
no edit summary
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   _scrap_bauxite = 2,
   _scrap_bauxite = 2,
   _info = "大戦初期の太平洋上で零戦としのぎを削った名艦上戦闘機、その改良型です。<br>ワイルドキャットとよばれたF4Fシリーズは、格闘戦闘で劣る零戦隊を相手に果敢に戦いました。<br>本機は火力を強化し、空母艦載に最適化したF4Fの完成形といえるバージョンです。",
   _info = "大戦初期の太平洋上で零戦としのぎを削った名艦上戦闘機、その改良型です。<br>ワイルドキャットとよばれたF4Fシリーズは、格闘戦闘で劣る零戦隊を相手に果敢に戦いました。<br>本機は火力を強化し、空母艦載に最適化したF4Fの完成形といえるバージョンです。",
   _info_en = "An improved version of the famous shipboard fighter that competed with the Zero in the Pacific at the beginning of the Great War.<br>Known as the Wildcat, the F4F series fought valiantly against the Zero squadrons despite being inferior.<br>This aircraft is a final version of the F4F with enhanced firepower and optimizations for carrier operations.",
   _info_en = "An improved version of the famous shipboard fighter that competed with the Zero in the Pacific at the beginning of the war.<br>Known as the Wildcat, the F4F series fought valiantly against the Zero squadrons despite being inferior.<br>This aircraft is a final version of the F4F with enhanced firepower and optimizations for carrier operations.",
   _wikipedia = "Grumman F4F Wildcat",
   _wikipedia = "Grumman F4F Wildcat",
   _buildable = false,
   _buildable = false,
