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(Added hourlies, updated translation.)
Line 204: Line 204:
| 自己紹介=水上機母艦千代田です。姉の千歳が、いつも迷惑かけていませんか?
| 自己紹介=水上機母艦千代田です。姉の千歳が、いつも迷惑かけていませんか?
| EN1=
| EN1=Seaplane tender Chiyoda.  My older sister Chitose isn't bothering you, is she?
| Note1=
| Note1=
| 秘書クリック会話①=え?また千歳お姉が何か?
| 秘書クリック会話①=え?また千歳お姉が何か?
| EN2=
| EN2=Eh? What is it Chitose-onee?
| Note2=
| Note2=
| 秘書クリック会話②=千歳お姉…危ない……あ…夢か…
| 秘書クリック会話②=千歳お姉…危ない……あ…夢か…
| EN3=
| EN3=Chitose-onee... watch out... ah... A dream?
| Note3=
| Note3=Chitose and Chiyoda both were sunk during the Battle of the Philippine Sea - the only time a carrier has been sunk by surface bombardment.
| 秘書クリック会話③=千歳お姉…くすぐったいよぉ…って…提督、何してんの?
| 秘書クリック会話③=千歳お姉…くすぐったいよぉ…って…提督、何してんの?
| EN4=
| EN4=Chitose-onee.. that tickleeeesss... oh, Admiral, What are you doing?
| Note4=
| Note4=
| 秘書放置時=千歳お姉に…いえ、提督にご連絡です
| 秘書放置時=
| EN4a=
| EN4a=
| Note4a=
| Note4a=
| 戦績表示時=
| 戦績表示時=千歳お姉に…いえ、提督にご連絡です
| EN5=
| EN5=Communique for Chitose-onee... no, for the Admiral.
| Note5=
| Note5=
| 編成選択時=よし、水上機母艦千代田、出ます!
| 編成選択時=よし、水上機母艦千代田、出ます!
| EN6=
| EN6=Alright! Seaplane tender Chiyoda, launching!
| Note6=
| Note6=
| 装備時①=少しは千歳お姉に近づけたかな?
| 装備時①=少しは千歳お姉に近づけたかな?
| EN7=
| EN7=I'm getting a bit closer to Chitose-onee, aren't I?
| Note7=
| Note7=
| 装備時②=ふふっこれで勝てる…千歳お姉に勝てるかも!
| 装備時②=ふふっこれで勝てる…千歳お姉に勝てるかも!
| EN8=
| EN8=Heheh I can win with this... Maybe even beat Chitose-onee!
| Note8=
| Note8=
| 装備時③=いただきです!
| 装備時③=いただきです!
| EN9=
| EN9=Let's eat!
| Note9=
| Note9=
| ドック入り=どうもドック入りって好きじゃないわ
| ドック入り=どうもドック入りって好きじゃないわ
| EN10=
| EN10=Thanks for the docking, but I don't really like it.
| Note10=
| Note10=
| ドック入り(重傷)=うっ…私が…大規模修理…?千歳お姉には黙ってて!お願い!
| ドック入り(重傷)=うっ…私が…大規模修理…?千歳お姉には黙ってて!お願い!
| EN11=
| EN11=Erg... I'm... heavy repairs...? Don't tell Chitose-onee! I beg you!
| Note11=
| Note11=
| 建造時=新しい船ができましたよ~って、今から来てもねぇ…
| 建造時=新しい船ができましたよ~って、今から来てもねぇ…
| EN12=
| EN12=A new ship has been finished~ Oh, here she comes~
| Note12=
| Note12=
| 艦隊帰投時=艦隊が戻ってきたね。みんな無事かな?
| 艦隊帰投時=艦隊が戻ってきたね。みんな無事かな?
| EN13=
| EN13=The fleet has returned. Is everybody safe?
| Note13=
| Note13=
| 出撃時=お姉!先に出るよ!
| 出撃時=お姉!先に出るよ!
| EN14=
| EN14=Sis! I'm going ahead!
| Note14=
| Note14=
| 戦闘開始時=千代田艦載機、敵艦発見です!
| 戦闘開始時=千代田艦載機、敵艦発見です!
| EN15=
| EN15=My seaplanes, they have discovered the enemy!
| Note15=
| Note15=
| 航空戦開始時=お姉!先にやっちゃうよ!
| 航空戦開始時=お姉!先にやっちゃうよ!
| EN15a=
| EN15a=Sis! I went ahead!
| Note15a=
| Note15a=
| 攻撃時=索敵したら、攻撃よね~
| 攻撃時=索敵したら、攻撃よね~
| EN16=
| EN16=Search and destroy~
| Note16=
| Note16=(Not Engrish)
| 夜戦開始時=さーちあんど、ですとろい~!
| 夜戦開始時=さーちあんど、ですとろい~!
| EN17=Search and destroy
| EN17=Search and destroy~
| Note17=Engrish
| Note17=(Engrish)
| 夜戦攻撃時=お姉!先にやっちゃうよ!
| 夜戦攻撃時=お姉!先にやっちゃうよ!
| EN18=
| EN18=Sis! I went ahead!
| Note18=
| Note18=
| MVP時=千代田が一番?あら、お姉はちゃんとやってるかな?
| MVP時=千代田が一番?あら、お姉はちゃんとやってるかな?
| EN19=
| EN19=Chiyoda's the best? Oh my, am I as good as Sis?
| Note19=
| Note19=
| 被弾小破①=あぁぁぁっ!
| 被弾小破①=あぁぁぁっ!
| EN20=
| EN20=Aaaaah!
| Note20=
| Note20=
| 被弾小破②=千歳お姉の方に行かせるな!
| 被弾小破②=千歳お姉の方に行かせるな!
| EN21=
| EN21=I'm not going the same was as Chitose-onee!
| Note21=
| Note21=(Chitose sunk first, but Chiyoda kept on fighting, losing all hands)
| 被弾カットイン=もう…これじゃ…水上機運用が…
| 被弾カットイン=もう…これじゃ…水上機運用が…
| EN22=
| EN22=Already... this... my seaplanes...
| Note22=
| Note22=(She's saying that she's too damaged to use the planes)
| 撃沈時(反転)=千歳お姉…ほんっとに、危なっかしいんだから…
| 撃沈時(反転)=千歳お姉…ほんっとに、危なっかしいんだから…
| EN23=
| EN23=Chitose-onee... It really was... dangerous...
| Note23=
| Note23=
|Library = 水上機母艦として建造された千歳型2番艦、千代田です。
|EN0 = Laid down as a Seaplane Tender, 2nd of the Chitose class, Chiyoda.
I was able to make use of midget subs, you know.
I'll do my best alongside Chitose-onee!
|Note0 = (Chiyoda was able to use the Kyo-hotekis initally, Chitose was not)
|補給時 = 少しは千歳お姉に近づけたかな?
|EN24 = I'm getting a bit closer to Chitose-onee, aren't I?}}
====Light Carrier====
====Light Carrier====
| 自己紹介=空母になった千代田です。是非、千歳お姉と一緒に機動部隊を編成してね
| 自己紹介=空母になった千代田です。是非、千歳お姉と一緒に機動部隊を編成してね
| EN1=
| EN1=The girl that became an aircraft carrier, Chiyoda.  Of course, I'll be assigned to Chitose-onee's fleet, yes?
| Note1=
| Note1=
| 秘書クリック会話①=提督、なあに?
| 秘書クリック会話①=提督、なあに?
| EN2=
| EN2=Admiral, wha~t?
| Note2=
| Note2=
| 秘書クリック会話②=飛行甲板って…いいよね!
| 秘書クリック会話②=飛行甲板って…いいよね!
| EN3=
| EN3=Flight decks... are great!
| Note3=
| Note3=
| 秘書クリック会話③=千歳お姉、そ~ゆぅのは二人の部屋で……なんだ、提督なの?
| 秘書クリック会話③=千歳お姉、そ~ゆぅのは二人の部屋で……なんだ、提督なの?
| EN4=
| EN4=Chiyoda-onee, ju~st the two of us in the room... Oh. The Admiral.
| Note4=
| Note4=
| 秘書放置時=
| 秘書放置時=
Line 297: Line 305:
| Note4a=
| Note4a=
| 戦績表示時=提督、お姉から…じゃなかった。司令部から連絡です
| 戦績表示時=提督、お姉から…じゃなかった。司令部から連絡です
| EN5=
| EN5=Communique from Sis... no, headquarters.
| Note5=
| Note5=
| 編成選択時=航空母艦千代田、出撃します!
| 編成選択時=航空母艦千代田、出撃します!
| EN6=
| EN6=Aircraft carrier Chiyoda, launching!
| Note6=
| Note6=
| 装備時①=ありがとう!これなら正規空母並みよね
| 装備時①=ありがとう!これなら正規空母並みよね
| EN7=
| EN7=Thank you! With this, I can match the regular carriers, no?
| Note7=
| Note7=
| 装備時②=今度はレイテでも大丈夫!
| 装備時②=今度はレイテでも大丈夫!
| EN8=
| EN8=Leyte will be okay this time!
| Note8=
| Note8=
| 装備時③=お姉、見てた?
| 装備時③=お姉、見てた?
| EN9=
| EN9=Sis, were you watching?
| Note9=
| Note9=
| ドック入り=空母はメンテが肝腎よね
| ドック入り=空母はメンテが肝腎よね
| EN10=
| EN10=Carrier maintenance is vital, you know.
| Note10=
| Note10=
| ドック入り(重傷)=痛たたた~…千歳お姉には…内緒よ~
| ドック入り(重傷)=痛たたた~…千歳お姉には…内緒よ~
| EN11=
| EN11=Ow-w-w~ Keep this a secret... from Chitose-nee~
| Note11=
| Note11=
| 建造時=
| 建造時=
Line 321: Line 329:
| Note12=
| Note12=
| 艦隊帰投時=作戦が終わった艦隊が、戻ってきたね
| 艦隊帰投時=作戦が終わった艦隊が、戻ってきたね
| EN13=
| EN13=Operation's complete, the fleet has returned.
| Note13=
| Note13=
| 出撃時=航空母艦千代田、出撃します!or艦載機の練度も十分、出撃ね!
| 出撃時=航空母艦千代田、出撃します!or艦載機の練度も十分、出撃ね!
| EN14=
| EN14=Aircraft carrier Chiyoda, launching!
| Note14=
| Note14=
| 戦闘開始時=敵艦隊発見!攻撃隊、発艦開始よ
| 戦闘開始時=敵艦隊発見!攻撃隊、発艦開始よ
Line 330: Line 338:
| Note15=
| Note15=
| 航空戦開始時=千歳お姉の隊と一緒に飛ばせたいなぁ…
| 航空戦開始時=千歳お姉の隊と一緒に飛ばせたいなぁ…
| EN15a=
| EN15a=I really want to fly with Chitose-nee's fleet...
| Note15a=
| Note15a=
| 攻撃時=さあ、艦爆隊、艦攻隊、出番よ!
| 攻撃時=さあ、艦爆隊、艦攻隊、出番よ!
Line 338: Line 346:
| Note16=
| Note16=
| 夜戦開始時=そろそろトドメをさしちゃおっかな
| 夜戦開始時=そろそろトドメをさしちゃおっかな
| EN17=
| EN17=It's about fine for the coup-de-grace!
| Note17=
| Note17=
| 夜戦攻撃時=
| 夜戦攻撃時=
Line 344: Line 352:
| Note18=
| Note18=
| MVP時=やったあ、空母としての千代田もイケるじゃない。千歳お姉、ちゃんと見てた?
| MVP時=やったあ、空母としての千代田もイケるじゃない。千歳お姉、ちゃんと見てた?
| EN19=
| EN19=Yay! I can really do it with as an aircraft carrier, can't I?  Chitose-nee, did you see me?
| Note19=
| Note19=
| 被弾小破①=やだ!?
| 被弾小破①=やだ!?
| EN20=
| EN20=Argh!
| Note20=
| Note20=
| 被弾小破②=飛行甲板に火災!? 消して!
| 被弾小破②=飛行甲板に火災!? 消して!
| EN21=
| EN21=The flight deck's on fire!? Put it out!
| Note21=
| Note21=
| 被弾カットイン=
| 被弾カットイン=
Line 356: Line 364:
| Note22=
| Note22=
| 撃沈時(反転)=千歳おねぇ・・・ゆっくり・・・来てね・・・
| 撃沈時(反転)=千歳おねぇ・・・ゆっくり・・・来てね・・・
| EN23=
| EN23=Chitose-one~... take it... easy....
| Note23=
| Note23=
|Library = 水上機母艦から大改装を受けて、航空母艦にジョブチェンジした千代田です。
|EN0 = Heavily remodeled from a seaplane tender, I'm the job-changed aircraft carrier Chiyoda.
I'm quite the carrier, no?  I'll fight the enemy air force together with Chiyoda-onee!}}
|00JP = 千代田よ。今日は私が時報を担当するわ。あっ、午前0時です。
|00EN = I'm Chiyoda.  I'll be acting as your timekeeper today. Ah, it's midnight.
|01JP = 午前1時。提督、こんな時間までやるの?そろそろ寝ないと…。私も千歳お姉と…。
|01EN = 1 A.M.  Admiral, your're going to keep going at this hour?  You should sleep soon.... And me with Chitose-onee....
|02JP = 午前2時。寝ないの?提督が寝たら、早く千歳お姉のところに行きたいのに~。
|02EN = 2 A.M.  Not sleeping? I was going to quickly go to Chitose-onee's room when you went to sleep~
|03JP = 午前3時。提督に1時間ごとに連絡するなんて…。全く、この任務なんなのかなぁ~。
|03EN = 3 A.M. To call on the Admiral hourly... seriously, what kind of mission is this?
|04JP = 午前4時…。ね、眠くなんかないわ!任務中ですから…。
|04EN = 4 A.M.... I-I'm not sleeping! I'm in the middle of a mission....
|05JP = 午前5時。提督、朝よ。この任務、千歳お姉にはさせられないわね…。私がやらないと。
|05EN = 5 A.M.  Admiral, It's morning.  This mission, will Chitose-onee have to do it... if I don't?
|06JP = 午前6時。そろそろ街も動き出す時間ね。
|06EN = 6 A.M. About time for the town to wake up.
|07JP = 午前7時。提督、朝よ!シャキっとした?
|07EN = 7 A.M. Admiral, it's morning! Are you refreshed?
|08JP = 午前8時。忙しそうね、仕事?勉強?原稿?なんでもいいわ。出撃、行くわよ!
|08EN = 8 A.M.  You look busy. Job?  Study? Manuscript?  Anything's fine.  Going off to sortie!
|09JP = 午前9時。今頃、千歳お姉はどうしているかなぁ…。
|09EN = 9 A.M.  I wonder what's Chitose-onee's doing around this time...
|10JP = 午前10時。提督は、千歳お姉のことどう思ってるの?1時間後には答えてよね!
|10EN = 10 A.M. Admiral, what do you think of Chitose-nee?  You're gonna answer me in an hour!
|11JP = 午前11時。ふ~ん、お姉のこと好きなのかぁ…。えっ、え~!?だ、ダメよ!
|11EN = 11 A.M. Sooooo, you like Sis, huh?  E-eh!? N-No, you can't!
|12JP = 正午です…が、提督、さっきの発言を取り消すまで、今日のランチはお預けです!
|12EN = Midday.... hey, Admiral, until you take back what you said, today's lunch is on hold!
|13JP = 午後1時です。提督、さっきの発言、取り消してよ!千代田もおなかすいたよ~。ねぇ~。
|14JP = 午後2時。提督も強情ね~。今日から恋のライバルよ!でも、仕方ない…。はい、おにぎり。
|15JP = 午後3時です。さて、午後はどっち方面に進撃するの?西?南?
|16JP = 午後4時。足りない…千歳お姉が足りないよ~。
|17JP = 午後5時。提督~、お姉のどんなところが好きなの?1時間後に答えてよねっ!
|18JP = 午後6時。さぁ、答えなさい!…ええ…ふんふん…え…えぇー!う、うそー!
|19JP = 午後7時。夕食の時間だけど…提督…お先にどうぞ…。微妙にショックで…喉を通らない…
|19EN = 7 P.M. It's dinner time but.... Admiral... you go on ahead... I'm a little shocked... I lost my appetite...|13EN = It's 1 P.M. Admiral, take it back! I'm getting hungry too~ hey~
|14EN = 2 P.M. The Admiral's so stubborn~ You'll be my rival in love from today! Eh, it can't be helped. Here, onigiri.
|14Note = (Rival in love for Chitose-nee)
|15EN = It's 3 P.M.  So, where are we attacking this afternoon? East? South?
|16EN = 4 P.M. Not here... Chitose-nee's not here!
|17EN = 5 P.M. Admiral~  What do you like about Sis?  You're gonna answer me in an hour!
|18EN = 6 P.M. So, what's your answer! hmm... I see... hmmm... e-eh! T-that's a lie!
|20JP = 午後8時です。目が赤いって…泣いてないですからっ!
|20EN = It's 8 P.M. My eyes are red... I'm haven't been crying!
|21JP = 午後9時です。提督…私に夜食差し入れって…。それは…ちょっと嬉しいかも…
|21EN = It's 9 P.M. Admiral... giving me supper... I'm a little glad, maybe...
|22JP = 午後10時です。やっぱり千歳お姉が提督の膝枕で寝るなんて、許せない!
|22EN = It's 10 P.M.  As I thought, Chitose-nee sleeping on the Admiral's lap, I can't forgive it!
|23JP = 午後11時よ。提督のお姉に関する記憶を塗り替えるわ!さ、膝枕を差し出すのよ!おやすみなさい!
|23EN = 11 P.M!  I'll refresh the memories of Sis! So, bring out your lap! Good night!
|23Note = (rough)
|idleJP = 提督、千代田よ!忘れちゃったの?
|idleEN = Admiral, Chiyoda here! Did you forget about me?}}
<strike>Is [[Chitose]]-sexual</strike>
==See Also==
==See Also==
*[[EliteCVL|List of light carriers]]
*[[EliteCVL|List of light carriers]]

Revision as of 01:19, 15 November 2013




No.50 千代田

Chiyoda Class Seaplane Tender

Icon HP.png HP 40 Icon Gun.png Firepower 9
Icon Armor.png Armor 18 Icon Torpedo.png Torpedo 18
Icon Evasion.png Evasion 20 Icon AA.png AA 14
Icon Aircraft.png Aircraft 24 Icon ASW.png ASW 0
Icon Speed.png Speed Fast Icon LOS.png LOS 34
Icon Range.png Range Short Icon Luck.png Luck 10
Fuel.pngFuel no data Ammunition.pngAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
02:20:00 2
Stock Equipment Icon Aircraft.pngSpace
12.7cm Twin High-Angle Cannon 12
Zero Recon Seaplane 12
-Locked- -
-Locked- -

Chiyoda Kai

Chiyoda Kai

No.96 千代田改

Chiyoda Class Seaplane Tender

Icon HP.png HP 41 Icon Gun.png Firepower 9
Icon Armor.png Armor 22 Icon Torpedo.png Torpedo 18
Icon Evasion.png Evasion 25 Icon AA.png AA 15
Icon Aircraft.png Aircraft 24 Icon ASW.png ASW 0
Icon Speed.png Speed Fast Icon LOS.png LOS 34
Icon Range.png Range Short Icon Luck.png Luck 10
Fuel.pngFuel no data Ammunition.pngAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
Remodel(Lv10) 3
Stock Equipment Icon Aircraft.pngSpace
Zero Recon Seaplane 12
Zuiun (Auspicious Clouds) 6
12.7cm Twin Cannon 6
-Locked- -

Chiyoda A

Chiyoda A

No.100 千代田甲

Chiyoda Class Seaplane Tender

Icon HP.png HP 42 Icon Gun.png Firepower 9(29)
Icon Armor.png Armor 22(39) Icon Torpedo.png Torpedo 18(72)
Icon Evasion.png Evasion 27 Icon AA.png AA 17(39)
Icon Aircraft.png Aircraft 24 Icon ASW.png ASW 0
Icon Speed.png Speed Fast Icon LOS.png LOS 34(69)
Icon Range.png Range Short Icon Luck.png Luck 10
Fuel.pngFuel no data Ammunition.pngAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
Remodel(Lv12) 3
Stock Equipment Icon Aircraft.pngSpace
Zero Recon Seaplane 12
Type A Ko-hyoteki 6
Type A Ko-hyoteki 6
-Locked- -

Chiyoda Carrier

Chiyoda Carrier

No.105 千代田航

Chiyoda Class Light Carrier

Icon HP.png HP 47 Icon Gun.png Firepower 3
Icon Armor.png Armor 27 Icon Torpedo.png Torpedo 0
Icon Evasion.png Evasion 27 Icon AA.png AA 22
Icon Aircraft.png Aircraft 36 Icon ASW.png ASW 0
Icon Speed.png Speed Fast Icon LOS.png LOS 41
Icon Range.png Range Short Icon Luck.png Luck 10
Fuel.pngFuel no data Ammunition.pngAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
Remodel(Lv15) 3
Stock Equipment Icon Aircraft.pngSpace
Type 21 Zero Fighter 21
Type 97 Torpedo Bomber 9
-Unequipped- 6
-Locked- -

Chiyoda Carrier Kai

Chiyoda Carrier Kai

No.105 千代田航改

Chiyoda Class Light Carrier

Icon HP.png HP 57 Icon Gun.png Firepower 10
Icon Armor.png Armor 37 Icon Torpedo.png Torpedo 0
Icon Evasion.png Evasion 48 Icon AA.png AA 39
Icon Aircraft.png Aircraft 56 Icon ASW.png ASW 0
Icon Speed.png Speed Fast Icon LOS.png LOS 55
Icon Range.png Range Short Icon Luck.png Luck 12
Fuel.pngFuel no data Ammunition.pngAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
Remodel(Lv35) 4
Stock Equipment Icon Aircraft.pngSpace
Type 52 Zero Fighter 21
Type 97 Torpedo Bomber 16
12cm 30X Rocket Launcher 8
-Unequipped- 8

Chiyoda Carrier Kai 2

Chiyoda Carrier Kai 2

No.122 千代田航改二

Chiyoda Class Light Carrier

Icon HP.png HP 58 Icon Gun.png Firepower 7(34)
Icon Armor.png Armor 39(65) Icon Torpedo.png Torpedo 0
Icon Evasion.png Evasion 53(69) Icon AA.png AA 47(72)
Icon Aircraft.png Aircraft 59 Icon ASW.png ASW 0
Icon Speed.png Speed Fast Icon LOS.png LOS 60(79)
Icon Range.png Range Short Icon Luck.png Luck 13
Fuel.pngFuel no data Ammunition.pngAmmo no data
Build Time Slots
Remodel(Lv50) 4
Stock Equipment Icon Aircraft.pngSpace
Type 52 Zero Fighter 21
25mm Dual Gun 16
12cm 30X Rocket Launcher 11
-Unequipped- 8


Chitose's sister, Chiyoda is nearly identical to Chitose in game


Seaplane Tender

Event Japanese English Note
水上機母艦千代田です。姉の千歳が、いつも迷惑かけていませんか? Seaplane tender Chiyoda. My older sister Chitose isn't bothering you, is she?
Library Intro

甲標的母艦としても運用できるようになっているのよ。 千歳お姉と一緒に頑張りますね!

Laid down as a Seaplane Tender, 2nd of the Chitose class, Chiyoda.

I was able to make use of midget subs, you know. I'll do my best alongside Chitose-onee!

(Chiyoda was able to use the Kyo-hotekis initally, Chitose was not)
え?また千歳お姉が何か? Eh? What is it Chitose-onee?
千歳お姉…危ない……あ…夢か… Chitose-onee... watch out... ah... A dream? Chitose and Chiyoda both were sunk during the Battle of the Philippine Sea - the only time a carrier has been sunk by surface bombardment.
千歳お姉…くすぐったいよぉ…って…提督、何してんの? Chitose-onee.. that tickleeeesss... oh, Admiral, What are you doing?
Show player's score
千歳お姉に…いえ、提督にご連絡です Communique for Chitose-onee... no, for the Admiral.
Joining a fleet
よし、水上機母艦千代田、出ます! Alright! Seaplane tender Chiyoda, launching!
少しは千歳お姉に近づけたかな? I'm getting a bit closer to Chitose-onee, aren't I?
ふふっこれで勝てる…千歳お姉に勝てるかも! Heheh I can win with this... Maybe even beat Chitose-onee!
いただきです! Let's eat!
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
少しは千歳お姉に近づけたかな? I'm getting a bit closer to Chitose-onee, aren't I?
Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP
Thanks for the docking, but I don't really like it.
Current HP < 50% of Max HP
Erg... I'm... heavy repairs...? Don't tell Chitose-onee! I beg you!
Ship construction
新しい船ができましたよ~って、今から来てもねぇ… A new ship has been finished~ Oh, here she comes~
Return from sortie
艦隊が戻ってきたね。みんな無事かな? The fleet has returned. Is everybody safe?
Start a sortie
お姉!先に出るよ! Sis! I'm going ahead!
Battle start
千代田艦載機、敵艦発見です! My seaplanes, they have discovered the enemy!
Air battle
お姉!先にやっちゃうよ! Sis! I went ahead!
索敵したら、攻撃よね~ Search and destroy~ (Not Engrish)
Night battle
さーちあんど、ですとろい~! Search and destroy~ (Engrish)
Night attack
お姉!先にやっちゃうよ! Sis! I went ahead!
千代田が一番?あら、お姉はちゃんとやってるかな? Chiyoda's the best? Oh my, am I as good as Sis?
Minor damaged(1)
Minor damaged(2)
I'm not going the same was as Chitose-onee! (Chitose sunk first, but Chiyoda kept on fighting, losing all hands)
≥Moderately damaged
Already... this... my seaplanes... (She's saying that she's too damaged to use the planes)
千歳お姉…ほんっとに、危なっかしいんだから… Chitose-onee... It really was... dangerous...

Light Carrier

Event Japanese English Note
空母になった千代田です。是非、千歳お姉と一緒に機動部隊を編成してね The girl that became an aircraft carrier, Chiyoda. Of course, I'll be assigned to Chitose-onee's fleet, yes?
Library Intro


Heavily remodeled from a seaplane tender, I'm the job-changed aircraft carrier Chiyoda.

I'm quite the carrier, no? I'll fight the enemy air force together with Chiyoda-onee!

提督、なあに? Admiral, wha~t?
飛行甲板って…いいよね! Flight decks... are great!
千歳お姉、そ~ゆぅのは二人の部屋で……なんだ、提督なの? Chiyoda-onee, ju~st the two of us in the room... Oh. The Admiral.
Show player's score
提督、お姉から…じゃなかった。司令部から連絡です Communique from Sis... no, headquarters.
Joining a fleet
航空母艦千代田、出撃します! Aircraft carrier Chiyoda, launching!
ありがとう!これなら正規空母並みよね Thank you! With this, I can match the regular carriers, no?
今度はレイテでも大丈夫! Leyte will be okay this time!
お姉、見てた? Sis, were you watching?
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP
Carrier maintenance is vital, you know.
Current HP < 50% of Max HP
Ow-w-w~ Keep this a secret... from Chitose-nee~
Ship construction
Return from sortie
作戦が終わった艦隊が、戻ってきたね Operation's complete, the fleet has returned.
Start a sortie
航空母艦千代田、出撃します!or艦載機の練度も十分、出撃ね! Aircraft carrier Chiyoda, launching!
Battle start
Air battle
千歳お姉の隊と一緒に飛ばせたいなぁ… I really want to fly with Chitose-nee's fleet...


Night battle
そろそろトドメをさしちゃおっかな It's about fine for the coup-de-grace!
Night attack
やったあ、空母としての千代田もイケるじゃない。千歳お姉、ちゃんと見てた? Yay! I can really do it with as an aircraft carrier, can't I? Chitose-nee, did you see me?
Minor damaged(1)
Minor damaged(2)
The flight deck's on fire!? Put it out!
≥Moderately damaged
千歳おねぇ・・・ゆっくり・・・来てね・・・ Chitose-one~... take it... easy....


Time Japanese English Note
千代田よ。今日は私が時報を担当するわ。あっ、午前0時です。 I'm Chiyoda. I'll be acting as your timekeeper today. Ah, it's midnight.
午前1時。提督、こんな時間までやるの?そろそろ寝ないと…。私も千歳お姉と…。 1 A.M. Admiral, your're going to keep going at this hour? You should sleep soon.... And me with Chitose-onee....
午前2時。寝ないの?提督が寝たら、早く千歳お姉のところに行きたいのに~。 2 A.M. Not sleeping? I was going to quickly go to Chitose-onee's room when you went to sleep~
午前3時。提督に1時間ごとに連絡するなんて…。全く、この任務なんなのかなぁ~。 3 A.M. To call on the Admiral hourly... seriously, what kind of mission is this?
午前4時…。ね、眠くなんかないわ!任務中ですから…。 4 A.M.... I-I'm not sleeping! I'm in the middle of a mission....
午前5時。提督、朝よ。この任務、千歳お姉にはさせられないわね…。私がやらないと。 5 A.M. Admiral, It's morning. This mission, will Chitose-onee have to do it... if I don't?
午前6時。そろそろ街も動き出す時間ね。 6 A.M. About time for the town to wake up.
午前7時。提督、朝よ!シャキっとした? 7 A.M. Admiral, it's morning! Are you refreshed?
午前8時。忙しそうね、仕事?勉強?原稿?なんでもいいわ。出撃、行くわよ! 8 A.M. You look busy. Job? Study? Manuscript? Anything's fine. Going off to sortie!
午前9時。今頃、千歳お姉はどうしているかなぁ…。 9 A.M. I wonder what's Chitose-onee's doing around this time...
午前10時。提督は、千歳お姉のことどう思ってるの?1時間後には答えてよね! 10 A.M. Admiral, what do you think of Chitose-nee? You're gonna answer me in an hour!
午前11時。ふ~ん、お姉のこと好きなのかぁ…。えっ、え~!?だ、ダメよ! 11 A.M. Sooooo, you like Sis, huh? E-eh!? N-No, you can't!
正午です…が、提督、さっきの発言を取り消すまで、今日のランチはお預けです! Midday.... hey, Admiral, until you take back what you said, today's lunch is on hold!
午後1時です。提督、さっきの発言、取り消してよ!千代田もおなかすいたよ~。ねぇ~。 It's 1 P.M. Admiral, take it back! I'm getting hungry too~ hey~
午後2時。提督も強情ね~。今日から恋のライバルよ!でも、仕方ない…。はい、おにぎり。 2 P.M. The Admiral's so stubborn~ You'll be my rival in love from today! Eh, it can't be helped. Here, onigiri. (Rival in love for Chitose-nee)
午後3時です。さて、午後はどっち方面に進撃するの?西?南? It's 3 P.M. So, where are we attacking this afternoon? East? South?
午後4時。足りない…千歳お姉が足りないよ~。 4 P.M. Not here... Chitose-nee's not here!
午後5時。提督~、お姉のどんなところが好きなの?1時間後に答えてよねっ! 5 P.M. Admiral~ What do you like about Sis? You're gonna answer me in an hour!
午後6時。さぁ、答えなさい!…ええ…ふんふん…え…えぇー!う、うそー! 6 P.M. So, what's your answer! hmm... I see... hmmm... e-eh! T-that's a lie!
午後7時。夕食の時間だけど…提督…お先にどうぞ…。微妙にショックで…喉を通らない… 7 P.M. It's dinner time but.... Admiral... you go on ahead... I'm a little shocked... I lost my appetite...
午後8時です。目が赤いって…泣いてないですからっ! It's 8 P.M. My eyes are red... I'm haven't been crying!
午後9時です。提督…私に夜食差し入れって…。それは…ちょっと嬉しいかも… It's 9 P.M. Admiral... giving me supper... I'm a little glad, maybe...
午後10時です。やっぱり千歳お姉が提督の膝枕で寝るなんて、許せない! It's 10 P.M. As I thought, Chitose-nee sleeping on the Admiral's lap, I can't forgive it!
午後11時よ。提督のお姉に関する記憶を塗り替えるわ!さ、膝枕を差し出すのよ!おやすみなさい! 11 P.M! I'll refresh the memories of Sis! So, bring out your lap! Good night! (rough)

Is Chitose-sexual

See Also