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Notable light and torpedo cruisers:
*[[Tenryuu]]-class; Their unremodeled version has the lowest ammo consumption (25 fuel, 20 ammo) compared to the rest of light cruisers which make them great for ammo-sensitive expedition.  Even remodeled they still consume less fuel compared to other remodeled CLs.
*[[Isuzu]]; On her second (level 50) remodel, boasts the highest ASW stat in the game and an AA stat almost as good as heavy cruiser [[Maya]].<br />Her second remodel also comes with [[Type 22 Surface RADAR]], [[Type 21 Air RADAR]], and [[Type 3 Depth Charge]].
**Isuzu's first remodel is desirable as modernization material (+5 AA stat) and she comes with [[Type 21 Air RADAR]] as a bonus!
*[[Yura]]; Her remodeled version has above-average base ASW stats (54) before modernization, making her a choice for admirals who need second ASW ship besides Isuzu.  This also applies to [[Kinu]] and [[Abukuma]].
*[[Kitakami]] and [[Ooi]]; Level 10 remodel into a torpedo cruiser allows them to carry midget submarines called ''Type A Ko-hyoteki'' (甲標的甲) which let you do preemptive torpedo attacks on the enemy.<br />Combined with their outstanding torpedo stat, they can one-shot most enemies before the shelling phase begins.
*[[Yuubari]]; She's the only light cruiser who has 4 equipment slots.
**Her unremodeled version has low fuel consumption and high ammo consumption (20 fuel, 30 ammo). Great for expeditions that don't require ammo consumption.
**After remodeling, Yuubari can equip more equipment than any other light cruiser.  This is important for ASW, as ASW stats from equipment are worth 5x more than ASW stats from the ship's original stat. See [[Combat#Factors_involved_in_damage_calculation|combat mechanics]] page for more information on how ASW damage is calculated.
Other highlighted girls have good stats and surpass some heavy cruisers in terms of firepower, making CLs one of the most versatile classes in the game.
Highlight note:
*Green: Outstanding
*Yellow: Above average
{| class="wikitable"
! style="white-space:nowrap;"|Mod Lv
! style="width: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: LightCoral;"|[[file:icon_Gun.png|Firepower]]
! style="width: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: LightSkyBlue;"|[[file:icon_Torpedo.png|Torpedo Attack]]
! style="width: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: SandyBrown;"|[[file:icon_AA.png|Anti-Air]]
! style="width: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: Seashell;"|[[file:icon_ASW.png|Anti-Submarine]]
! style="width: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: Aquamarine;"|[[file:icon_LOS.png|View Range]]
! style="width: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: PaleGreen;"|[[file:icon_Luck.png|Luck]]
! style="width: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: Pink;"|[[file:icon_HP.png|Health]]
! style="width: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: yellow;"|[[file:icon_Armor.png|Armor]]
! style="width: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: Violet;"|[[file:icon_Evasion.png|Evasion]]
! style="width: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: Aqua;"|[[file:icon_Speed.png|Speed]]
! style="width: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: Silver;"|[[file:icon_Aircraft.png|Aircraft]]
! style="text-align:left;"|Notes
|[[Tenryuu]] 天龍改
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|Tenryuu
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|20
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|59
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|79
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|49
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|69
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|49
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|12
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|40
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|59
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|79
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|Fast
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|0
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|25
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|25
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|
|[[Tatsuta]] 龍田改
| style="background-color: yellow;"|[[Kuma]] 球磨改
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|Kuma
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|20
| style="background-color: yellow;"|69
| style="background-color: yellow;"|89
| style="background-color: yellow;"|69
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|79
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|49
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|12
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|42
| style="background-color: yellow;"|69
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|79
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|Fast
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|3(1,1,1)
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|25
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|30
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|
|[[Tama]] 多摩改
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|59
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|79
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|59
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|59
|[[Kiso]] 木曾改
| style="background-color: yellow;"|[[Nagara]] 長良改
| colspan="1" rowspan="7"|Nagara
| style="background-color: yellow;"|69
| style="background-color: yellow;"|89
| style="background-color: yellow;"|69
| colspan="1" rowspan="6"|79
| colspan="1" rowspan="6"|49
| colspan="1" rowspan="6"|12
| style="background-color: yellow;"|43
| style="background-color: yellow;"|69
| colspan="1" rowspan="7"|79
| colspan="1" rowspan="7"|Fast
| colspan="1" rowspan="6"|3(1,1,1)
| colspan="1" rowspan="7"|25
| colspan="1" rowspan="4"|30
| colspan="1" rowspan="6"|
| style="background-color: yellow;"|[[Isuzu]] 五十鈴改
| style="background-color: lime;"|12
| colspan="1" rowspan="5"|59
| colspan="1" rowspan="5"|59
|[[Natori]] 名取改
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|20
| style="background-color: yellow;"|69
| style="background-color: yellow;"|89
| rowspan="2" style="background-color: yellow;"|43
|[[Yura]] 由良改
| colspan="1" rowspan="4"|59
| colspan="1" rowspan="4"|79
|[[Kinu]] 鬼怒改
| rowspan="2" style="background-color: yellow;"|17
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|35
|[[Abukuma]] 阿武隈改
| style="background-color:lime;white-space:nowrap;"|[[Isuzu]] Kai-2 五十鈴改二
| 50
| style="background-color: lime;"|84
| style="background-color: lime;"|94
| style="background-color: yellow;"|59
| 13
| style="background-color: yellow;"|44
| style="background-color: yellow;"|69
| 0
| 30
| style="white-space:nowrap;"| Isuzu 2nd Remodel
|[[Sendai]] 川内改
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|Sendai
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|20
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|59
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|79
| style="background-color: yellow;"|69
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|79
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|49
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|12
| rowspan="3" style="background-color: yellow;"|44
| style="background-color: yellow;"|69
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|79
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|Fast
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|3(1,1,1)
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|25
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|30
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|
|[[Jintsuu]] 神通改
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|59
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|59
|[[Naka]] 那珂改
| style="background-color:lime;"|[[Ooi]] 大井改二
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|Kuma (Torpedo)
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|50
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|63
| rowspan="2" style="background-color: lime;"|139
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|49
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|79
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|43
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|43
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|63
| rowspan="2" style="background-color: yellow;"|83
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|Fast
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|0
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|25
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|55
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|
| style="background-color: lime;"|[[Kitakami]] 北上改二
| style="background-color: lime;"|30
|[[Yuubari]] 夕張改
| style="background-color: yellow;"|69
| style="background-color: yellow;"|17
|4 equipment slots
| style="background-color: yellow;"|[[Agano]] 阿賀野改
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|Agano
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|35
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|62
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|79
| style="background-color: yellow;" colspan="1" rowspan="2"|72
| style="background-color: yellow;" colspan="1" rowspan="3"|82
| style="background-color: yellow;" colspan="1" rowspan="3"|59
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|10
| style="background-color: lime;" colspan="1" rowspan="2"|45
| style="background-color: yellow;" colspan="1" rowspan="3"|69
| colspan="1" rowspan="2"|80
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|Fast
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|6(2,2,2)
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|35
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|50
| colspan="1" rowspan="3"|
| style="background-color: yellow;"|[[Noshiro]] 能代改
| style="background-color: lime;"|[[Yahagi]] 矢矧改
| style="background-color: yellow;"|74
| style="background-color: lime;"|47
| style="background-color: lime;"|84
!Mod Lv
! style="width: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: LightCoral;"|[[file:icon_Gun.png|Firepower]]
! style="width: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: LightSkyBlue;"|[[file:icon_Torpedo.png|Torpedo Attack]]
! style="width: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: SandyBrown;"|[[file:icon_AA.png|Anti-Air]]
! style="width: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: Seashell;"|[[file:icon_ASW.png|Anti-Submarine]]
! style="width: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: Aquamarine;"|[[file:icon_LOS.png|View Range]]
! style="width: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: PaleGreen;"|[[file:icon_Luck.png|Luck]]
! style="width: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: Pink;"|[[file:icon_HP.png|Health]]
! style="width: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: yellow;"|[[file:icon_Armor.png|Armor]]
! style="width: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: Violet;"|[[file:icon_Evasion.png|Evasion]]
! style="width: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: Aqua;"|[[file:icon_Speed.png|Speed]]
! style="width: 30px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: Silver;"|[[file:icon_Aircraft.png|Aircraft]]
! style="text-align:left;"|Notes
==See Also==
[[Category:Light Cruisers]]
