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複葉非全金属製の旧世代機でありながら、高い信頼性と運用性を誇る、<br>メカジキの名を持つ紅茶の国の艦上攻撃機。<br>航空母艦「Ark Royal」などに搭載され、戦艦「Bismarck」と英艦隊との激闘に大きな一撃を放つことになる<br>旧式ながら赫々たる戦果をおさめた傑作機。実在した、その水上機型です!
複葉非全金属製の旧世代機でありながら、高い信頼性と運用性を誇る、メカジキの名を持つ紅茶の国の艦上攻撃機。<br>航空母艦「Ark Royal」などに搭載され、戦艦「Bismarck」と英艦隊との激闘に大きな一撃を放つことになる旧式ながら赫々たる戦果をおさめた傑作機。<br>実在した、その水上機型です!
''The Swordfish is a seaplane from the Country of Tea. Even though it is an old model, this non-metal biplane has excellent reliability and operability.<br>A masterpiece that was deployed on the carrier Ark Royal. It delivered a decisive blow to the battleship Bismarck during that fierce battle with the Royal Navy.<br>This is a seaplane that existed in real life!
''The Swordfish is a seaplane from the country of tea. Even though it is an old model, this non-metal biplane has excellent reliability and operability.<br>A masterpiece that was deployed on the carrier "Ark Royal" how delivered a decisive blow to the battleship "Bismarck" during that fierce battle with the Royal Navy.<br>This is a seaplane that existed in real life!
