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|およ? これは、この季節だけの特別なワインなのかにゃあ。睦月も少しだけ飲んでみたいかも! ぅぁ、如月ちゃん、そんなに!? ……はっ、ポーラさんにゃ……。  
|およ? これは、この季節だけの特別なワインなのかにゃあ。睦月も少しだけ飲んでみたいかも! ぅぁ、如月ちゃん、そんなに!? ……はっ、ポーラさんにゃ……。  
|Oho? This is, the special wine that is only available during this season-nya. I'd like to try a little! Whoa, Kisaragi-chan, so much!? ...Haa, Pola-san nya...
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|あら~、これは素敵な旬のワインね。いいの? こんなところで。あらポーラさん、素敵な飲みっぷり。如月も負けないわよ。はい、乾杯。司令官も一緒にどう?  
|あら~、これは素敵な旬のワインね。いいの? こんなところで。あらポーラさん、素敵な飲みっぷり。如月も負けないわよ。はい、乾杯。司令官も一緒にどう?  
|Oh my~, this is the lovely season of wine. Is this alright? In this kind of place. Oh my Pola-san, that's a magnificent scull. I won't lose. Yes, cheers. Commander, do you want to join us?
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|これが…この季節に味わうという…特別な、ワイン。そうなの? 大人の人は…色々なお祭りが…好きね。  
|これが…この季節に味わうという…特別な、ワイン。そうなの? 大人の人は…色々なお祭りが…好きね。  
|This is... the taste of this season... the special wine. Is that so? Adults sure... like having... all sorts of festivals.
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|ほぉ~? これが噂のワインぴょん? うーちゃんも、ちょこっと飲んでみたいぴょん♪ ごくごく…ぷはぁーっ! ぷっぷくぷ~! うーちゃんにはまだ早かったぴょ~ん  
|ほぉ~? これが噂のワインぴょん? うーちゃんも、ちょこっと飲んでみたいぴょん♪ ごくごく…ぷはぁーっ! ぷっぷくぷ~! うーちゃんにはまだ早かったぴょ~ん  
|Hooh~? Is this the wine I've heard so much about pyon? I want to try a little bit too pyon♪ *gulg* *gulg*... Whooo! Puppukupu~! It was too soon for me pyon.
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|え、特別なワイン? そうなの? 世界的に? ふわぁ、これが…あふっ、酒臭っ! って、ポーラさん?!  
|え、特別なワイン? そうなの? 世界的に? ふわぁ、これが…あふっ、酒臭っ! って、ポーラさん?!  
|Eh, a special wine? Is that so? World famous? Whoa, this is... ah, that reeks! Wha, Pola-san?!
|Reeking of alcohol
|Whew... I'll manage to get through this season I dislike. I'm still fine. Sorry for making you worry...
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|ぅぅ、なんか寒くなってきたよね? 半袖だとちょっときついよねー…くっしゅんっ!  
|ぅぅ、なんか寒くなってきたよね? 半袖だとちょっときついよねー…くっしゅんっ!  
|Uu, it's getting kind of cold right? It's a bit hard to wear short sleeves now... *hachoo*!
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|提督、少し寒くなってきたね? 僕は大丈夫。提督、風邪ひかないように僕、マフラー作ろうか? あ、ごめん。余計だったかな?  
|提督、少し寒くなってきたね? 僕は大丈夫。提督、風邪ひかないように僕、マフラー作ろうか? あ、ごめん。余計だったかな?  
|Admiral, it's gotten a bit colder huh? I'm fine. Admiral, how about wearing a muffler so you don't catch a cold? Ah, sorry. Was that too much meddling?
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|はいはーい♪ 提督ちょっと寒そうね? 村雨が、ちょっといいマフラー、編んであげましょうか? うふふふっ♪  
|はいはーい♪ 提督ちょっと寒そうね? 村雨が、ちょっといいマフラー、編んであげましょうか? うふふふっ♪  
|Yessir♪ Admiral it's a kind of cold huh? Should I knit a nice little muffler for you Admiral? Ufufufu~♪
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|マフラーがぴったりの季節に成ったっぽい。今年も残り少なくなったけど、夕立、まだまだ頑張るっぽい! ぽいっ!!  
|マフラーがぴったりの季節に成ったっぽい。今年も残り少なくなったけど、夕立、まだまだ頑張るっぽい! ぽいっ!!  
|It's the perfect season for mufflers poi. I'm running low on energy this year but, I'll keep doing my best poi! Poi~!!
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|... I'll be sure to grill the saury properly next year, I'll keep practising... I won't lose to anyone in battle, but cooking technique is also... important.
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|Oh, this is good wine. Is it ok for me have a little bit? Just a little... only a little!
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|へっくしょんっ! ぅぅ、いきなり寒くなってきたなぁ。司令、風邪移したろ? へっくしょんっ!  
|へっくしょんっ! ぅぅ、いきなり寒くなってきたなぁ。司令、風邪移したろ? へっくしょんっ!  
|*Hachoo*! Ugh, it's suddenly gotten cold. Commander, did you catch a cold? *Hachoo*!
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|Well, I don't remember much about the closing moments of that battle. But, I feel that... I did my best with what I had. I feel that deep in my heart.
|Refers to [ Hatsuzuki's last stand] at the Battle off Cape Engaño.
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|Sakwa isn't cold at all. I wonder if Maizuru is a bit colder than this.  Pya!
|Sakawa isn't cold at all. I wonder if Maizuru is a bit colder than this.  Pya!
|As of this writing Maizuru 54F/12C, Yokosuka 48F/9C
|As of this writing Maizuru 54F/12C, Yokosuka 48F/9C
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