
Line 55: Line 55:  
|はぁーい♡ 如月の気持ちを込めたチョコレート、ちゃんと最後まで、食べてね?
|はぁーい♡ 如月の気持ちを込めたチョコレート、ちゃんと最後まで、食べてね?
|He–re you go♡ Chocolates filled with my feelings, make sure you eat every last one, 'kay?
|He–re you go♡ Chocolates filled with my feelings, make sure you eat all of it, 'kay?
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.
Line 67: Line 67:  
|しれいかぁ~ん! 卯月から、チョコあげるぴょ~ん! あー、これは嘘じゃないぴょん!
|しれいかぁ~ん! 卯月から、チョコあげるぴょ~ん! あー、これは嘘じゃないぴょん!
|A–dmiral! Here's some chocolate from me, pyon! Ah–, I'm not kidding this time, pyon!
|Comman~der! Here's some chocolate from me, pyon! Ah–, I'm not kidding this time, pyon!
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.
Line 78: Line 78:  
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
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|Commander, here's a chocolate! Handmade by me! ...what? No Irako didn't help, me. I-I'm serious!
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Here's Fumizuki's swee~t chocolate for commander♪
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|I know it's not like me, but commander always takes care of me. So it's about time for a return.
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Wait! Commander don't look yet! Mikazuki's special chocolate cake is almost done!
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Valentine? Nonsense... wh-, commander, so disappointed... uh, sorry.
|{{Audio|file = Fubuki_Valentines2015.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file = Fubuki_Valentine_Sec1.ogg}}
|Um, Commander, this, please accept it! N-no! It's chocolate!
|Commander! It's Valentine today! I made chocolate shaped like a big heart! Here! Huh, it's, melting?!
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.
|Commander.... Um, I have some sweets here for you. If you'd like, please have them.
|Please have this chocolate. I worked hard on it. However, I'm not very experienced in cooking... sorry.  
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.
|Commander probably got nice chocolate from everyone else. He wouldn't want this. Guess I'll just throw it out... Uh, commander?... uhh, uuuoooouu..!?
Line 133: Line 133:  
|{{Audio|file=Isonami_Valentine_Sec1.ogg }}
|{{Audio|file=Isonami_Valentine_Sec1.ogg }}
|てーとく…提督さん! あ、あの、これをもらってくださいますか? ど、ど、どうぞ!
|てーとく…提督さん! あ、あの、これをもらってくださいますか? ど、ど、どうぞ!
|Admiral....Admiral! Ah, um, please accept this! H-h-here!
|Admiral....Admiral! Ah, um, would you please accept this? H-h-here!
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.
|Here, it's chocolate for Valentine's Day. I'm not sure if you'll like it... but here you go!
|I prepared some, j-just in case. But you probably don't want it... huh? you do? o-oh.
Line 157: Line 157:  
|バレンタイン( ・∀・)キタコレ! 仕方ない…ご主人様にもチョコレート、はい❤
|バレンタイン( ・∀・)キタコレ! 仕方ない…ご主人様にもチョコレート、はい❤
|Valentine's, YESSS! Right....a chocolate for you too, Master. Here❤
|Valentine's, is here! Right....a chocolate for you too, Master. Here❤
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Admiral,I worked hard on it. Would you please take Ushio's chocolate?
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|Admiral, um... this is what Oboro made... i-if you would like please take some!
Line 181: Line 181:  
|Admiral. I'd like you to have this....should I not have?
|Admiral. I'd also would like you to have this....should I not have?
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.
Line 187: Line 187:  
|村雨の、ちょっと良いチョコ、食べてみる? 甘くて、すこーし苦いんです。うふふ♪
|村雨の、ちょっと良いチョコ、食べてみる? 甘くて、すこーし苦いんです。うふふ♪
|Would you like to try some of these nice chocolates? They're sweet and just a little bitter.  Ufufu♪
|Would you like to try Murasame's nice chocolates? They're sweet and just a little bitter.  Ufufu♪
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.
Line 193: Line 193:  
|Um, this chocolate-ish thing's for you. I did my bestest making it!
|Um, this chocolate-ish thing's for you poi! Yuudachi did her best making it poi!
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.
Line 204: Line 204:  
|{{Audio|file =Asashimo_Valentine_Sec1.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file =Asashimo_Valentine_Sec1.ogg}}
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|バラン…タイ…? まーたおかしな祭りばっかだな、この艦隊は。…ぅ、一応あるぜ、はいよ!
|Valen....tine's? Jeez, this fleet has all sorts of weird holidays. Well, I do have some for you, though. Here!
|Valen....tine's? Jeez, this fleet has all sorts of weird holidays. Well, I do have some for you, though. Here!
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.
Line 210: Line 210:  
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
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|C-commander! I made some ch-chocolate! As a proper lady... I, uhh...
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|Um... commander, here's Inazuma's earnest chocolate!
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|How was Ikazuchi's handmade chocolate commander?...It was good? Then I can make some every month you know!
|Tadah! Ikazuchi prepared some handmade chocolate! Make sure you enjoy it commander. Here!
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
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|Here's a Russian-style chocolate, commander. What about it is Russian you ask? That's... a secret.
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
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|Hey Admiral! Try eating this! This chocolate was made by Tanakaze! It quite delicious!
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
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|Um... Admrial. If... if you can accept this I would be... happy...
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|I made some chocolate for ya♥ Admiral, you can have some... if you want.
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|まあ、少し手間取ったけど、できたからあげるわ。……何って、チョコよ。そんなこともわかんないの? …………は、早く受け取ってったらぁ!
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Well, it took a bit of effort, but since it's done, I'll give it to you... what do you mean, "what?" It's chocolate. Can you not see?.... H-hurry up and take it!  
|{{Audio|file =Asashio_Valentine_Sec1.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file =Asashio_Valentine_Sec1.ogg}}
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|司令官! こちらのチョコレートを、どうぞお受け取りください! ……大丈夫です! 味見と毒見は完了済みです! 安全安心です!
|Commander! Please take this chocolate here!... It's ok! I made sure to taste it and check for poison! It's completely safe!
|{{Audio|file =Arashio_Valentine_Sec1.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file =Arashio_Valentine_Sec1.ogg}}
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|うふふふふっ。あはははっ! ほら見て。チョ・コ・レ・エ・ト♪ 食べる? 本当? ……じゃあ……あ・げ・る♪
|Ufufufufu. Ahahaha! Look. Cho~co~la~te♪ Want some? really? .... Well, here it is♪
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Commander, Arare has properly made some chocolate as well.  Yes, these are for you.
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|司令官……あの……義理よ、義理。完全に義理なんだから! はい、一応、終わり!
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Commander, umm...these are just obligation chocolates, obligation!  These are absolutely only obligation chocolates.  Right, take one, and done!
|司令官! アゲアゲな気持ちになるチョコ、差し上げます! 元気無い時には、これ食べて? たちまち元気がアゲアゲです!
|Commander!  Please accept these chocolates filed my fired up feelings!  When you want to need a pick me up be sure to eat one okay?  As soon as you do you'll be fired up for sure!
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Admiral~, here you go, Shimakaze's chocolate.  Eat these before you have anyone else's.  Come on, hurry up, hurry up~!
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Commander!  Here's some chocolate!  I went out and bought it myself!  I think it tastes pretty good!
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Well, just in case.  I made this for you...comamander, just in case.  Here you can have it.  Jeez it's just one!  Only one!
|チョコレートですか? 司令も欲しいのですか? ……そうですか。仕方ないですね……。
|Chocolate? Commander, wanted some too?  I see.  Well it can't be helped then.
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Commander, please accept my chocolate.  Make sure you eat lots of it!
|Commander, please accept my chocolate.  Eh, you don't want any? Don't be up!  Here!
|Here, Admiral.  Did you want to eat some of Maikaze's chocolate?  Well, here you go.  Try it, try it!
|Admiral, do you happen to like....sweets?  In that case please have this.  You don't want it?  You do?  Right, here then!
|Commander, that wrapped thing I gave you before, have you opened it?  Oh, you still haven't?  No, it's nothing, it's nothing....
|Commander, please take this.  Naw, it's not a big deal.  Don't read to much into it.
|よし!甘さ控えめの健康チョコレート、完成です! 綺麗に包んで…うふふっ、よーし♪
|All right!  My slightly sweet healthy chocolate is finished!  Now to wrap it with prettily, ufufu, yes!
|司令!…あ、嵐?え、嵐も司令にチョコレートを…。 でも、ここは譲れない。司令、あの!
|Commander! Ah, Arashi?  Eh, Arashi made the Commander chocolate as well.... but I can't hold back because of that.  Commander, could I have your attention!
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Admiral!  Umm, this, please take it. It's fine if you open it later, it's fine!
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|I made this chocolate for Commander with the help of Naganami-neesama, would it accept...
|Admiral, here! I have some Chocolate! Will you eat Teruzuki's Chocolate?
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|I wonder if I got the shape right?  Did I exaggerate the outline too much?  Ah, Admiral, if it's fine with you please try some of this!
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Admiral, here, take this chocolate.  Hmm?  It's fine I bought it from the bartender.  Make sure to find me a good return gift okay?
|Admiral...nfufu....would you take this?  Do you want it?  Do you not want it?  Which is it?  Do you want Libe's chocolate?  Well you go!
Line 388: Line 412:  
|Yo Admiral.  I’ve been waiting here for you. Well here it is, my beyond world class chocolate.  My…my hands are cold?  I haven’t been waiting out here that long!
|Yo Admiral.  I’ve been waiting here for you. Well here it is, my beyond world-class chocolate.  My…my hands are cold?  I haven’t been waiting out here that long!
Line 405: Line 429:  
|Admiral have this chocolate nyaa.  It’s not catnip nyaa, it’s Tama’s chocolate nyaa.  Nyaa.
|Admiral have this chocolate nyaa.  It’s not catnip nyaa, it’s Tama’s chocolate nyaa.  Nyaa.
Line 437: Line 461:  
|このトリュフ作ったんだ.  提督、食べて!えっへへへへ、どう、辛い?甘い?ひとつだけ甘い、ロシアンチョコ仕様なのだ!
|このトリュフ作ったんだ.  提督、食べて!えっへへへへ、どう、辛い?甘い?ひとつだけ甘い、ロシアンチョコ仕様なのだ!
|I made you this truffle Admiral now eat up!  Hehehehehe, well? Will it be spicy?  Will it be sweet?  It’s my Sweet Chocolates Russian Roulette game!
|I made you this truffle Admiral now eat up!  Hehehehehe, well? Will it be spicy?  Will it be sweet?  It’s my Sweet Chocolates Russian Roulette game where only one is sweet!
Line 449: Line 473:  
|Right, here’s Yuubari’s chocolate.  Of course, I made it fruit juice with fruit juice filling, just like you’d expect.  Really I did!
|Right, here’s Yuubari’s chocolate.  Of course, I made sure to add fruit juice, just like you’d expect.  Really I did!
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|最新鋭よー、最新鋭!最新鋭チョコ、準備OKで~す! 提督さん、はい! 阿賀野の出来立て最新鋭チョコ、どうぞ!
|Cutting edge, cutting edge!  Cutting Edge chocolate, preparations complete!  Admiral here!  Have some of Agano's Cutting Edge Chocolate!
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|Agano-nee's portion is....all done!, As for the Admiral's it might be a bit small but all try my best!  There, I'll give these out!  But I must practice!
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|My big sisters all all busy making chocolates, I wonder if I should join in?  Yes, I must teach Noshiro-nee how to make it!
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|Here, commander I made you some chocolate by hand, would you like to try it?  ehehe♪
Line 500: Line 524:  
|Admiral?  If it’s alright with you please accept this chocolate.  Yes, I made it very sweet!
|Admiral?  If it’s alright with you please accept this chocolate.  Yes, It's very sweet!
Line 520: Line 544:  
|{{Audio|file=Aoba_Valentine_Sec1.ogg }}
|{{Audio|file=Aoba_Valentine_Sec1.ogg }}
|Hmm?  That photo just now?  Aoba wanted to use it for the Fleet’s Newspaper? What? Not allowed?  Awww.
|Hmm?  That photo just now?  Aoba wanted to use it for Aoba's Fleet Newspaper? What? Not allowed?  Awww.
|Aya Shameimaru much?
|{{Audio|file=Kinugasa_Valentine_Sec1.ogg }}
|{{Audio|file=Kinugasa_Valentine_Sec1.ogg }}
|Please try some of Kinugasa’s special heart shaped chocolate.  Well, how’s the taste?  Really?  I’m glad.
|Please try some of Kinugasa’s special heart shaped chocolate.  Well, how’s the taste?  Really?  I’m glad.
Line 532: Line 556:  
|{{Audio|file=Kinugasa_Valentine_Sec2.ogg }}
|{{Audio|file=Kinugasa_Valentine_Sec2.ogg }}
|Here! Kinugasa's specially made heart chocolate! I hope you enjoy its taste!
Line 549: Line 573:  
|Umm..Admiral, if it’s alright would you please accept this?  It’s from me.
|Umm..Admiral, if it’s alright would you please accept this?  It’s from me.
Line 557: Line 581:  
|Nachi isn't good with this sort of thing but…I had a little bit to drink earlier to work up my courage.  Here.
|Nachi isn't good with this sort of thing but…I'll give you this one that has alcohol in it.  Here.
Line 587: Line 611:  
|Making chocolates by hand was harder than I thought.  I spent a lot of resoruces…but, it’s done!
|Making chocolates by hand was harder than I thought.  I spent a lot for the ingredients …but, it’s done!
|1st Secretary Line.
|1st Secretary Line.
Line 605: Line 629:  
|甘いもんは苦手なんだよ! これでも食らいやがれぇー!!
|甘いもんは苦手なんだよ! これでも食らいやがれぇー!!
|I don't like sweets! Take this!!
|I don't like sweets things! Eat this!!
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.<br/>''Attack line''
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.<br/>''Attack line''
Line 616: Line 640:  
|Mmm? A Bulge? I wonder if I ate too much hand made chocolate as I was making it?
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.<br> ''Attack Line''
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.<br> ''Attack Line''
Line 652: Line 676:  
|{{Audio|file=Tone_Valentine_Sec1.ogg }}
|{{Audio|file=Tone_Valentine_Sec1.ogg }}
|Mmm..these chocolates are delicious! Huh? Those weren't meant for me? S-sorry....
|Mmm..these chocolates are delicious! Huh? Those weren't meant for me? S-sorry....
Line 659: Line 683:  
|{{Audio|file=Chikuma_Valentine_Sec1.ogg }}
|{{Audio|file=Chikuma_Valentine_Sec1.ogg }}
|Has Tone eaten all of your chocolates? It’s okay, I’ll give you half of mine.
|Tone-neesan, did you eat all of your own chocolates? Yes! It’s okay, I’ll give you half of mine.
Line 692: Line 716:  
|ひえ~! 徹甲弾とチョコ、間違えて装填しそうに……っ! ひえっ、ひえ~!
|ひえ~! 徹甲弾とチョコ、間違えて装填しそうに……っ! ひえっ、ひえ~!
|Hieee~! I mistook the choco for an AP shell & loaded it in...! Hiee~ hiee~!
|Hieee~! I mistook the chocolate for an AP shell & loaded it in...! Hiee~ hiee~!
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.<br>''Attack line''
|[[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.<br>''Attack line''
Line 745: Line 769:  
|{{Audio|file= Nagato_Valentine_Sec1.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file= Nagato_Valentine_Sec1.ogg}}
|U..umm, I made these in case you wanted some. was Mutsu's idea, she said this sort of thing was important.  So...what do you think, will this do?
|はーぁい提督。少し大人のチョコレート、あげるわ。大事に食べるのよ、いーい? うふふっ♪
|Hi, Admiral.  I'll give you a little bit of adult chocolate.  Make sure you eat it all, okay? ufufu~
Line 758: Line 782:  
|Admiral, this chocolate is pretty good. If you’re feeling tired why not have some? Go, on don’t be shy!  
|Admiral, this chocolate is pretty good. If you’re feeling tired why not have some? Go on, don’t be shy!  
|Just in case I made some chocolate....what you don't want any?  You do want some?  Ah, okay then.  fuun...
Line 777: Line 801:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Admiral, please accept Chitose's chocolates.  It's a little bitter but I think that gives it a more adult taste, fufu.
|{{Audio|file= }}
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Admiral?  Have you seen Chitose-onee anywhere?  No?  I see...well i-it can't be helped, here have these!
|{{Audio|file=Houshou_Valentines_2016_Sec1.ogg }}
|{{Audio|file=Houshou_Valentine_Sec2.ogg }}
|Admiral...umm I was wondering, would it be okay if I umm...also gave you a chocolate....
|{{Audio|file=Houshou_Valentine_Sec1.ogg }}
|チョコレート、いかがでしたか? きな粉と和三盆を使って和風に……そうですか、良かった。
|So, what did you think of the chocolate?  I made it Japanese style with flour and wasanbon...oh really?  I'm so glad.
|Wasanbon is a Japanese refined sugar
|{{Audio|file=Houshou_Valentines_2016_Sec1.ogg }}
|{{Audio|file=Shouhou_Valentine_Sec1.ogg }}
|て、提督。あ、あの……祥鳳のこのチョコレート、受け取っていただけますか? あ……ありがとうございます!
|Ad-Admiral, umm...would you accept this chocolate from Shouhou?  Th-thank you so much!
|{{Audio|file= }}
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Admiral, I earnestly made this chocolate, would you like some?
|{{Audio|file=Ryuujouou_Valentines_2016_Sec1.ogg }}
|{{Audio|file=Ryuujou Valentine Sec1.ogg}}
|司令官、こ、これ、うち、一生懸命作った、「ちょこれーと」っちゅう奴や。甘いもん嫌いやったら別…に…あ。もう食っとる!?…どや? おいしい?…うぅ、お、おいしいって言えや~!
| chocolate I worked hard to make it.  I don't really know if you like sweet things already ate it?  How was it?  Was it good?  Tell me it was good!
Line 822: Line 852:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Akagi Valentine Sec1.ogg}}
|Admiral please have these chocolates if you’d like, oh no you don’t need to get me anything in return.
|Admiral please have these chocolates if you’d like. ...O...Oh no! you don’t need to get me anything in return.
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Kaga Valentine Sec1.ogg}}
|Admiral, I heard you like sweet things so here.  Ah no, there’s no particular reason behind this.
|Admiral, I heard you like sweet things so here.  Ah no, there’s no particular reason behind this.
Line 834: Line 864:  
|{{Audio|file= Souryuu_Valentines_2016_Sec1.ogg }}
|{{Audio|file= Souryuu_Valentine_Sec1.ogg }}
|はい、提督。私からもチョコあげる♪ あんまりいっぱいもらって食べ過ぎないでね?
|はい、提督。私からもチョコあげる♪ あんまりいっぱいもらって食べ過ぎないでね?
|Here you go, Admiral. Some chocolates from me, too. Don't eat too much just because you got a lot, okay?
|Here you go, Admiral. Some chocolates from me, too. Don't eat too much just because you got a lot, okay?
Line 840: Line 870:  
|{{Audio|file= Hiryuu_Valentines_2016_Sec1.ogg }}
|{{Audio|file= Hiryuu_Valentine_Sec1.ogg }}
|んっふ~♪ 提督、チョコあげる、チョコ♪ 一応手作りだよ? 大事に食べてね♪
|んっふ~♪ 提督、チョコあげる、チョコ♪ 一応手作りだよ? 大事に食べてね♪
|Huhu~m♪ Admiral, I have some chocolates for you. Chocolates♪ They're homemade, you know? Make sure you enjoy them♪
|Huhu~m♪ Admiral, I have some chocolates for you. Chocolates♪ They're homemade, you know? Make sure you enjoy them♪
Line 846: Line 876:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Shoukaku Valentine Sec1.ogg}}
|Admiral, if you wouldn't mind would you please accept these chocolates from me? Ah, I’m so glad, thank you very much.  
|Admiral, if you wouldn't mind would you please accept these chocolates from me? Ah, I’m so glad, thank you very much.  
Line 852: Line 882:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Zuikaku Valentine Sec1.ogg}}
|Admiral, I don't want you hanging around me looking so down in the dumps, so I'll give you some chocolate okay?, make sure you accept it properly okay?
|A, admiral, since I thought that I'd be the only one. It'd be a shame, so I'll give you some chocolate. Here... make sure you give me something in return.
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Katsuragi Valentine Sec1.ogg}}
|You want some chocolate? Hmm….are you okay with just one? Really? It can’t be helped then I’ll have to give you this.
|You want some chocolate? Hmm... I did prepare just in case. Really? It can't be helped then, here!
|[[Graf Zeppelin]]
|[[Graf Zeppelin]]
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Graf Zeppelin Valentine Sec1.ogg}}
|The practice of giving chocolates? Not bad. As expected of the country of courtesy. Right! Admiral this may be just a box of chocolate but I’ll give it to you.
|The practice of giving chocolates? Not bad. As expected of the country of courtesy. Right! Admiral this may be just a box of chocolate but I’ll give it to you.
Line 879: Line 909:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=I-168 Valentine Sec1.ogg}}
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Commander, please accept Imuya's Smart phone size type chocolate in the shape of a ship's bridge! It's handmade by Imuya herself. 
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=I-168 Valentine Sec2.ogg}}
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Commander, have you eaten Imuya's chocolate yet?  Eh?  You're using it as a decoration?  That's not what it's for at all!  Hurry up and eat it, jeez!
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=I-58 Valentine Sec1.ogg}}
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Admiral, Admiral! Please take this dechi!  It's Goya's special Goya chocolate dechi!
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=I-58 Valentine Sec2.ogg}}  
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|提督提督ー!ちゃんとゴーヤチョコ食べたー? ……えーなんでー!? 美味しいのにー。早く食べるでち!
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Admiral Admiral! Did you already have Goya's chocolate?  Eh, why not?  It's delicious.  Hurry up and eat it dechi!
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=I-19 Valentine Sec1.ogg}}
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Admiral! Iku work hard into making this hand-made chocolates! I like you to eat some!  Oh?  It's delicious?  Yes, I there's some more!
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=I-19 Valentine Sec2.ogg}}
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Admiral?  What is it?  Your face has a pretty bad  You had too much chocolate?  That's not good....I'll make you some chocolates with stomach medicine inside!  Here, eat this!
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=I-8 Valentine Sec1.ogg}}
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|Admiral, since it's Valentine's, Hacchan made you some Stollen Bread with chocolates inside.  How is it?  Does it taste good?
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=I-8 Valentine Sec2.ogg}}
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|<!-- English (remove when added) -->
|My choco-stollen got rave reviews.  I've been learning how to make Panetonne from that new girl, I think I'll try putting chocolate in that too!
|She's likely reffering to [[Libeccio]] since Panetonne is an Italian made sweet.
   Line 937: Line 967:  
|{{Audio|file=Akashi_Valentines_2016_Sec1.ogg }}
|{{Audio|file=Akashi_Valentine_Sec1.ogg }}
|Admiral, here you go, some chocolate!  Now about my return gift...hmm some fancy sweets or even more resources would be good!
|Admiral, here you go, some chocolate!  Now about my return gift...hmm some fancy sweets and resources would be good!
|{{Audio|file= }}
|Admiral, maybe you should take this chocolate. It’s my authentic handmade Akitsushima chocolate! If you want to eat some it mean a lot to me, maybe.
|Admiral, maybe you should take this chocolate. It’s my authentic handmade Akitsushima chocolate! If you want to eat some feeling to it.
|{{Audio|file= }}
|Admiral?  Could you take a look at the chocolate Mizuho made?  Would you like to try one right now?
|Admiral?  Have you been looking at Mizuho making chocolate sweets?  Would you like to try one?
|{{Audio|file= }}
|Admiral please accept this chocolate.  I made it myself.
|Admiral please accept this chocolate.  I made it myself.
Line 971: Line 1,001:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|I baked a special chocolate cake. It's very sweet and delicious.
| [[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.<br>''Involves adding chocolate into their cakes''
| [[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.<br>''Involves adding chocolate into their cakes''
|{{Audio|file= }}
|<!-- Japanese (remove when added) -->
|バレンタイン… やっぱり、チョコですよね!最中の中、チョコアイスにしてみました!
|Valentine's of course means chocolate doesn't it?  I added some chocolate ice cream as the filling to the Monaka.
| [[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.<br>''Involves adding chocolate into their cakes''
| [[Seasonal/Valentine's Day 2015|Valentine's Day 2015]] Line.<br>''Involves adding chocolate into their cakes''
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