Difference between revisions of "Module:Data/Ship/Iowa"

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-- [[Category:Player ship modules]]
--[[Category:Player ship modules]]
-- Kancolle Kai module?
return {
-- _id (251) overlap with Mizuho
    [""] = {
local Iowa = {
        _name = "Iowa",
[""] = {
        _rarity = 7,
_name = "Iowa",
        _api_id = 440,
_rarity = 7,
        _id = 240,
_api_id = nil,
        _true_id = false,
_id = 251,
        _japanese_name = "Iowa",
_card = "FBB Iowa Card.png",
        _reading = "アイオワ",
_true_id = false,
        _class = "Iowa",
_japanese_name = "Iowa",
        _class_number = 1,
_reading = "あいおわ",
        _type = 8,
_class = "Iowa",
        _hp = 84,
_class_number = 1,
        _hp_max = 95,
_type = 8,
        _firepower = 85,
_hp = 84,
        _firepower_max = 105,
_hp_max = nil,
        _firepower_mod = 6,
_firepower = 85,
        _armor = 79,
_firepower_max = nil,
        _armor_max = 95,
_firepower_mod = nil,
        _armor_mod = 5,
_armor = 79,
        _torpedo = 0,
_armor_max = nil,
        _torpedo_max = false,
_armor_mod = nil,
        _torpedo_mod = false,
_torpedo = 0,
        _evasion = 34,
_torpedo_max = false,
        _evasion_max = 67,
_torpedo_mod = false,
        _aa = 70,
_evasion = 34,
        _aa_max = 96,
_evasion_max = nil,
        _aa_mod = 3,
_aa = 70,
        _asw = 0,
_aa_max = nil,
        _asw_max = false,
_aa_mod = nil,
        _speed = 10,
_asw = 0,
        _los = 24,
_asw_max = false,
        _los_max = 64,
_speed = 10,
        _range = 3,
_los = 24,
        _luck = 35,
_los_max = nil,
        _luck_max = 89,
_range = 3,
        _luck_mod = false,
_luck = 35,
        _buildable = false,
_luck_max = nil,
        _buildable_lsc = false,
_remodel_level = false,
        _build_time = 500,
_remodel_from = false,
        _remodel_level = false,
_remodel_to = "Iowa/Kai",
        _remodel_from = false,
_fuel = nil,
        _remodel_to = "Iowa/Kai",
_ammo = nil,
        _fuel = 200,
_scrap_fuel = nil,
        _ammo = 250,
_scrap_ammo = nil,
        _scrap_fuel = 30,
_scrap_steel = nil,
        _scrap_ammo = 45,
_scrap_baux = nil,
        _scrap_steel = 90,
_equipment = {
        _scrap_baux = 30,
{equipment = "16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.7", size = 4},
        _equipment = {
{equipment = false, size = 4},
            { equipment = "16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.7", size = 4 },
{equipment = false, size = 4},
            { equipment = "5inch Twin Gun Mount Mk.28 mod.2", size = 4 },
{equipment = false, size = 4},
            { equipment = false, size = 4 },
            { equipment = false, size = 4 },
["Kai"] = {
        _voice_actor = "Hashimoto Chinami",
_name = "Iowa",
        _artist = "Shizuma Yoshinori",
_suffix = "Kai",
        _implementation_date = { 2016, 5, 3 },
_rarity = 8,
        _availability = { "event_reward" },
_api_id = nil,
        _wikipedia = "USS Iowa (BB-61)",
_id = 251,
_card = "FBB Iowa Kai Card.png",
    ["Kai"] = {
_true_id = false,
        _name = "Iowa",
_japanese_name = "Iowa改",
        _suffix = "Kai",
_reading = "あいおわかい",
        _rarity = 8,
_class = "Iowa",
        _overlay = "stars",
_class_number = 1,
        _api_id = 360,
_type = 8,
        _id = 240,
_hp = 92,
        _true_id = 1440,
_hp_max = nil,
        _japanese_name = "Iowa改",
_firepower = nil,
        _reading = "アイオワかい",
_firepower_max = 115,
        _class = "Iowa",
_firepower_mod = nil,
        _class_number = 1,
_armor = nil,
        _type = 8,
_armor_max = 107,
        _hp = 92,
_armor_mod = nil,
        _hp_max = 103,
_torpedo = 0,
        _firepower = 90,
_torpedo_max = false,
        _firepower_max = 116,
_torpedo_mod = false,
        _firepower_mod = 6,
_evasion = nil,
        _armor = 89,
_evasion_max = 70,
        _armor_max = 107,
_aa = nil,
        _armor_mod = 5,
_aa_max = 120,
        _torpedo = 0,
_aa_mod = nil,
        _torpedo_max = false,
_asw = 0,
        _torpedo_mod = false,
_asw_max = false,
        _evasion = 36,
_speed = 10,
        _evasion_max = 70,
_los = nil,
        _aa = 82,
_los_max = 70,
        _aa_max = 120,
_range = 3,
        _aa_mod = 3,
_luck = 40,
        _asw = 0,
_luck_max = nil,
        _asw_max = false,
_luck_mod = false,
        _speed = 10,
_remodel_level = nil,
        _los = 30,
_remodel_ammo = nil,
        _los_max = 71,
_remodel_steel = nil,
        _range = 3,
_remodel_from = "Iowa/",
        _luck = 40,
_remodel_to = false,
        _luck_max = 99,
_fuel = 200,
        _luck_mod = false,
_ammo = 275,
        _remodel_level = 50,
_scrap_fuel = nil,
        _remodel_ammo = 3400,
_scrap_ammo = nil,
        _remodel_steel = 2800,
_scrap_steel = nil,
        _remodel_development_material = false,
_scrap_baux = nil,
        _remodel_blueprint = false,
_equipment = {
        _remodel_catapult = false,
{equipment = nil, size = 4},
        _remodel_from = "Iowa/",
{equipment = nil, size = 4},
        _remodel_to = false,
{equipment = nil, size = 4},
        _fuel = 200,
{equipment = nil, size = 4},
        _ammo = 275,
        _scrap_fuel = 32,
        _scrap_ammo = 45,
class = {
        _scrap_steel = 100,
_name = "Iowa",
        _scrap_baux = 40,
_class = true,
        _equipment = {
_base_type = 8,
            { equipment = "16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.7", size = 4 },
            { equipment = "5inch Twin Gun Mount Mk.28 mod.2", size = 4 },
            { equipment = "Bofors 40mm Quadruple Autocannon Mount", size = 4 },
            { equipment = "OS2U", size = 4 },
    -- Separate module, Category:Vita player ship modules
    ["Vita"] = {
        _name = "Iowa",
        _suffix = "Vita",
        _display_suffix = "(Vita)",
        -- _api_id = 463,
        _rarity = 7,
        -- _id = 251,
        _card = "FBB Iowa 440 Card.jpg",
        _true_id = false,
        _japanese_name = "Iowa",
        _reading = "アイオワ",
        _class = "Iowa",
        _class_number = 1,
        _type = 8,
        _hp = 84,
        _hp_max = 95,
        _firepower = 85,
        _firepower_max = 105,
        _firepower_mod = 7,
        _armor = 79,
        _armor_max = 95,
        _armor_mod = 6,
        _torpedo = 0,
        _torpedo_max = false,
        _torpedo_mod = false,
        _evasion = 34,
        _evasion_max = 67,
        _aa = 70,
        _aa_max = 96,
        _aa_mod = 3,
        _asw = 0,
        _asw_max = false,
        _speed = 10,
        _los = 24,
        _los_max = 64,
        _range = 3,
        _luck = 35,
        _luck_max = 89,
        _luck_mod = false,
        _remodel_level = false,
        _remodel_from = false,
        _remodel_to = "Iowa/Kai Vita",
        _fuel = 200,
        _ammo = 250,
        _scrap_fuel = 31,
        _scrap_ammo = 81,
        _scrap_steel = 131,
        _scrap_baux = 34,
        _equipment = {
            { equipment = "16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.7", size = 4 },
            { equipment = false, size = 4 },
            { equipment = false, size = 4 },
            { equipment = false, size = 4 },
    ["Kai Vita"] = {
        _name = "Iowa",
        _suffix = "Kai Vita",
        _display_suffix = "Kai (Vita)",
        -- _api_id = 357,
        _rarity = 8,
        _overlay = "stars",
        -- _id = 437,
        _card = "FBB Iowa Kai 360 Card.jpg",
        -- _true_id = 1437,
        _japanese_name = "Iowa改",
        _reading = "アイオワかい",
        _class = "Iowa",
        _class_number = 1,
        _type = 8,
        _hp = 92,
        _hp_max = 101,
        _firepower = 90,
        _firepower_max = 115,
        _firepower_mod = 7,
        _armor = 89,
        _armor_max = 107,
        _armor_mod = 6,
        _torpedo = 0,
        _torpedo_max = false,
        _torpedo_mod = false,
        _evasion = 36,
        _evasion_max = 70,
        _aa = 82,
        _aa_max = 120,
        _aa_mod = 3,
        _asw = 0,
        _asw_max = false,
        _speed = 10,
        _los = 30,
        _los_max = 70,
        _range = 3,
        _luck = 40,
        _luck_max = 99,
        _luck_mod = false,
        _remodel_level = 50,
        _remodel_catapult = false,
        _remodel_ammo = 3400,
        _remodel_steel = 2800,
        _remodel_from = "Iowa/Vita",
        _remodel_to = false,
        _remodel_to_catapult = false,
        _remodel_blueprint = false,
        _fuel = 200,
        _ammo = 275,
        _scrap_fuel = 33,
        _scrap_ammo = 89,
        _scrap_steel = 153,
        _scrap_baux = 46,
        _equipment = {
            { equipment = "16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.7", size = 4 },
            { equipment = false, size = 4 },
            { equipment = false, size = 4 },
            { equipment = false, size = 4 },
    seasonals = {
        { _suffix = "New Year", _season = "New Year 2017" },
    class = {
        _name = "Iowa",
        _class = true,
        _base_type = 8,
return Iowa

Latest revision as of 13:06, 12 March 2022

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Ship/Iowa/doc

-- [[Category:Player ship modules]]

return {
    [""] = {
        _name = "Iowa",
        _rarity = 7,
        _api_id = 440,
        _id = 240,
        _true_id = false,
        _japanese_name = "Iowa",
        _reading = "アイオワ",
        _class = "Iowa",
        _class_number = 1,
        _type = 8,
        _hp = 84,
        _hp_max = 95,
        _firepower = 85,
        _firepower_max = 105,
        _firepower_mod = 6,
        _armor = 79,
        _armor_max = 95,
        _armor_mod = 5,
        _torpedo = 0,
        _torpedo_max = false,
        _torpedo_mod = false,
        _evasion = 34,
        _evasion_max = 67,
        _aa = 70,
        _aa_max = 96,
        _aa_mod = 3,
        _asw = 0,
        _asw_max = false,
        _speed = 10,
        _los = 24,
        _los_max = 64,
        _range = 3,
        _luck = 35,
        _luck_max = 89,
        _luck_mod = false,
        _buildable = false,
        _buildable_lsc = false,
        _build_time = 500,
        _remodel_level = false,
        _remodel_from = false,
        _remodel_to = "Iowa/Kai",
        _fuel = 200,
        _ammo = 250,
        _scrap_fuel = 30,
        _scrap_ammo = 45,
        _scrap_steel = 90,
        _scrap_baux = 30,
        _equipment = {
            { equipment = "16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.7", size = 4 },
            { equipment = "5inch Twin Gun Mount Mk.28 mod.2", size = 4 },
            { equipment = false, size = 4 },
            { equipment = false, size = 4 },
        _voice_actor = "Hashimoto Chinami",
        _artist = "Shizuma Yoshinori",
        _implementation_date = { 2016, 5, 3 },
        _availability = { "event_reward" },
        _wikipedia = "USS Iowa (BB-61)",
    ["Kai"] = {
        _name = "Iowa",
        _suffix = "Kai",
        _rarity = 8,
        _overlay = "stars",
        _api_id = 360,
        _id = 240,
        _true_id = 1440,
        _japanese_name = "Iowa改",
        _reading = "アイオワかい",
        _class = "Iowa",
        _class_number = 1,
        _type = 8,
        _hp = 92,
        _hp_max = 103,
        _firepower = 90,
        _firepower_max = 116,
        _firepower_mod = 6,
        _armor = 89,
        _armor_max = 107,
        _armor_mod = 5,
        _torpedo = 0,
        _torpedo_max = false,
        _torpedo_mod = false,
        _evasion = 36,
        _evasion_max = 70,
        _aa = 82,
        _aa_max = 120,
        _aa_mod = 3,
        _asw = 0,
        _asw_max = false,
        _speed = 10,
        _los = 30,
        _los_max = 71,
        _range = 3,
        _luck = 40,
        _luck_max = 99,
        _luck_mod = false,
        _remodel_level = 50,
        _remodel_ammo = 3400,
        _remodel_steel = 2800,
        _remodel_development_material = false,
        _remodel_blueprint = false,
        _remodel_catapult = false,
        _remodel_from = "Iowa/",
        _remodel_to = false,
        _fuel = 200,
        _ammo = 275,
        _scrap_fuel = 32,
        _scrap_ammo = 45,
        _scrap_steel = 100,
        _scrap_baux = 40,
        _equipment = {
            { equipment = "16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.7", size = 4 },
            { equipment = "5inch Twin Gun Mount Mk.28 mod.2", size = 4 },
            { equipment = "Bofors 40mm Quadruple Autocannon Mount", size = 4 },
            { equipment = "OS2U", size = 4 },
    -- Separate module, Category:Vita player ship modules
    ["Vita"] = {
        _name = "Iowa",
        _suffix = "Vita",
        _display_suffix = "(Vita)",
        -- _api_id = 463,
        _rarity = 7,
        -- _id = 251,
        _card = "FBB Iowa 440 Card.jpg",
        _true_id = false,
        _japanese_name = "Iowa",
        _reading = "アイオワ",
        _class = "Iowa",
        _class_number = 1,
        _type = 8,
        _hp = 84,
        _hp_max = 95,
        _firepower = 85,
        _firepower_max = 105,
        _firepower_mod = 7,
        _armor = 79,
        _armor_max = 95,
        _armor_mod = 6,
        _torpedo = 0,
        _torpedo_max = false,
        _torpedo_mod = false,
        _evasion = 34,
        _evasion_max = 67,
        _aa = 70,
        _aa_max = 96,
        _aa_mod = 3,
        _asw = 0,
        _asw_max = false,
        _speed = 10,
        _los = 24,
        _los_max = 64,
        _range = 3,
        _luck = 35,
        _luck_max = 89,
        _luck_mod = false,
        _remodel_level = false,
        _remodel_from = false,
        _remodel_to = "Iowa/Kai Vita",
        _fuel = 200,
        _ammo = 250,
        _scrap_fuel = 31,
        _scrap_ammo = 81,
        _scrap_steel = 131,
        _scrap_baux = 34,
        _equipment = {
            { equipment = "16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.7", size = 4 },
            { equipment = false, size = 4 },
            { equipment = false, size = 4 },
            { equipment = false, size = 4 },
    ["Kai Vita"] = {
        _name = "Iowa",
        _suffix = "Kai Vita",
        _display_suffix = "Kai (Vita)",
        -- _api_id = 357,
        _rarity = 8,
        _overlay = "stars",
        -- _id = 437,
        _card = "FBB Iowa Kai 360 Card.jpg",
        -- _true_id = 1437,
        _japanese_name = "Iowa改",
        _reading = "アイオワかい",
        _class = "Iowa",
        _class_number = 1,
        _type = 8,
        _hp = 92,
        _hp_max = 101,
        _firepower = 90,
        _firepower_max = 115,
        _firepower_mod = 7,
        _armor = 89,
        _armor_max = 107,
        _armor_mod = 6,
        _torpedo = 0,
        _torpedo_max = false,
        _torpedo_mod = false,
        _evasion = 36,
        _evasion_max = 70,
        _aa = 82,
        _aa_max = 120,
        _aa_mod = 3,
        _asw = 0,
        _asw_max = false,
        _speed = 10,
        _los = 30,
        _los_max = 70,
        _range = 3,
        _luck = 40,
        _luck_max = 99,
        _luck_mod = false,
        _remodel_level = 50,
        _remodel_catapult = false,
        _remodel_ammo = 3400,
        _remodel_steel = 2800,
        _remodel_from = "Iowa/Vita",
        _remodel_to = false,
        _remodel_to_catapult = false,
        _remodel_blueprint = false,
        _fuel = 200,
        _ammo = 275,
        _scrap_fuel = 33,
        _scrap_ammo = 89,
        _scrap_steel = 153,
        _scrap_baux = 46,
        _equipment = {
            { equipment = "16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.7", size = 4 },
            { equipment = false, size = 4 },
            { equipment = false, size = 4 },
            { equipment = false, size = 4 },
    seasonals = {
        { _suffix = "New Year", _season = "New Year 2017" },
    class = {
        _name = "Iowa",
        _class = true,
        _base_type = 8,