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− | [[Category:Seasonal]] | + | ==CG== |
| + | <gallery> |
| + | Urakaze Autumn2015.png |
| + | Urakaze Autumn2015 dmg.png |
| + | Hamakaze Autumn2015.png |
| + | Hamakaze Autumn2015 dmg.png |
| + | Kawakaze Autumn2015.png |
| + | Kawakaze Autumn2015 dmg.png |
| + | Mizuho Autumn2015.png |
| + | Mizuho Autumn2015 dmg.png |
| + | Natori Autumn2015.png |
| + | Natori Autumn2015 dmg.png |
| + | Nagara Autumn2015.png |
| + | Nagara Autumn2015 dmg.png |
| + | Oboro Autumn2015.png |
| + | Oboro Autumn2015 dmg.png |
| + | Ooyodo Autumn2015.png |
| + | Ooyodo Autumn2015 dmg.png |
| + | Jintsuu Autumn2015.png |
| + | Jintsuu Autumn2015 dmg.png |
| + | </gallery> |
| + | |
| + | ==Voices== |
| + | ===Destroyers=== |
| + | {| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;" |
| + | !style="width:6%;"|Ship Name |
| + | !style="width:3%;"|Audio |
| + | !style="width:35%;"|Japanese |
| + | !style="width:35%;"|English |
| + | !style="width:21%;"|Notes |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Mochizuki]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Mochizuki Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |秋だよ~。実りの秋だ~。いろんなものがおいしいよね~。食っちゃ寝しよ~ |
| + | |It's autumn~. A fruitful autumn~. There's a lot of delicious stuff around~. I just want to eat and sleep~ |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Oboro]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Oboro Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |秋ですね、少し落ち着いた季節になりました。提督はどんな本をお読みですか? |
| + | |It's autumn now, the season of calm has arrived. What kind of books do you read, Admiral? |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Akebono]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Akebono Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |えっ?何してるかって?読書よ、読書。秋でしょ、クソ提督も少しは字の本を読みなさいよ |
| + | |Eh? What am I doing? I'm reading of course. It's autumn, so you should read some books with text, you shitty admiral. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Sazanami]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Sazanami Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |はぁー、秋か。なんか微妙にテンションさがるわ。ご主人様、漣の肩揉んでぇ? |
| + | |Haa~, autumn huh. My motivation has dropped somehow. Master, can you give me a shoulder massage? |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Shiratsuyu]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Shiratsuyu Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |んー季節は秋だね。少し寒くなってきたかな?でもまだ半袖で行けるよね! |
| + | |Hmm, it's autumn now. It's getting a little bit cold, right? But short sleeves are still fine! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Ooshio]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Ooshio Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |司令官秋がやってまいりました!第八駆逐隊、枯葉を集めて焼き芋生産任務に入ります!秋ももちろん、アゲアゲです! |
| + | |Autumn has come commander! The 8th Destroyer Division will commence the mission to collect dry leaves for sweet potato roasting! Autumn is definitely time to be lively! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Michishio]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Michishio Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |秋、か。この季節は少し気持ちが沈むわね。はあ?何、司令官。べつに優しくしてほしいわけじゃないし…大丈夫よ! |
| + | |Autumn huh. During this season it's natural to feel a bit down. Huh? What, commander. It's not like I want to be treated nicely... I'm fine! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Arashio]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Arashio Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |うふふふっ。季節は秋ね。秋は荒潮も少ーし悲しくなるの。でも、平気よぉ!優しいのね、うふふふふっ! |
| + | |Ufufufu. It's autumn now. Autumn makes me feel a little sad. But I'm fine! You are kind, ufufufu! |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Arare]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Arare Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |秋になりましたね。うん、秋の虫が、鳴いて、ますね |
| + | |Autumn is here. Yup, the autumn insects are all making noises. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Kasumi]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Kasumi Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |秋か……。秋が過ぎれば、冬ね。礼号作戦。私が旗艦を努めた。何故? 鮮明に覚えている。何で…… |
| + | |Autumn huh... After autumn, it'll be winter. Operation Rei-gou. I was the flagship for that. Why? I remember it well. Why... |
| + | |[[Wikipedia:ja:礼号作戦|Operation Rei-gou]] was the naval support for the [[Wikipedia:Battle of Mindoro|Battle of Mindoro]] |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Hatsukaze]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Hatsukaze Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |秋、か。この季節の夜は嫌ね。ああ、別に理由なんてないんだけど… |
| + | |Autumn huh. I don't like autumn nights. Ah, there's no particular reason... |
| + | |Likely referring to the [[Wikipedia:Battle of Empress Augusta Bay|Battle of Empress Augusta Bay]] where she got sunk at night |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Maikaze]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Maikaze Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |のわっちのわっち、秋だねー。秋はお芋が美味しいよねー。あっ、太らないようにしないとね! |
| + | |Nowacchi, Nowacchi, it's autumn. Sweet potatoes in autumn are delicious. Ah, but be careful not to gain weight! |
| + | |Nowacchi = [[Nowaki]] |
| + | |- |
| + | | rowspan="2" |[[Urakaze]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Urakaze Early Autumn2015 (1).ogg}} |
| + | |提督、秋やねぇ。よかったら一緒に鎮守府の秋祭りに……。ああ、忙しかったら、浜風と行くけぇ。あ、そお。うふふ |
| + | |Admiral, it's autumn. Shall we go to the Naval Base's autumn festival together... Ah, if you're busy I'll go with Hamakaze. Ah, really. Ufufu. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |{{audio|file=Urakaze Early Autumn2015 (2).ogg}} |
| + | |提督、ウチ祭りの射的は得意なんやぁ。どれがほしいけぇ? ウチが取っちゃるけぇ、まかしときぃ (改) |
| + | |Admiral, I'm really good at festival shooting galleries. Which prize do you want? Leave it to me, I'll get it for you. (Kai) |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Tanikaze]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Tanikaze Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |夏が終わっちまったねぇ。なんだか、さみしいねぇ。うん、まぁ、いいか。夏はまた、来年も来るしねぇ、な |
| + | |Summer is over huh. Somehow it's sad. Hmm, well, that's fine. Summer will be here next year too. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | | rowspan="2" |[[Hamakaze]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Hamakaze Early Autumn2015 (1).ogg}} |
| + | | |
| + | | |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |{{audio|file=Hamakaze Early Autumn2015 (2).ogg}} |
| + | |提督、秋祭りというモノは、うんむぐ、むぐむぐ。大変、美味しい物ですね。浜風、堪能しました |
| + | |Admiral, the autumn festival is... *nom nom nom nom* very delicious. I'm having a lot of fun. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Teruzuki]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Teruzuki Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |秋かぁ。秋は秋月姉ェの秋だよね。冬は、冬月の月。あれ? 照月って季節はいつ、なの? |
| + | |Autumn huh. Autumn is Akizuki-ane's season. Winter moon is Fuyutsuki's. Huh? Which season is mine? |
| + | |Aki = Autumn, Fuyu = Winter. |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Libeccio]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Libeccio Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |あの鳴いてるの、なぁに? 秋の虫? あぁ、鈴虫って言うんだ。いい音色ね。え? 鈴虫って、スイカ食べるの、本当? |
| + | |What is that sound? Autumn insects? Ah, it's crickets. That's a nice sound. Eh? These crickets really eat watermelons? |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Kazagumo]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Kazagumo Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |少し肌寒くなって来たわね。秋かぁ。お芋。焼き芋食べたいわね。ねぇ、秋雲 |
| + | |It's getting a little chilly now. Autumn huh. Sweet potatoes. I want to eat some baked sweet potatoes. Hey, Akigumo~ |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Umikaze]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Umikaze Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |秋はお芋が美味しいですよね。提督、少しお芋蒸かしましょうか? お茶もお入れしますね。おまちください |
| + | |Autumn sweet potatoes are delicious. Admiral, shall we steam some sweet potatoes? I'll go prepare some tea. Please wait a moment. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Kawakaze]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Kawakaze Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |よし。夏を乗り越えたぞ。秋はいいねぇ。なンかのびのびするよ、食いもンも、美味しいわぁ |
| + | |Right. We've got past summer. Autumn is great. It makes me feel at ease and there's lots of delicious food to eat. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |} |
| + | |
| + | ===Light Cruisers=== |
| + | {| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;" |
| + | !style="width:6%;"|Ship Name |
| + | !style="width:3%;"|Audio |
| + | !style="width:35%;"|Japanese |
| + | !style="width:35%;"|English |
| + | !style="width:21%;"|Notes |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Abukuma]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Abukuma Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |秋、この季節は、あの夜の戦いを思い出します。綺麗な火。怖い火。一緒のモノなのに。うふふ、不思議ですね、提督 |
| + | |Autumn always reminds me of that one night battle. Those brilliant fires. Those scary fires. Despite being the same thing. Ufufu, strange isn't it, Admiral |
| + | |Abukuma was torpedoed in the [[Wikipedia:Battle of Leyte Gulf#Battle of Surigao Strait (25 October)|Battle of Surigao Strait]] |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Jintsuu]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Jintsuu Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |提督、浴衣、ですか?あ、はい、持ってはいますが。一緒に、花火に?あ、喜んで |
| + | |Admiral, you asked about yukata? Ah, yes, I have one. Go to watch fireworks together? Ah, I'd love to. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Kinu]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Kinu Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |人によっていろんな秋があるよね。提督の秋は?鬼怒はねー、人を楽しませるネタをたーくさん仕込む秋かな!あ、何その顔 |
| + | |Everyone experiences autumn differently. What about you, Admiral? For me, autumn is when I make people laugh with jokes. Ah, what's with that look. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Ooyodo]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Ooyodo Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |提督、秋の気配を感じますね |
| + | |Admiral, you can really feel it's autumn. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Yuubari]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Yuubari Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |食欲の秋ですね、提督。いろいろ食べ物が美味しい季節ですよね~。目移りしちゃう。じゅる |
| + | |Autumn works up the appetite, Admiral. It's the season with so many delicious things to eat. I can't choose. *drool* |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Katori]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Katori Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |提督、少し肌寒くなってきましたね。秋ですね……提督の秋は読書の秋、ですか? |
| + | |Admiral, it's getting a little bit cold now. It's autumn...... Is the Admiral's autumn an autumn for reading? |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |} |
| + | |
| + | ===Heavy Cruisers=== |
| + | {| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;" |
| + | !style="width:6%;"|Ship Name |
| + | !style="width:3%;"|Audio |
| + | !style="width:35%;"|Japanese |
| + | !style="width:35%;"|English |
| + | !style="width:21%;"|Notes |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Ashigara]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Ashigara Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |秋は少し寂しいわね。ようし、そんな時こそ勝利のカツカレーよ。ようし、作るわ |
| + | |Autumn is a bit lonely. Right, now is the perfect time for victory katsu curry. I'll go make some. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Chikuma]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Chikuma Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |秋ですね。提督にとってはどんな秋ですか? あら? あたしもです。うふふ |
| + | |It's Autumn. What kind of autumn is it for you Admiral? Oh? Me too. Ufufu. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Choukai]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Choukai Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |秋は、落ち着きますね。特に私、秋の夜が好きなんです。司令官さんは、どうですか? |
| + | |Autumn feels really calm. I especially like autumn nights. What about you, commander? |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Furutaka]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Furutaka Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |この季節は、少し鎮守府も少し落ち着いた雰囲気になりますね。古鷹は、秋は、少し不思議な気持ちになります |
| + | |During this season, the atmosphere at the Naval Base has settled down a bit. Autumn gives me a bit of a mysterious feeling. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Haguro]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Haguro Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |秋は、静かですね。羽黒、この季節、好きなんです。司令官さんはどうですか? |
| + | |Autumn is quiet. I really like this season. What about you commander? |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Kumano]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Kumano Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |季節は、秋ですのね。秋が深まってくると、何か、もの悲しい気持ちになりますわ |
| + | |The season is now autumn. The further we get into autumn, I start to have some very sad feelings |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Maya]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Maya Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |せっかくの夏が終わっちまって、時化た季節になってきやがったぜ。ふぇ~ふわっくしょん |
| + | |Now that summer has ended, the depressing season is here. Ha~hachoo |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Myoukou]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Myoukou Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |秋、どこか寂しい季節。でも、読書には最適ですね。提督、何をお読みですか? |
| + | |Autumn is a bit of a lonely season. But, it's perfect for reading. Admiral, what would you like to read? |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Nachi]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Nachi Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |この季節になってくると、何故か、少し寂しい気分になるな。私らしくも無い、か |
| + | |When this season comes, for some reason, I become slightly lonely. This isn't very like me, yes? |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Suzuya]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Suzuya Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |秋かぁ。この季節は、ちょっちなんか落ち込むなぁ。ねぇ、熊野? ん、熊野? 聞いてる? |
| + | |Autumn huh. This season makes me feel a little down. Hey, Kumano? Hmm, Kumano? Are you listening? |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Tone]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Tone Autumn HQ.ogg}} |
| + | |実り秋じゃ。美味しい物がいっぱいなのじゃ。我が輩はサンマはぜーんぶ食べる派じゃ。うぐっ、骨が。ちくまーちくまー |
| + | |It's a fruitful autumn. There's lots of delicious things now. I'm the kind of person to eat all the sauries. Ugh, a bone. Chikuma~ Chikuma~ |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |} |
| + | |
| + | ===Aircraft Carriers=== |
| + | {| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;" |
| + | !style="width:6%;"|Ship Name |
| + | !style="width:3%;"|Audio |
| + | !style="width:35%;"|Japanese |
| + | !style="width:35%;"|English |
| + | !style="width:21%;"|Notes |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Shoukaku]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Shoukaku Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |秋。そうね瑞鶴。秋は、少し寂しい気持ちになるわね。ううん。今は、平気よ |
| + | |Autumn. That's right Zuikaku. When autumn comes, I start feeling a little bit lonely. Nah. I'm feeling fine now. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Zuikaku]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Zuikaku Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |秋、か。そうね、秋は終わりの季節。でも、始まりの季節でもあるんだ。きっとそう。私はそう思ってるんだ。らしくないか |
| + | |Autumn huh. That's right, autumn is the season of endings. But it's also the season of beginnings. That's definitely it. That's what I think. It's not like me? |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Zuihou]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Zuihou Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |提督、秋ですね。卵焼きもいいけど、焼き芋もいいですよね? 焼き芋、焼いちゃう? |
| + | |Admiral, it's autumn. Fried eggs are nice and all, but baked sweet potatoes are good too? Shall I go make some baked sweet potatoes? |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Katsuragi]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Katsuragi Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |なんか、秋ってもの悲しくない? 何となく。えぇ? 天城姉ぇは秋好きなの? なんで? |
| + | |Somehow, don't you feel that autumn is a bit depressing? For some reason. Eh? You like autumn Amagi-ane? Why? |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |} |
| + | |
| + | ===Other=== |
| + | {| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;" |
| + | !style="width:6%;"|Ship Name |
| + | !style="width:3%;"|Audio |
| + | !style="width:35%;"|Japanese |
| + | !style="width:35%;"|English |
| + | !style="width:21%;"|Notes |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Akashi]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Akashi Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |秋になりましたね。ちょっと小腹とか空いちゃう季節ですよね。間宮さん恋しい |
| + | |Autumn has arrived. You tend to get a little bit hungry this season. Mamiya-san I missed you. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Hayasui]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Hayasui Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |提督さん、秋ですね、秋。速吸、秋ってなんだかとっても好きなんです。焼き芋、焼いちゃいます? |
| + | |Admiral, it's autumn. Somehow, I really like autumn. Shall we go make some baked sweet potato? |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Mizuho]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Mizuho Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |秋ですね。提督、ご飯の美味しい季節です。瑞穂、何かお作りしますね? 何にしよう |
| + | |It's autumn. Admiral, it's the season of delicious meals. Shall I make something for you? What should I make |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |[[Akitsushima]] |
| + | |{{audio|file=Akitsushima Early Autumn2015.ogg}} |
| + | |秋か~。秋は何かちょっと苦手かも。何か空とか変に気になるし。ね、大艇ちゃん |
| + | |Autumn huh~. Somehow I don't like autumn. The sky makes me feel uneasy. Isn't that right, Taitei-chan. |
| + | | |
| + | |- |
| + | |} |
| + | |
| + | {{Seasonal}} |