんな日は部屋の中でお茶を楽しむのもいいですね。 のんみ、入れましょう。 何がいいですか? 日本茶と洋館。 了解です。
|translation = It's raining a lot. Admiral, on a day like this, it's nice to enjoy tea in your room. Let's have a drink. What would you like? Japanese tea and yokan. Roger that.
|audio = Noumi Rainy Season 2023 Secretary 1.mp3
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Ranger|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = ワイニーシーズン…それが日本の梅雨って言葉の意味ですよね。何かしら誤解が広がっているみたい。なぜかしら、誰のせい?
|translation = Rainy season… That's the meaning of the word, right? It seems like there's a misunderstanding… I wonder why… Whose fault is it?
|audio = Ranger Rainy Season 2023 Secretary 1.mp3
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Tuscaloosa|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = ん? Rainy Seasonは苦手 なんか… ね
|translation = Hmm? I'm not good with rainy season… Somehow… Right?
|audio = Tuscaloosa Rainy Season 2023 Secretary 1.mp3
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Ukuru|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = 会場護衛テルテル坊主作りました 提督どうでしょうか はい手作りです おじか方のてるてる坊主も作ってみようかな
|translation = I made a Tertar pose for the audience! Admiral, how is it? Ah, yes! It's handmade! I wonder if I should make a Tertar pose for the house too?
|audio = Ukuru Rainy Season 2023 Secretary 1.mp3
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Yuugure|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = 雨が続きますね 茂さん今何か言いました そう
|translation = It's raining. Shigure-san, did you say something? Did you?
|audio = Yuugure Rainy Season 2023 Secretary 1.mp3
* [[Sandbox/Whisper/Summer 2023 Event|Summer 2023 Event]]
* [[Sandbox/Whisper/Haruna, Miyuki, Shigure|Haruna, Miyuki, Shigure]]
* [[Sandbox/Whisper/Rainy Season 2023|Rainy Season 2023]]

Latest revision as of 10:37, 10 April 2024

Akebono, Harusame, Mikuma, Ushio

Early Spring 2024 Event


The following is a line from Kantai Collection (艦隊これくしょん), abbreviated as KanColle (艦これ), a Japanese web browser game about ship girls (艦娘). Ship girls are World War II warships personified as teenage girls and young adult women with personality characteristics reflecting the history of each ship.
Model Example 1 Example 2
whisper-large-v3 U.S.S. DRUM? そうだよ、楽器じゃないよ、魚の方。 ま、その魚の名前も元は楽器の音なんだけどさ。

U.S.S. Drum? That's right, it's not a musical instrument. It's a fish. Well, the name of the fish is originally a musical instrument.
蹴ってきたぜー あー疲れたー 飯飯!飯くれー!

I'm back! Ah, I'm tired... Me-me-me-[...]
whisper-large-v3 #2 蹴ってきたぜー あー疲れたー 飯飯!飯くれー!

I'm back! Ah, I'm tired. Give me some food!
whisper-large-v2 uss ドーン そうだよ楽器じゃないよ魚の方 まあその魚の名前も元は楽器の音なんだけどさ

USS Drum... That's right, it's not an instrument. It's a fish. Well, the name of that fish is also originally a sound of an instrument.
けーってきたぜー! あー疲れたー 飯飯!飯くれー!

I'm back! Ah, I'm tired. Meal! Meal! Give me meal!
faster-whisper-large-v3 U.S.S. DRUM? そうだよ、楽器じゃないよ、魚の方。 ま、その魚の名前も元は楽器の音なんだけどさ。

U.S.S. drum? That's right, it's not a musical instrument, it's a fish. Well, the name of that fish is originally the sound of a musical instrument.
ケーって来たぜー。あー疲れたー。 飯飯、飯くれー。

I came back! Ahh, I'm tired. Me-me-me-[...]
faster-whisper-large-v2 uss ドーン そうだよ楽器じゃないよ魚の方 まあその魚の名前も元は楽器の音なんだけどさ

U.S.S. drum? That's right, it's not an instrument. It's a fish. Well, the name of that fish is also originally a sound of an instrument.
けーってきたぜー あー疲れた めしめしめしくれー

I did it! Ah, I'm tired. Meal! Meal! Give me meal!
faster-whisper-large-v2-japanese-5k-steps us is done?そうだよ、楽器じゃないよ、魚のほう!ま、その魚の名前も元は楽器の音なんだけどさ!

"us" is "dom"‼ That's right, it's not an instrument! It's a fish. Well, the name of the fish is also originally a sound of an instrument, but you know...

Ah, I'm tired. Meshi-meshi! Give me some meshi!
