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The Following interview was conducted in the Kancolle Style Vol.3 Mook featruring Tanibe Yumi.
The Following interview was conducted in the Kancolle Style Vol.3 Mook featruring Tanibe Yumi.
Within this Article, [[Tanibe Yumi]] does an interview and talks about her actives regarding KanColle, her voice acting career, and other activites she partook in such as the [[Naval District Saury Festival in Yokohama]],her participate in the [[KanColle Naval Review|Third KanColle Naval Review]], her experience with [[Naval District Saury Festival]] mini event:
Within this 6 page Article, [[Tanibe Yumi]] does an interview and talks about her actives regarding KanColle, her voice acting career, and other activites she partook in such as the [[Naval District Saury Festival in Yokohama]],her participate in the [[KanColle Naval Review|Third KanColle Naval Review]], her experience with [[Naval District Saury Festival]] mini event.
Her later portion of the interview discusses about how she decided on the voices for many of the characters within the game during the early course of production and ultimately how she went about doing the voice work for her recent kanmusu [[Commandant Teste]].
She finally leads up to where she discusses about what future roles she would like to partake in, if given a chance to do more voice roles based on kanmusu.
==Interview with Tanibe Yumi==
==Interview with Tanibe Yumi==
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| そうですね。白露は勢いがいちばん前にあり、夕立は元気の中にも無邪気さというか、「ぽい?」というところにのんびりとしたところもあるというイメージ。<br><br> '''――――そして白露型にはさまざまなボイスの追加もありましたが、その中でも気に入っていたものなどはありますか?'''<br><br> 全部です! と言いたいところですが、村雨のあの雰囲気が大好きなので、ぜひ村雨のセリフを聞いていただけるとうれしいですね。<br>最近ですと、白露の秋祭りのボイスも好きなんです。<br> いつも元気ではつらつとした白露お姉ちゃんが、ちょっとしっとりとしたセリフで、いつもと違う一面を見せてくれると思うので、聞いていただけるとうれしいです。<br><br> '''――――季節ごとのセリフ以外で、お気に入りのボイスはありますか?'''<br><br>白露と村雨の、ケッコンカッコカリ後の母港ボイスが実は好きです。<br> 普通に過ごしていると聞けない、この子たちの一面をを表してくれているセリフだと思います。<br><br>'''――――聞ける人が限られますが、非常に興味が湧きました!'''<br><br> あとは、時雨の図鑑ボイスですね。反響を多くいただいたボイスでもありますし。<br> 時雨がどんな背景を持っているのか、知るほどに深いものがありました。<br> その深さを全部は無理でも、少しでも届けられれば、という気持ちをすごく込めました。<br> 多分、その当時でしか演じられなかったボイスだと思います。<br><br> <big>'''拡がり続ける「艦これ」さらなるお祭りに期待!'''</big><br><br> '''―――そして原作のブラウザゲームのみならず、アニメでも白露型は活躍していますが、ゲームからアニメへ移行する中で、演じる上で変えていった点や、気を付けた点はありましたか?'''<br><br> 夕立はTVアニメの9話で改二になって、少しだけお姉ちゃんっぽくなったイメージでした。<br> 今までとちょっと違うけど、やっぱり夕立だなぁ、というところを意識しました。<br> 今まで内に秘められていたものが表に出てきたのであって、本質は変わらないという微妙なニュアンスが出せればと思っていました。<br><br> '''――――ちなにみ劇場版でも夕立はかなり活躍されているかと思いますが、村雨流に言えばちょっといいところ、といった見所などを教えていただけないでしょうか。'''<br><br> ブラウザゲームでもTVアニメでも、見せていなかった新たな夕立の表情が見られるかも!<br>・・・・・・知れないので、一瞬たりとも逃さず観ていただければと思います!<br><br> '''――――楽しみにさせていただきます! そして、クラシックスタイルオーケストラや、鎮守府秋刀魚祭りのように、さまざまな形のイベントが展開されている「艦これ」ですが、今度こんなイベントなどを見てみたいという希望はありますか?'''<br><br> こうなってくると、もっといろんなお祭りが見てみたいですね。<br> オクトーバーフェスとか、いいですね!<br> ディアンドルを着てみたり(笑)。みんなで美味しいものを食べたりしてみたいですし、「艦これ」春の艦祭りでも、鎮守府秋刀魚祭りであった艦娘太鼓は私も叩いてみたいですし、あとは縁日に遊びにいって射的もやりたいです!<br><br> '''――――それはもう、いち参加者ですようね(笑)。ではゲーム内で、こんなイベントがあるといいなぁといったものはありますか?'''<br><br> 私は資源の備蓄が苦手なところがあるので、いっそ資源を集めることをイベントにしてしまうのはどうでしょうか?<br><br> '''――――資源収集を任務とするイベントですと、だいたい事前に使用目的が決まっていて、各鎮守府の備蓄にはならないのではないかと・・・・・・。'''<br><br> ダメですか(笑)。秋刀魚祭りは、秋刀魚の缶詰にしてとっておけるのがいいですよね。<br> 秋刀魚の缶詰とおにぎりを持って出撃すると、ちょっとお出かけ気分になれたりします。<br><br> '''――――では続いて、ご自身が演じられている艦娘で艦隊を組むとして、新たにひとり加えるとしたら、どんな艦娘がいいですか?'''<br><br> 悩みますよね・・・・・・これまで声を担当させていただいていたのは軽巡1隻、駆逐艦4隻な水雷戦隊系なので密かに先制雷撃してみたいなーと思ってたんですけど・・・・・<br> キス島沖(通称3-2)や、期間限定海域で序盤の強硬偵察は任せて! みたいな。<br> あ、ホントは艦載機もいつかとばしてみたいなーとか、いろいろ夢は広げていたのですが、 今秋ついに水上機母艦の新艦娘を担当させていただきました! || I suppose. [[Shiratsuyu]] is always trying to be number #1 at full throttle, while Yūdachi's liveliness has a certain simple-mindedness to it, like her "Poi?" gives off this carefree impression.  <br><br> '''-- And so the Shiratsuyu-class has received various voice lines. Do you have any favorites among them?'''<br><br> I'd like to say "All of them!", but I love the vibes [[Murasame]] gives off, so I'd be glad if you listened to her voice lines. Lately [[Shiratsuyu]]'s autumn festival lines started to grow to me as well. Hearing these mellow voice lines from the usually vivid and vigorous Shiratsuyu shows you a different side of hers, so please give them a try. <br><br> -- Do you have any favourites apart from seasonal lines? <br><br> I really love [[Shiratsuyu]]'s & [[Murasame]]'s post-marriage idle voice lines. I think they show you a different side of them you cannot experience if you spend time with them normally.<br><br> '''-- So only certain people get to hear them. Now that has caught my interest!'''<br><br> There's also Shigure's encyclopedia voice lines. They have received a lot of feedback. The more you know about her historical background, there more you realise how deep her character is. Expressing this depth in its entirety is impossible, but I put all my heart and soul into getting at least some of it across. I think these voice lines are a once-in-a-lifetime performance I could do only back then. <br><br><big>'''KanColle keeps expanding Looking foward to future festivals!'''</big><br><br> '''-- So the Shiratsuyu-class has been playing a large role not just in the original browser game, but also in the anime. Has there been anything regarding your performance you had to change or pay attention to when transitioning from game to anime?'''<br><br> When [[Yuudachi]] underwent her second remodelling in episode 9 of the anime I got the impression that even if it was just a little bit she had become more like a big sister. However, I kept in mind that even though she might be different to how she used be, she's still our good ol' [[Yuudachi]]. I wanted to express this delicate nuance of how she's now showing a side she kept for herself until then without changing the essence that makes her her.<br><br> '''-- Speaking of whom, I think Yūdachi played a pretty important role in the film. Any highlights or, as Murasame would put it, special little something of hers you would like to share with us?'''<br><br> You'll be able to see a new face of hers you've never seen before, neither in the game nor in the anime! ......maybe, so you should go watch the film right now!<br><br> '''-- Well, I'm certainly looking forward to it! And after so many different KanColle events such as classic orchestras or the Naval Base Saury Festival, what kind of event would you like to see happen in the future?''' <br><br>  Now that it's come to this I sure do want to see more festivals. Something like the Oktoberfest would be nice! Wearing a dirndl and such. *laughs* Eating lots of delicious food together with everyone, trying out those ship girl drums we had at the Naval Base Saury Festival and even the KanColle Spring Festival, and also going to the fair to try those shooting galleries!<br><br> '''-- I see we've already found our first regular. *laughs* Well then, what kind of event would you like to see in the game?''' <br><br> I'm not exactly good at stockpiling resources, so what about an event where stockpiling itself is the goal? <br><br> -- If they made an event where the objective is to gather resources, wouldn't that just lead to all naval bases stockpiling? Resources already have a predetermined purpose after all... <br><br> Not a good idea then. *laughs* But something like the Saury Festival where you had to can saury that you can keep for later was nice, wasn't it? Sortieing with canned saury and rice balls felt a bit like just going out.<br><br> -- Moving on, let's say you made a fleet consisting of the ship girls you voiced. If you had to add one new ship girl, what should she be like? <br><br> That's a difficult question...... So far I've voiced one light cruiser, four destroyers, basically those torpedo squadron types, so I was secretly hoping for one that can do opening torpedo strikes...... You know, a girl I can rely on for Kis Island (i.e. 3-2) or solid recon work during the first part of an event, something like that. Ah, I have many dreams, like I'd also love someone with whom I can launch carrier planes, and this autumn I finally had the chance to voice a new seaplane tender ship girl!<br><br>
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| '''――――あの、Commandant Testeですか!'''<br><br> そうなんです。お話を頂いてから、こ、これはえらいことになった!<br> とフランス語講座の勉強本とか一生懸命読んだり聞いたりして、大変でしたけど、なんとか頑張りました。<br> もちろんフランス語は初挑戦な訳で色々大変でした。<br>でも、おかげでなんとか艦載機を飛ばしてみたい、という夢は叶いました!水上機ですが!瑞雲も搭載できます!<br><br>'''――――ちなみに新しい艦娘を演じるとして、性格的にはどんな艦娘を演じてみたいでしょうか?'''<br><br> 今の子たちが、素直で優しいコが多いので、曙ちゃんや、摩耶様みたいに素直になれず、ちょっと口が悪かったりってコも楽しそうって思います。「クソ提督!」とかって愛情込めてちょっと言ってみたい気も。<br><br> '''――――では最後に、「艦これ」をプレーしている提督の皆さんにメッセージをいただけますでしょうか。'''<br><br> こんなに長くに渡って、由良さん、白露、時雨、村雨、夕立を演じさせていただけることになったのも、ひとえにプレーし続けてくださっている提督の皆さんのおかげです。<br>「艦これ」は、さまざまなスタイルが成り立つのがおもしろいと思います。難関海域を絶対にクリアーする、という人もいれば、すべての艦娘を集めたい、逆にひたすらお気に入りの艦娘を育てたい、という人もいて、同じゲームなのに、自分にあったスタイルで遊ぶことができているのではないでしょうか。<br> でも、普段は異なる遊び方をしていても、集まれば「艦これ」の話題で一緒に盛り上がることができるんですよね。<br><br> '''――――ゲーム内でも、そしてゲーム外でも、さまざまな楽しみ方が広がっています。'''<br><br> 私も艦娘を演じさせていただいていますが、ひとりの提督としても「艦これ」を楽しませていただいています。<br> ゲームの枠を飛び越えて、リアルで秋刀魚も焼かせいただきましたし(笑)。<br> こうして楽しさを共有させていただける提督の皆さんにひとえに感謝、感謝です。 || '''-- Oh, you mean Commandant Teste!'''<br><br> Yes. When I was first told about this I saw myself in quite the pickle, so I started reading French course books and listening to the language like my life depended on it, which was really tough, but I managed somehow.<br> This was of course my first time dealing with the French language, so it wasn't easy at all. <br>However, thanks to all this my dream of launching planes has finally come true! Well, seaplanes, but still! She can even carry Zuiun!<br><br> -'''- By the way, If you were to voice a new ship girl, what kind of personality would you like them to have?'''<br><br> There are currently many girls that are all honest and nice, so trying a girl like Akebono or Maya, who just refuse to be honest with themselves or have a bit of sharp tongue, seems like fun. <br> I wouldn't mind saying something like "You shitty admiral" with lots of love.<br><br> '''-- And to finish this off, is there anything you would like to tell all the admirals out there who've been playing KanColle?'''<br><br> It's all thanks to you admirals who keep playing that I've been able to voice [[Yura]], [[Shiratsuyu]], [[Murasame]], [[Shigure]] and [[Yuudachi]] for so long. I find it fun how KanColle creates various different playstyles. There are people who want to clear the hard maps, but also those who want to catch them all or just want to level their favourite girls, so even though it's the same game you can play it your own way, don't you think? However, even when your playstyles differ, when you come together as KanColle fans you can still get hyped and have a great time. <br><br>'''-- In-game or not, there are many ways to enjoy it out there.'''<br><br> I do voice work for some ship girls, but I enjoy KanColle as an admiral, too. I even went beyond the limits of the game and roasted saury in real life. To all the admirals out there with whom I was able to share this fun experience, thank you, thank you so much.
==Also See==
==Also See==
advmod, cssedit, Moderators, oversight, prechecked, Account Reviewers
