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| ==Voices== | | ==Voices== |
| + | ===Destroyers=== |
| + | {| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;" |
| + | !style="width:6%;"|Ship Name |
| + | !style="width:3%;"|Audio |
| + | !style="width:35%;"|Japanese |
| + | !style="width:35%;"|English |
| + | !style="width:21%;"|Notes |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Mutsuki]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Mutsuki Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |早いにゃ。。。もう師走にゃし。。。如月ちゃんと一緒に大掃除しなきゃ。。。ふ。。。 |
| + | |Wow, it's already December... 'Gotta start the end-of-the-year cleaning with Kisaragi-chan... Fu... |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Kisaragi]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Kisaragi Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |そうか。。。もう師走なのね。大掃除の季節ね。あら、嫌だ。髪が傷んじゃう。 |
| + | |Right, it's already December. It's about that time for the big cleanup, isn't it. Oh dear. My hair's going to ge damaged. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Yayoi]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Yayoi Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |もち。。。望月。。。大掃除だから。。。そこは水拭きで。。。ち、ちがう。怒ってなんかないよ。 |
| + | |Mochi... Mochizuki... It's time to start cleaning so... could you wipe down with a damp cloth? N-No, I'm not angry... |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Uzuki]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Uzuki Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |年末の大掃除?ううちゃん掃除苦手だぴょん。弥生にやってもらうぴょん。 |
| + | |End of the year cleaning? I don't like cleaning, pyon. I'll just have Yayoi do it for me, pyon! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Mochizuki]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Mochizuki Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |師走って言うだけあって、皆忙しそうですな。あ、いて。三日月切るなよ! |
| + | |Seems like everyone's working their fingers to the bone just because it's December. O-Ow! Mikazuki, careful with that! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Mikazuki]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Mikazuki Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |大掃除です!ほらほら!もっち!ゴロゴロしない!長月、手が止まっている! |
| + | |It's time for the cleanup! Come on! Mochi! Stop rolling around! Nagatsuki, I don't see your hands moving! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Fubuki]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Fubuki Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |え、司令官。新年の初詣ですか?ごめんなさい、このあと間宮さんのところに年越しそばの仕込みの手伝いに行くんです。よかったら食べに来てください!大盛りにします! |
| + | |Oh, Commander. Oh, Hatsumode on New Years? Apologies, but I've already promised Mamiya-san to help prepare the New Years soba! If it suits your fancy, please come drop by! I'll make sure to serve you extra! |
| + | |Hatsumode is an important cultural event referring to the first shrine visit of the year, usually done on the first three days of the year. |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Shirayuki]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Shirayuki Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |はい!大掃除もぬかりなく完了したと思います!司令官、一緒に年末の富くじを買いに行きませんか?実は私毎年買っているんです。 |
| + | |Alright! I'd say that the cleanup went without a hitch! Commander, would you like to join me for a shot at the New Years lottery? I actually do this every year. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Hatsuyuki]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Hatsuyuki Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |今年も大掃除大変だったな。。。でもそのあとは。。。毎年恒例の艦娘歌合戦!今年は何歌おうかな。結構得意だし、こういうの。あ・い・う・え・お・あ・お! |
| + | |Man, the big cleanup this year was rough. But now that that's done, it's time for the annual kanmusu singing contest! I wonder what I'll sing. I'd like to think I'm not half bad at these. Do, re, me, fa, so, la, si, do! |
| + | |What she actually says at the end is a common voice training exercise in Japanese but there isn't really an equivalent in English. |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Sazanami]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Sazanami Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |え、今年も年末になってしまいましたが。。。ま、仕方ない!ご主人様も掃除、掃除っと! |
| + | |Well... I guess it's already the end of the year. Ah, whatever! Master, on with the cleaning! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Akebono]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Akebono Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |あ、もう忙しい、年末の大掃除!あ、クソ提督そこどいて。掃除の邪魔。邪魔! |
| + | |Ah, I'm so busy with the cleanup! Hey, you shitty admiral, move. You're in the way of my cleaning. Move it! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Oboro]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Oboro Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |提督、早いものでもう師走です!たぶん、�第7駆逐隊も大掃除頑張ります! |
| + | |Admiral, time flies but it's already December! DesDiv7 will also do its part in the cleaning! Probably. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Ushio]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Ushio Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |曙ちゃん、その格好は。。。そうか、もう師走の大掃除の季節ですね。潮もお手伝いします! |
| + | |Akebono-chan, what's with the outfit? Oh right, it's that time of the year isn't it. I'll help, too! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Shiratsuyu]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Shiratsuyu Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |やあ!もう今年もこんな押し迫っていろいろやることもあって、どうしよう! |
| + | |Ahh! The end of the year's coming too quickly! There are too many things to do! What am I going to do! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Yuudachi]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Yuudachi Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |もう一年も終わりっぽい。なんだか、早いっぽい!来年も夕立頑張るっぽい! |
| + | |Is it the end of the year already, poi? Wow, time flew, poi. I'm going to do my best next year, too, poi! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Shigure]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Shigure Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |もう年末か。。。艦隊の大掃除をしないと。角松も駄さないとね。どこだろ? |
| + | |It's already the end of the year... Better get started on the mass cleanup. Oh, I better put out the New Years decoration, too. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Murasame]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Murasame Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |はいはい!年末です!大掃除です!提督もはい、箒とちり取り。で、大掃除! |
| + | |Yes yes! It's the end of the year! It's time to clean up! Admiral, this broom and dustpan are for you! Now, let's clean! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Umikaze]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Umikaze Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |提督、早いですね!もう師走です!鎮守府も大掃除を急がないといけませんね。大丈夫です!海風におまかせください! |
| + | |Admiral, it's already December! Everyone at the base needs to get started with the cleaning soon! Oh, don't worry! Leave it to me! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Kawakaze]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Kawakaze Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |もう年末じゃんか!早いな。。。艦隊も大掃除だね。仕方ない。やりますか。提督もはい、箒もって! |
| + | |It's already the end of the year?! Boy, that was fast... Fleet's gotta get started on the cleaning. Oh well, I guess I'll join. Admiral, you too! Take this broom! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Asashio]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Asashio Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |司令官、年末大掃除ですか?了解です!荒潮と一緒に拭き掃除から始めます!いい、荒潮。まず司令官の机から始めましょう! |
| + | |Commander, is it time for the cleanup? Understood! I'll get started started on the scrubbing with Arashio! Arashio, we'll start with the Commander's desk! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Arare]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Arare Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |�第18駆逐隊、年末大掃除任務ですか?分かりました。陽炎と不知火を呼んできます。 |
| + | |DesDiv18's cleaning up too? Got it. I'll go call Kagerou and Shiranui. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Arashio]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Arashio Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |あっははは!皆忙しそう!師走だからね。大変よね。え?私も大掃除任務しないとなの?うふふふ。そうよね。 |
| + | |Ahahaha, everyone looks so busy! It is December, I guess. Isn't it tough? What? I have to clean up too? Ufufu, I suppose so. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Michishio]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Michishio Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |ようし、なんか乗り越えた気がする。気持ち切り替えて年末の大掃除よ!4駆、8駆、皆集合よ!大掃除全力で行くは! |
| + | |Alright, it feels like we're finally done with the rough part. It's time to switch gears and get cleaning! DesDiv4, DesDiv8, assemble! We're going to go all out with the cleaning! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Ooshio]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Ooshio Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |司令官!年末です!ど〜んと大掃除やらないといけないですね!大潮、拭き掃除の担当します!上げ上げで掃除しますよ! |
| + | |Commander, it's the end of the year! 'Gotta start the cleanup with a huge bang! I'll be in charge of the scrubbing! We'll raise the roof with our cleaning! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Kagerou]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Kagerou Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |もう大晦日。本当、早いはよね。大素地も早めに片付けないと。え?おせち?ん。。。 |
| + | |It's already New Years Eve? Time really does fly. Better get the cleanup tidied up quick! Huh? Osechi? Well... |
| + | |Osechi are traditional New Years foods. |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Shiranui]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Shiranui Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |大掃除か。師走。司令、なんですか?不知火の掃除に落ち度でも? |
| + | |Time for the big clean. December. Commander, what is it? Do you perhaps have an issue with my cleaning? |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Kuroshio]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Kuroshio Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |もう今年もおしまいってことや。大掃除せな!大掃除! |
| + | |Already done with the year, are we. 'Gotta clean! Time for the cleanup! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Yukikaze]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Yukikaze Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |司令!今年も年末になっちゃいました!雪風もお部屋を大掃除します!はい! |
| + | |Commander! It's already the end of the year! I'll get to cleaning the room! Yeah! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Tokitsukaze]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Tokitsukaze Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |もう年末だよ!一年て早いよね!本当!え?大掃除?私も?なんで? |
| + | |It's already been a year! Time really does fly! What? Cleanup? Me? Why? |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Tanikaze]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Tanikaze Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |かぁ!もう師走かい!早いもんだね!ほう、大晦日までに掃除もしとかなきゃ。年越しそばも楽しみだね!な! |
| + | |Kah! It's already December! That was fast. Oh, I need to get cleaned up by New Years Eve! Ah, I can't wait for the New Years soba! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Urakaze]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Urakaze Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |もう師走になってしもた。大掃除終わったらおせちの準備も。。。うちに任せとき。あ、磯風?手伝って。 |
| + | |December already, is it? Need to prepare the Osechi after I'm done cleaning... Well, leave it to me! Oh, Isokaze? Could you lend a hand? |
| + | |"Breaking New. The entirety of inhabitants of the local naval base were found dead this morning. Early investigation reports suggests poisoning from an inside job." |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Hamakaze]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Hamakaze Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |師走。。。鎮守府も年末大掃除ですね。第17駆逐隊、清掃任務了解いたしました。 |
| + | |December... The entire base is cleaning up, isn't it. DesDiv17, confirming order to start the cleanup. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Arashi]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Arashi Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |時雨。。。皆何やっているの?大掃除?そかそか。え、俺もやるの?まじかよ。。。 |
| + | |Shigure... What is everyone doing? Mass cleaning? I see. What, I have to do it to? Well shit... |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Hagikaze]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Hagikaze Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |えと、大掃除が終わったら年越しそばの準備しないと。てんぷらは冬野菜でいいかしら? |
| + | |Let's see, after cleaning up I'll have to prepare the New Years soba. Does tempura of winter vegetables sound good? |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Shimakaze]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Shimakaze Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |大掃除とか面倒くさい!早くおせちとか食べたい!早く早く!おぅ! |
| + | |I don't want to clean! I want to eat Osechi already! Hurry up! Ou! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Takanami]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Takanami Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |もうこんな時期。。。鎮守府の大掃除も高波一生懸命頑張ります!かも。。。です。はい! |
| + | |It's already this period... I'll do my best to help with the cleanup! Maybe... Ah, yes! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Kazagumo]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Kazagumo Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |10戦隊、大掃除任務ね!了解!私は掃き掃除戦隊を指揮するは!秋雲?あ、逃げた。 |
| + | |DesRon10, orders taken to clean up! Roger! I'll be in charge of the sweeping group! Akigumo? Oh, she ran. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Teruzuki]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Teruzuki Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |年末だ!大掃除の季節。うう、一年の誇りって結構たまる。やだ、提督窓開けて!窓! |
| + | |It's the end of the year! Time to clean up. Wow, dust really does pile up over the year. Ah, Admiral open the windows! The windows! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Libeccio]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Libeccio Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |なんで皆バタバタ忙しそうなの?し・わ・す?なんのイベント?え?何この布?雑巾?リベ、掃除イベント嫌い! |
| + | |Why is everyone so busy? The twelfth month? What's this event about? Huh? What's this piece of cloth? A cleaning rag? I don't like cleaning events!! |
| + | |Poor culture shock. |
| + | |- |
| + | |} |
| + | |
| ===Light Cruisers=== | | ===Light Cruisers=== |
| | | |
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| !style="width:35%;"|English | | !style="width:35%;"|English |
| !style="width:21%;"|Notes | | !style="width:21%;"|Notes |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Tenryuu]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Tenryuu Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |今年もいよいよ終わりだな。提督、今年は一緒に除夜の鐘にでも突くに行こうぜ! |
| + | |Year's already drawing to a close. Admiral, why don't we go strike the New Years Eve bell together? |
| + | |''Joya no kane'', or New Years Eve bell, is a temple bell that's rung 108 times on New Years Eve |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Tatsuta]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Tatsuta Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |年の暮れ、提督はどう過ごすの?誰かさんと除夜の鐘?それとも私と? |
| + | |Admiral, how will you be spending your end of the year? Perhaps going to strike the New Years Eve bell with someone? Or with me? |
| + | |Spicy. |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Kuma]] | | |[[Kuma]] |
| |{{Audio|file=Kuma Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} | | |{{Audio|file=Kuma Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |大掃除だ,くま。くまも頑張る、くま。でももう飽きたくま。逃げるくま! |
− | | | + | |Time for cleaning up, kuma! I'm going to try my best, kuma! But I'm bored already, kuma. Time to run, kuma! |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Tama]] | | |[[Tama]] |
| |{{Audio|file=Tama Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} | | |{{Audio|file=Tama Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |年末かにゃ?この季節はバタバタしているにゃ。仕方ないので隅っこで寝るにゃ。にゃ。。。 |
− | | | + | |Is it the end of the year already? Everyone's so busy, nya. I guess I'll sleep in the corner, nya. Nya... |
− | | | + | |I'm not going to make dumb cat puns. |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Kitakami]] | | |[[Kitakami]] |
| |{{Audio|file=Kitakami Year End 2014 Sec1.ogg}} | | |{{Audio|file=Kitakami Year End 2014 Sec1.ogg}} |
| |うひー、もう年末だよー。鎮守府の大掃除とかぜんぜんまだじゃーん…うひー… | | |うひー、もう年末だよー。鎮守府の大掃除とかぜんぜんまだじゃーん…うひー… |
− | |Whoa, it's already the end of the year. The naval base spring clean hasn't even started... whoa | + | |Whoa, it's already the end of the year. The naval base spring clean hasn't even started... whoa... |
− | |End of Year 2014 line. | + | |[[Seasonal/End of Year 2014|End of Year 2014]] line. |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Ooi]] | | |[[Ooi]] |
Line 37: |
Line 293: |
| |もぉ、なんだって年末年始はこう忙しいのかしら…あ、大掃除、頑張ります! | | |もぉ、なんだって年末年始はこう忙しいのかしら…あ、大掃除、頑張ります! |
| |Man, why is the new year's holiday always so busy... ah, I'll do my best with spring cleaning! | | |Man, why is the new year's holiday always so busy... ah, I'll do my best with spring cleaning! |
− | |End of Year 2014 line. | + | |[[Seasonal/End of Year 2014|End of Year 2014]] line. |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Kiso]] | | |[[Kiso]] |
| |{{Audio|file=Kiso Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} | | |{{Audio|file=Kiso Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |艦娘対抗歌合戦だと。。。え、いや。そんなもの俺は出ないぞ。で、出ないといっている!おい! |
− | | | + | |Kanmusu singing showdown...? Wh-What, no. I'm not going to enter that! H-Hey I said I'm not... Hey!! |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Kinu]] | | |[[Kinu]] |
| |{{Audio|file=Kinu Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} | | |{{Audio|file=Kinu Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |今年もいろいろあったよね。今年の提督もよかったよ!来年もいい提督でいてね! |
− | | | + | |Well quite a few things happened this year. You were a good admiral this year! Here's to hoping that continues on to next year! |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Abukuma]] | | |[[Abukuma]] |
| |{{Audio|file=Abukuma Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} | | |{{Audio|file=Abukuma Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |あああ、忙しい!ほら、提督も手伝ってください!鎮守府のすす払い!あ、右舷にすす発見です! |
− | | | + | |Aa, it's too busy! Come on Admiral, help out! Get to dusting the base! Ah, dust spotted starboard! |
− | | | + | |Right side. |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Agano]] | | |[[Agano]] |
| |{{Audio|file=Agano Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} | | |{{Audio|file=Agano Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |え?能代?何が忙しいの?大掃除?大掃除か。大掃除は阿賀野少しだけ苦手かな。。。え、阿賀野もやるの?嘘でしょ。。。 |
− | | | + | |Noshiro, what's everyone busy with? Mass cleaning? Cleaning, huh. Hm, I can't say I'm too fond of cleaning... Eh, I have to help too?! Seriously... |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Noshiro]] | | |[[Noshiro]] |
| |{{Audio|file=Noshiro Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} | | |{{Audio|file=Noshiro Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |は。。。提督の机も綺麗にしなきゃ。倉庫も整理したいし。あ、阿賀野ねえ。「何しているの」って、もちろん大掃除です。大掃除! |
| + | |Ha... 'Gotta clean the Admiral's desk, too. Need to get around to sorting out the warehouse, too. Oh, Agano-nee. What do you mean "What are we doing"? Of course we're cleaning! Mass cleaning! |
| | | | | |
− | | | + | |- |
| + | |[[Yahagi]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Yahagi Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |酒匂、どうしたの?あのカンをとりたいのね。はい!そっか。大掃除か。手伝うわ。 |
| + | |Sakawa, what's the matter? Oh, you want to get that can? Here! Right, it's that time for cleaning up. I'll help out. |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Sakawa]] | | |[[Sakawa]] |
| |{{Audio|file=Sakawa Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} | | |{{Audio|file=Sakawa Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |大掃除!お部屋の整理もしなくちゃ!箪笥の上にてが届かないよ。。。 |
− | | | + | |Time for the mass cleaning! Better get started organizing the room! I-I can't reach the top of the cabinets! |
− | |
| + | |#ShortShipProblems |
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− | |[[Yahagi]] | |
− | |{{Audio|file=Yahagi Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}}
| |
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| |[[Ooyodo]] | | |[[Ooyodo]] |
Line 85: |
Line 341: |
| |提督、そろそろ礼号作戦ですね。私もがんばります! | | |提督、そろそろ礼号作戦ですね。私もがんばります! |
| |Admiral, it's almost the end of the year. I'll do my best! | | |Admiral, it's almost the end of the year. I'll do my best! |
− | |End of Year 2014 line. | + | |[[Seasonal/End of Year 2014|End of Year 2014]] line. |
| |- | | |- |
| |} | | |} |
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| |[[Furutaka]] | | |[[Furutaka]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Furutaka Year End 2014 Sec1.ogg}} |
| |今年ももう年末ですね。提督、古鷹がお部屋の大掃除、済ませておきますね! | | |今年ももう年末ですね。提督、古鷹がお部屋の大掃除、済ませておきますね! |
| |The year has already reached its close. Admiral, I'll take care of spring cleaning the room! | | |The year has already reached its close. Admiral, I'll take care of spring cleaning the room! |
− | |End of Year 2014 line. | + | |[[Seasonal/End of Year 2014|End of Year 2014]] line. |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Kako]] | | |[[Kako]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Kako Year End 2014 Sec1.ogg}} |
| |っかぁー、もう年末かぁ…早いよねえ。 大掃除、は…来年でいっかなぁー? …ねえ? | | |っかぁー、もう年末かぁ…早いよねえ。 大掃除、は…来年でいっかなぁー? …ねえ? |
| |Gah, it's already the end of the year... that was quick. Can we... leave the spring clean till next year? ...Hey? | | |Gah, it's already the end of the year... that was quick. Can we... leave the spring clean till next year? ...Hey? |
− | |End of Year 2014 line. | + | |[[Seasonal/End of Year 2014|End of Year 2014]] line. |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Takao]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Takao Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |大掃除にとり関りましょう。鳥海、摩耶にも言っておいてね。愛宕は。。。あれ、いない?? |
| + | |Shall we get started with the cleaning? Could you relay that to Choukai and Maya? Atago... Where is she?! |
| + | |Juked. |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Atago]] | | |[[Atago]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Atago Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | |
| + | |私、お掃除とかあまり得意じゃないの。高雄、よろしくお願いいたしますね! |
− | |
| + | |I'm not that good at cleaning. Takao, I'll leave it to you! |
− | | | + | |Sly. |
− | |- | |
− | |[[Takao]] | |
− | |
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− | |
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− | |
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− | | | |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Tone]] | | |[[Tone]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Tone Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |筑摩、もう掃除は終わったのじゃ。大の字が付いているだけで面倒くさいのじゃ。我輩は早くそばを食いたいのじゃ。 |
− | | | + | |Chikuma, I'm done with the cleaning already. It's such a pain since it's the "mass" cleaning. |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Chikuma]] | | |[[Chikuma]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Chikuma Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |姉さん、年末の掃除は大掃除。大切何です。終わったら美味しいおそばをご用意しますね。提督と一緒にいただきましょう。 |
− | | | + | |Nee-san, New Years cleaning is quite a big event. It's important, you know. Here, I'll prepare a nice dish of soba once we're done. Shall we eat with the Admiral? |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
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| |[[Kongou]] | | |[[Kongou]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Kongou Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |おう!今年ももうディセンバーです!早いものですね、提督。鎮守府も大掃除ですか?私に任せるデス! |
− | | | + | |Oh, it's already December! The year flew past in a flash, Admiral! Are we all getting started with the cleaning? I'll help out! |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Hiei]] | | |[[Hiei]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Hiei Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |はい、司令。大掃除ですね。お任せください!比叡、雑巾がけも気合、入れて、行きます!とりゃ!!それ、反転。とりゃ!!!よし。綺麗。 |
| + | |Yes, Admiral. It's time to clean! Leave this to me! I'll pour in all of my spirit to wipe this floor! Off I go! Now the other way. And again! Alright, it's clean. |
| | | | | |
− | | | + | |- |
− | | | + | |[[Haruna]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Haruna Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |提督、大掃除の季節ですね。提督のお机、榛名がお掃除します。あ、はい。引き出しの中もきちんと整理しておきますのでお任せください。提督?あ、あの。ひきだし。。。提督? |
| + | |Admiral, it's about that time of the year for cleaning up, isn't it. I'll clean up your desk so leave it to me! Oh, yes. I'll clean up the insides of your drawers too so it's okay! A-Admiral? U-Um... the drawer... Admiral? |
| + | |Well, Admiral's gotta hide his porn stash somewhere, right? |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Kirishima]] | | |[[Kirishima]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Kirishima Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | |
| + | |さあ、師走の大掃除も張り切って行きましょう!箒ようし!ちり取りようし!霧島、まずは掃き掃除から回ります!掃き掃除戦、ようい!始め! |
− | |
| + | |Okay, it's time to hit the ground running with the mass cleaning! Broom, check! Dustpan, check! Kirishima, starting off with the sweeping! Sweeping brigade, ready! Let's go! |
− | |
| |
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− | |[[Haruna]]
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| |- | | |- |
| |[[Fusou]] | | |[[Fusou]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Fusou Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |山城、年末よ。大掃除の季節。私たちの主砲もしっかり磨いて新年を迎えましょう。 |
− | | | + | |Yamashiro, it's almost the new year. It's time to clean stuff up. Let's make sure to polish our cannons and look forward to the new year! |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Yamashiro]] | | |[[Yamashiro]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Yamashiro Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |姉様。分かりました!大掃除ですね。うわ、こんなに砲塔に埃が。。。不幸だは。 |
| + | |Nee-sama, I understand. It's time for the mass cleanup. Ugh, the turrets have this much dust in them... The misfortune... |
| | | | | |
− | | | + | |- |
− | | | + | |[[Ise]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Ise Year End 2014 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |早いわねー。もう今年も終わりか。ねえ、日向。大掃除とか、しとく? |
| + | |That was fast. The year has already ended. Hey Hyuuga. Should we start preparing to spring clean? |
| + | |[[Seasonal/End of Year 2014|End of Year 2014]] line. |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Hyuuga]] | | |[[Hyuuga]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Hyuuga Year End 2014 Sec1.ogg}} |
| |うん、そろそろ大掃除をしないとな。格納庫の瑞雲も…よく磨いてやらんとな。 | | |うん、そろそろ大掃除をしないとな。格納庫の瑞雲も…よく磨いてやらんとな。 |
| |Hmmm, it's almost time to start spring cleaning. I'll be sure to polish up... the Zuiuns in my hangar. | | |Hmmm, it's almost time to start spring cleaning. I'll be sure to polish up... the Zuiuns in my hangar. |
− | |End of Year 2014 line. | + | |[[Seasonal/End of Year 2014|End of Year 2014]] line. |
− | |-
| |
− | |[[Ise]]
| |
− | |
| |
− | |早いわねー。もう今年も終わりか。ねえ、日向。大掃除とか、しとく?
| |
− | |That was fast. The year has already ended. Hey Hyuuga. Should we start preparing to spring clean?
| |
− | |End of Year 2014 line. | |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Nagato]] | | |[[Nagato]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Nagato Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |もう師走か。一年はあっという間だな。ん?なんだ、陸奥?え、大掃除?私もやるのか?あ、仕方ないな。どうだ、雑巾がけだ! |
− | | | + | |December already? The year sure is fast. Hm? What is it, Mutsu? Oh, cleaning? I'm helping out? Ah, I guess I should. Alright, time to clean the floors! |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Mutsu]] | | |[[Mutsu]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Mutsu Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |さ、年末は何かと忙しいわね。大掃除は早めにすませてしまいましょう。長門、この辺りはあなたにお願いしてもいいかしら |
− | | | + | |The New Years period sure does get busy. Let's get the cleaning out of the way quickly, shall we? Nagato, can I ask you to take care of this area? |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Musashi]] | | |[[Musashi]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Musashi Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |早いものだ。もう師走か。そうだな。大掃除に取り掛かるか。そして一杯やろう! |
− | | | + | |That came around quick. Is it really December already? Guess I'll get started on cleaning. Once that's over, shall we grab a drink? |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Littorio]] | | |[[Littorio]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Littorio Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |もう年末なんですね。ローマ、ちゃんとお掃除をしないとよ!え?私の方が散らかっている?あら、そ、そうね。あら。 |
− | | | + | |End of the year already? Roma, make sure you clean up properly! What? I'm messier? Huh, I-I guess you're right. Oh dear. |
− | | | + | |Rekt. |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Roma]] | | |[[Roma]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Roma Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |年末の大掃除か。必要かもね。姉さんの部屋ひどいから。手伝いに行こうかな。 |
− | | | + | |End of the year cleanup, is it? That might be in order. Nee-san's room is a disaster zone. I guess I'll go help out. |
− | | | + | |Double rekt. |
| |- | | |- |
| |} | | |} |
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| |- | | |- |
| |[[Ryuujou]] | | |[[Ryuujou]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Ryuujou Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |年末や!あれこれせんとな!忙しゅうってかなわんわ!とりあえず大掃除やで! |
− | | | + | |It's the end of the year! Too much crap to do! I 'aint got no time to do all this! Whatever, let's start with the cleanup! |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Zuihou]] | | |[[Zuihou]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Zuihou Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |提督、あっという間に今年も年末です。一緒に大掃除かんばりましょ!私箒持ってきますね! |
− | | | + | |Admiral, time sure does fly! It's already the end of the year. Shall we do the mass cleanup together? I'll bring the broom! |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Chitose]] | | |[[Chitose]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Chitose Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |もう年末。一年は早いわね。年越しとおせちの準備をしなくちゃ。千代田、手伝って。 |
− | | | + | |It's already the end of the year. The year goes by fast. Better prepare the New Years soba and Osechi. Chiyoda, can you give me a hand? |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Chiyoda]] | | |[[Chiyoda]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Chiyoda Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |はぁ。年末のお掃除か…艤装や鎮守府、提督の執務室…掃除するとこいっばいあり過ぎ! |
− | | | + | |Hah. End-of-the-year cleaning, huh... Armaments, naval base, and admiral's office... Way too many things to clean! |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
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| |[[Akagi]] | | |[[Akagi]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Akagi Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |さ、一航戦も年末の大掃除をしましょう!格納庫も甲板も磨いて。。。ふん。上々ね。 |
− | | | + | |Alright, it's time for Ikkousen to start our cleanup. Need to clean up the hangars and our flight decks. Hm, not bad. |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Kaga]] | | |[[Kaga]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Kaga Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |師走。早いものね。お、赤城さん。え?年越しそば作り?分かりました。お手伝いします。 |
− | | | + | |December. Is it that time already? Oh, Akagi-san. Hm? New Years soba-making? Of course, I'll help out. |
− | | | + | |Akagi, you're going to eat it all before you can serve it to anyone. |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Shoukaku]] | | |[[Shoukaku]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Shoukaku Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |師走はやはりいろいろと忙しいわね。瑞鶴、その布巾は食器用よ!あ、違うの!こっちを。。。!きゃ!いったた。。。あ、いやだ! |
− | | | + | |December's a hectic month, isn't it. Zuikaku, that rag is for the dishes! No, not that! It's this- Kya! Ow... D-Don't look! |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Zuikaku]] | | |[[Zuikaku]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Zuikaku Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |もう年末って本当あっという間!大掃除も面倒くさいな、もう。ん?翔鶴ねえ、なに?あ、そこ危ないよ!だ、大丈夫、翔鶴ねえ? |
| + | |Wow, time flies too quickly! It's already December? Cleaning is such a pain, ugh. Hm? Shoukaku-nee, what is it? Ah, be careful! A-Are you okay, Shoukaku-nee? |
| | | | | |
− | | | + | |- |
− | | | + | |[[Katsuragi]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Katsuragi Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |そろそろ年の瀬ね。格納庫も大掃除しなきゃって。。。こら!手を突っ込むな、ばか! |
| + | |It's almost New Year's Eve. Better clean out the hangars... Ah! Idiot, don't stick your hand in there! |
| + | |PervertAdmiral.jpg |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Graf Zeppelin]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Graf Zeppelin Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |12月か。私が進水したのも12月だ。懐かしいな。なに?大掃除?え、私がか? |
| + | |December, is it? I was laid down on this month. It brings back memories. What? Mass cleanup? Me? |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
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| |[[I-8]] | | |[[I-8]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=I-8 Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |提督、ハッちゃんも大掃除参加します!まず提督の机の引き出しから。。。え?そこは自分でやるの?そうですか。 |
− | | | + | |Admiral, I'll help out with the mass cleanup! I'll start with your desk's drawers... Huh? You'll do that yourself? I see. |
| + | |Once again, Admiral's gotta stash his porn somewhere. |
| + | |} |
| + | |
| + | ===Training Cruisers=== |
| + | {| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;" |
| + | !style="width:6%;"|Ship Name |
| + | !style="width:3%;"|Audio |
| + | !style="width:35%;"|Japanese |
| + | !style="width:35%;"|English |
| + | !style="width:21%;"|Notes |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Katori]] |
| + | |{{Audio|file=Katori Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
| + | |さあ、年の瀬ですね。艦隊も鎮守府も一年の汚れをとりましょう!大掃除ですね。 |
| + | |It's New Years Eve already. Shall we wash off a year's worth of filth? Time to start cleaning! |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
− | |[[Maruyu]] | + | |[[Kashima]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Kashima Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |あっという間に師走ですね。艦隊も大掃除で大忙しですね。私も頑張らなきゃ! |
− | | | + | |December sure did roll around quickly! Seems like everyone's busy with cleaning up. I'll need to do my part, too! |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
Line 321: |
Line 604: |
| !style="width:21%;"|Notes | | !style="width:21%;"|Notes |
| |- | | |- |
− | |[[Chitose]] | + | |[[Akitsushima]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Akitsushima Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |うわ!大掃除かも!年末の秋津洲、大掃除!クレーンとかもしっかり磨かなきゃ!大艇ちゃん、心配しないで! |
− | | | + | |What, it's already time to clean, maybe? I guess I'll get started on the cleanup. Need to make sure to polish up my cranes! Taitei-chan, don't you worry! |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
− | |[[Chiyoda]] | + | |[[Mizuho]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Mizuho Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | |
| + | |もう年末。。。提督、一年間本当に早いですね。瑞穂も大掃除に加わりますね。 |
− | |
| + | |Is it already the end of the year? Admiral, the year sure does go by quickly. I'll do my part to help with the cleaning! |
− | |
| + | |...But you haven't been in the game for a year yet. |
− | |-
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− | |[[Akitsushima]]
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− | | | |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[Hayasui]] | | |[[Hayasui]] |
− | | | + | |{{Audio|file=Hayasui Year End 2015 Sec1.ogg}} |
− | | | + | |もう年末です、提督さん!大掃除!大掃除しないと!伊良子ちゃんたちも忙しそう!ようし、速吸も頑張ります!はい! |
− | | | + | |It's already the end of the year, Admiral! It's time to clean! The mass cleanup! Irako-chan and the gang seem pretty busy! Alright, I'll need to do my part and help out, too! |
| | | | | |
| |- | | |- |
| |} | | |} |
| | | |
− | {{Seasonal}} | + | {{Seasonal}}[[Category:Winter]] |