
Line 373: Line 373:  
|Ah, Admiral, is this for me? Thanks! Should I eat this all once when I unwrap it?
|Ah, Admiral, is this for me? Thanks! Should I eat this all once when I unwrap it?
|[[Seasonal/White Day 2015|White Day 2015]] voice line.
|[[Seasonal/White Day 2015|White Day 2015]] voice line.
|{{Audio|file= }}
|''A regular seasonal line''<br/>[[Seasonal/White Day 2015|White Day 2015]] voice line.
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Kinu White Day 2016.ogg}}
|提督、このクッキーくれるの? わーい! ありがと…ぅ~っ!!?? 辛いよこれ…え、チョコのお返し? くっそぉ~、マジパナイっ!!
|提督、このクッキーくれるの? わーい! ありがと…ぅ~っ!!?? 辛いよこれ…え、チョコのお返し? くっそぉ~、マジパナイっ!!
|You're giving me this cookie admiral? Yay~! Thank you... uuuurgh!!?? It's spicy... eh, a return gift? Damn it, it sucks!!
|You're giving me this cookie admiral? Yay~! Thank you... uuuurgh!!?? It's spicy... eh, a return gift? Damn it, it sucks!!
Line 387: Line 381:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Abukuma White Day 2016.ogg}}
|Is this for me Admiral? Handmade by you? Ehehehe the misshapen look is cute~. I'll happily dig in!
|Is this for me Admiral? Handmade by you? Ehehehe the misshapen look is cute~. I'll happily dig in!
Line 393: Line 387:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Yura White Day 2016.ogg}}
|Admiral-san. Thank you very much for the return gift. I'm really happy for your consideration...
|Admiral-san. Thank you very much for the return gift. I'm really happy for your consideration...
Line 399: Line 393:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Tenryuu White Day 2016.ogg}}
|あ、提督。なんだよ、俺になんかくれるのか? …あっ…ん…えっ…ありがとな
|あ、提督。なんだよ、俺になんかくれるのか? …あっ…ん…えっ…ありがとな
|Ah, Admiral. What is it, you have something for me? Thank you.
|Ah, Admiral. What is it, you have something for me? Thank you.
Line 405: Line 399:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Tatsuda White Day 2016.ogg}}
|あら~私に? いいのかしら? ありがたく頂戴するわね。……勿論、私にだけよねぇ?
|あら~私に? いいのかしら? ありがたく頂戴するわね。……勿論、私にだけよねぇ?
|Oh, for me? Is this ok? Please accept my thanks... Of course, only I got this right?
|Oh, for me? Is this ok? Please accept my thanks... Of course, only I got this right?
Line 411: Line 405:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Agano White Day 2016.ogg}}
|提督さーん! なになに? あ、これ…阿賀野の最新鋭チョコのお返し? 開けていい? わぁ、美味しそう♪ 提督さん、ありがとう♪
|提督さーん! なになに? あ、これ…阿賀野の最新鋭チョコのお返し? 開けていい? わぁ、美味しそう♪ 提督さん、ありがとう♪
|Admiral-san! What is it? Ah, this is the return gift for my cutting-edge chocolate? Can I open it? Wow, it looks delicious♪ Admiral-san, thank you♪
|Admiral-san! What is it? Ah, this is the return gift for my cutting-edge chocolate? Can I open it? Wow, it looks delicious♪ Admiral-san, thank you♪
Line 417: Line 411:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Noshiro White Day 2016.ogg}}
|I've received the return gift from the admiral. What should I do... it would be a waste to eat it... but if I don't it will spoil... hrmm...
|I've received the return gift from the admiral. What should I do... it would be a waste to eat it... but if I don't it will spoil... hrmm...
Line 423: Line 417:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Yahagi White Day 2016.ogg}}
|提督、これをお返しに? ありがとう♪ …後で能代姉にもお礼しなくちゃ。
|提督、これをお返しに? ありがとう♪ …後で能代姉にもお礼しなくちゃ。
|A return gift for me Admiral? Thank you♪ ...I'll have to thank Noshiro-nee later too.
|A return gift for me Admiral? Thank you♪ ...I'll have to thank Noshiro-nee later too.
Line 429: Line 423:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Sakawa White Day 2016.ogg}}
|ぴゃっ!? 司令が酒匂チョコのお返し…くれた! もったいないけど、開けちゃお。わぁ、美味しそぉ~!
|ぴゃっ!? 司令が酒匂チョコのお返し…くれた! もったいないけど、開けちゃお。わぁ、美味しそぉ~!
|Pyaa~!? I got a return gift from... the Commander! It's a bit of a waste... but I'm opening it! Wow, it looks delicious~!
|Pyaa~!? I got a return gift from... the Commander! It's a bit of a waste... but I'm opening it! Wow, it looks delicious~!
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