Line 1: |
Line 1: |
− | -- [[Category:Equipment modules]]
| |
− |
| |
| return { | | return { |
| _name = "152mm/55 Triple Rapid Fire Gun Mount Kai", | | _name = "152mm/55 Triple Rapid Fire Gun Mount Kai", |
− | _asset_name = "152mm 55 Triple Rapid Fire Gun Mount Kai",
| |
| _id = 341, | | _id = 341, |
| _japanese_name = "152mm/55 三連装速射砲改", | | _japanese_name = "152mm/55 三連装速射砲改", |
| _reading = nil, | | _reading = nil, |
− | _type = 2, -- 1,1,2,2,0 | + | _type = 2, |
| _icon = 2, | | _icon = 2, |
| + | _types = {1, 1, 2, 2, 0}, |
| _rarity = 4, | | _rarity = 4, |
| _firepower = 9, | | _firepower = 9, |
Line 23: |
Line 21: |
| _luck = false, | | _luck = false, |
| _range = 2, | | _range = 2, |
− | _flight_cost = false,
| |
− | _flight_range = false,
| |
| _special = false, | | _special = false, |
| _scrap_fuel = false, | | _scrap_fuel = false, |
Line 30: |
Line 26: |
| _scrap_steel = 5, | | _scrap_steel = 5, |
| _scrap_bauxite = 2, | | _scrap_bauxite = 2, |
| + | _info = "パスタの国が生んだ、伝統と信頼の高性能中口径の三連装速射砲、その軽巡用主砲バージョンです。<br>砲の旋回や俯仰、砲弾の揚弾及び装填は主に電力で稼働する最新型です。<br>戦後も活躍した新鋭軽巡の主砲、そして同構造の砲は新型高速戦艦の副砲にも採用された本砲をさらに熟成した、改修後期型です。", |
| + | _info_en = "A version of the traditional, but reliable high-performance, medium caliber, triple mounted gun from the country of pasta that was used on light cruisers.<br>This is the latest model where the rotation and elevation of the gun, and also the hoisting and loading of the shells, were electrically powered.<br>These are an improved late model of the guns that were used on the new light cruisers into the post-war period and mounted as secondary armaments on the new fast battleship.", |
| + | _wikipedia = "152 mm/55 Italian naval gun Models 1934 and 1936", |
| _buildable = false, | | _buildable = false, |
− | _info = "パスタの国が生んだ、伝統と信頼の高性能中口径の三連装速射砲、その軽巡用主砲バージョンです。砲の旋回や俯仰、砲弾の揚弾及び装填は主に電力で稼働する最新型です。戦後も活躍した新鋭軽巡の主砲、そして同構造の砲は新型高速戦艦の副砲にも採用された本砲をさらに熟成した、改修後期型です。", | + | _improvements = false, |
− | _wikipedia = "152 mm/55 Italian naval gun Models 1934 and 1936"
| |
| } | | } |