
Line 31: Line 31:  
* After Start Point 3 is unlocked, meet '''ANY''' of the following requirements:
* After Start Point 3 is unlocked, meet '''ANY''' of the following requirements:
** STF
** STF
** CTF: Amount of (F)BB(V) ≥ 2
** CTF: Amount of (F)BB(V) ≥ 3
** CTF: Amount of CV(B/L) ≥ 2
** CTF: Amount of CV(B/L) ≥ 3
* Tag requirements: ('''Normal / Hard''')
* Tag requirements: ('''Normal / Hard''')
** 1st Fleet {{Shiplock|{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 6}}
** 1st Fleet {{Shiplock|{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 6}}
Line 74: Line 74:  
|order = I,J1,J2,K,L,M,O
|order = I,J1,J2,K,L,M,O
|I/battle -> J/battle = * Meet '''ALL''' of the following requirements:
|I/battle -> J/battle = * Meet '''ALL''' of the following requirements:
** If Slow fleet, then amount of (F)BB(V) ≤ 3
** If Slow fleet, then amount of (F)BB(V) + CV(B) ≤ 4
** If Slow fleet, then amount of CV(B) ≤ 2
** If Slow fleet, then amount of CV(B) ≤ 2
** Amount of CL + DD ≥ 5
** Amount of CL + DD ≥ 5
Line 110: Line 110:  
** Amount of DD ≥ 3?
** Amount of DD ≥ 3?
|U/battle -> V/gray = * Meet '''ALL''' of the following requirements:
|U/battle -> V/gray = * Meet '''ALL''' of the following requirements:
** Fleet contains AR, AO or Akitsushima Kai  
** CTF/TCF: Fleet contains AR, AO or Akitsushima Kai  
** Amount of AO + AR + AS + AV+ LHA ≥ 4
** CTF: Amount of AO + AR + AS + AV+ LHA ≥ 4
|U/battle -> X/battle = * Does not meet the requirements to go to V
|U/battle -> X/battle = * Does not meet the requirements to go to V
|X/battle -> V/gray = * Fleet contains AR, AO or Akitsushima Kai
|X/battle -> V/gray = * Fleet contains AR, AO or Akitsushima Kai
Line 139: Line 139:  
! !! B!! C2
! !! B!! C2
| Hard|| S x2<br>A+ x3|| A+ x3
| Hard|| S x2 || A+ x3
| Medium|| ?|| ?
| Medium|| A+ x2|| A+ x2
| Easy|| ?|| ?
| Easy|| A+ x2|| A+ x2
| Casual|| ?|| ?
| Casual|| A+ x2|| A+ x2
   Line 151: Line 151:  
|-|Node B=
|-|Node B=
* Refer to [[#Phase 1 - Boss]]'s fleet for composition and routing.
* Refer to [[#Phase 1 - Boss]]'s fleet for composition and routing.
*ASW power is required.
|-|Node C2=
|-|Node C2=
* [[Striking Force Fleet]]: '''1FBB, 1CV(B/L), 0-1CA(V), 1CL, 3-4DD''' [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 7.png|30px]]
* Refer to [[#Phase 1 - Boss]]'s fleet for composition.
* Route: {{MapRoute|1||A|blue|C|red|C1|red|C2|red}}
* Route: {{MapRoute|1||A|blue|C|red|C1|red|C2|red}}
**The enemy includes hard skin [[Installation]]s ([[Pillbox]]es) and requires specialized equipment to defeat.
==Phase 1 - Boss==
==Phase 1 - Boss==
* [[Striking Force Fleet]]: '''1FBB, 1CV(B/L), 0-1CA(V), 1CL, 3-4DD''' [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 7.png|30px]]
* [[Striking Force Fleet]]: '''1(F)BB(V), 1CV(B/L), 0-1CA(V), 1CL, 3-4DD''' [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 7.png|30px]]
* Route: {{MapRoute|1||A|blue|B|red|F|red|H|red}}
* Route: {{MapRoute|1||A|blue|B|red|F|red|H|red}}
* Can consider using 1 ASW LBAS to {{MapRoute|B|red}} to increase the passing rate.
** Only 1 LBAS is needed for {{MapRoute|H|red}}
* LBAS Range = 7 to boss AP/AS = 234/516
==Phase 1.5 - Unlock the Boss Node==
==Phase 1.5 - Unlock the Boss Node==
Line 166: Line 170:  
! !! L!! M
! !! L!! M
| Hard|| S?|| AS x2
| Hard|| S x2|| AS x2
| Medium|| ?|| ?
| Medium|| A+ x2|| AS x2
| Easy|| ?|| ?
| Easy|| ?|| ?
Line 177: Line 181:  
|-|Node L=
|-|Node L=
* STF: '''1AV, 3(F)BB(V), 1CV(B), 1CL + 1CAV, 1CL, 4 DD''' [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 6.png|30px]][[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 9.png|30px]]
* Refer to [[#Phase 2 - Boss]]'s fleet for composition.
* CTF: '''4CV(B), 1-2CAV, 0-1CL + 1CAV, 1CL, 4 DD''' [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 6.png|30px]][[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 9.png|30px]]
* Route: {{MapRoute|2||I|red|J|red|K|blue|L|red}}
* Route: {{MapRoute|2||I|red|J|red|K|blue|L|red}}
**ASW power is required.
|-|Node M=
|-|Node M=
* Refer to [[#Phase 2 - Boss]]'s fleet for composition and routing.
* Refer to [[#Phase 2 - Boss]]'s fleet for composition and routing.
!      !! AS
|Hard  || 336
|Medium|| 219
|Easy  || 150
|Casual|| 99
==Phase 2 - Boss==
==Phase 2 - Boss==
* STF: [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 6.png|30px]][[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 9.png|30px]]
**Main: '''3(F)BB(V), 1CV(B), 1CAV/CL/AV, 1CL
**Escort: '''1CA(V)/AV/LHA, 1CL, 0-1CLT, 4-5DD
* Route: {{MapRoute|2||I|red|J|red|K|blue|M|pink|O|red|Q|red}}
**The use of a [[Special Attack]] is recommended.
**If no CL is used in the main fleet, will pass through an air node at {{MapRoute|P|pink}}.
|-|Mixed CTF=
* CTF: [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 6.png|30px]][[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 9.png|30px]]
**Main: '''2(F)BB(V) 2CV(B), 1CVL/CA(V)/AV/DD, 1CL
**Escort: '''0-1CA(V), 1CL, 0-1CLT, 3-4DD
* Route: {{MapRoute|2||I|red|J|red|K|blue|M|pink|O|red|Q|red}}
**The use of a [[Special Attack]] is recommended.
**If no CL is used in the main fleet, will pass through an air raid at {{MapRoute|P|pink}}.
|-|Carrier CTF=
* CTF: '''FAST''' [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 6.png|30px]][[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 9.png|30px]]
**Main: '''4CV(B), 1CAV, 1CL
**Escort: '''1CA(V), 1CL, 0-1CLT, 3-4DD
* Route: {{MapRoute|2||I|red|J|red|K|blue|M|pink|O|red|P|pink|Q|red}}
**If Slow or <5 CL+DD, will pass through extra battles at {{MapRoute|J1|darkorange|J2|pink}}
*The boss is a hard skin [[Installation]] ([[Pillbox]]) and requires specialized equipment to defeat.
==Phase 2.5 - Unlock the Boss Node==
==Phase 2.5 - Unlock the Boss Node==
Line 201: Line 234:  
| Hard|| Reach
| Hard|| Reach
| Medium|| ?
| Medium|| Reach
| Easy|| ?
| Easy|| Reach
| Casual|| ?
| Casual|| Reach
Node V
Node {{MapRoute|V|lightblue}}:
* Refer to [[#??]]'s fleet for composition and routing.
|-|Safe TCF=
* TCF: [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 10.png|30px]]
**Main: '''1AV/CAV/CL, 0-1 CL, 4DD
**Escort: '''1CA(V)/CL/CLT, 1CL, 2-4DD
* Route: {{MapRoute|3||R|red|T|pink|U|red|V|blue}}
**It is possible to only use 8 ships
**Here, the additional DD that will be locked should be [[Landing Equipment]] capable so as to reuse them on E-7 Phase 4
|-|Kuso TCF=
* TCF: [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 10.png|30px]]
**Main: '''4DD/DE
**Escort: '''1CL, 3DD/DE
* Route: {{MapRoute|3||R|red|T|pink|U|red|V|blue}}
**This is the lightest possible fleet and should utilize Lv1/worthless ships that can be sacrificed,
**It is recommended that 1 of these ships be intended for [[#Phase 3 - Boss]], to guarantee the [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 10.png|30px]] lock.
* Refer to [[#Phase 3 - Boss]]'s fleet for composition.
* Route: {{MapRoute|3||R|red|T|pink|U|red|V|blue}}
* Route: {{MapRoute|3||R|red|S|darkOrange|T|pink|U|red|V|blue}}
Using a CTF is possible but:
*There is a '''max''' of 2CV(B), any more will begin at start point 2 and receive that lock
*To prevent accidentally applying the wrong tag, it is recommended to pre-tag some ships on the [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 10.png|30px]] lock, using the previously mentioned methods.
*Fleet sample: 2(F)BB(V), 2CV(B), 2LHA/AV + 1AR/AO/[[Akitsushima]], 1LHA/AV, 1CA/CLT, 1CL, 2DD
**AR/AO/AV must be Kai or better remodel.
Use the fleet with exactly 2 CV(B)
*To prevent accident of getting wrong tags, it's recommended to pre-tag ships for (start 3).
*In order to get (start 2) after gauge 2 clear, your fleet should have 3 or more CV(B/L) in fleet.
==Phase 3 - Boss==
==Phase 3 - Boss==
|-|Aux Heavy=
* CTF: [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 10.png|30px]]
**Main: '''2(F)BB(V), 2CV(B), 1AV/LHA, 1LHA
**Escort: '''1CL, 0-1CLT/1CA(V), 2-3DD, 2AV/AO/LHA
* Route: {{MapRoute|3||R|red|S|darkorange|T|pink|U|red|V|blue|Z|red}}
*This is the most recommended fleet
* CTF: [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 10.png|30px]]
**Main: '''2(F)BB(V), 2CV(B), 1CAV, 1CL
**Escort: '''1CA(V), 1CL, 1CLT, 3DD
* Route: {{MapRoute|3||R|red|S|darkorange|T|pink|U|red|X|red|Z|red}}
|-|Aux Light=
* CTF: '''FAST''' [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 10.png|30px]]
**Main: '''1FBB, 2CV(B), 1DD, 2AV
**Escort: '''1CL, 3DD, 1AO, 1AV
* Route: {{MapRoute|3||R|red|T|pink|U|red|V|blue|Z|red}}
* CTF: '''FAST''' [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 10.png|30px]]
**Main: '''2(F)BB(V), 2CV(B), 1CAV, 1CL
**Escort: '''1CL, 3DD, 1AO, 1AV
* Route: {{MapRoute|3||R|red|T|pink|U|red|X|red|V|blue|Z|red}}
*LBAS range: 3
*The use of a [[Special Attack]] is highly advised.
*It is possible to force the {{MapRoute|U|red|V|blue}} routing by using 4 "Aux" (AS/AV/AO/LHA/AR) at Kai+, with at least any 1 of [[Akitsushima Kai]]/AR/AO amongst them.
* {{MapRoute|V|lightblue}} is an '''[[Emergency Anchorage Repair]] node.
*[[PT boat]]s are present on the boss node, and require specific set-ups to be defeated:
{{Anti-PT Imp Setups}}
*Using a {{Smoke}} '''[[Smoke]]''' on node {{MapRoute|S|darkorange}} can help in surviving it.
==Phase 3.5 - Debuff==
==Phase 3.5 - Debuff==
Line 233: Line 315:  
! !! H!! C2!! Q!! W!! P!! LBAS
! !! H!! C2!! Q!! W!! P!! LBAS
| Hard|| A+|| A+|| A+|| A+ x2|| AS|| AS
| Hard|| A+|| A+|| A+|| A+ x2|| AS|| AS x3
| Medium|| ?|| ?|| ?|| ?|| ?|| ?
| Medium|| A+|| -|| A+||A+ x2|| AS|| AS x2
| Easy|| ?|| ?|| ?|| ?|| ?|| ?
| Easy|| ?|| -|| ?|| ?|| ?|| ?
| Casual|| ?|| ?|| ?|| ?|| ?|| ?
| Casual|| ?|| -|| ?|| ?|| ?|| ?
|-|Node H=
|-|Node H=
* Refer to [[#??]]'s fleet for composition and routing.
* Refer to [[#Phase 1 - Boss]]'s fleet for composition and routing.
|-|Node C2=
|-|Node C2=
* Refer to [[#??]]'s fleet for composition and routing.
* Refer to [[#Phase 0.5 - Unlock the Boss Node]]'s fleet for composition and routing.
|-|Node Q=
|-|Node Q=
* Refer to [[#??]]'s fleet for composition and routing.
* Refer to [[#Phase 2 - Boss]]'s fleet for composition and routing.
|-|Node W=
|-|Node W=
* Refer to [[#??]]'s fleet for composition and routing.
*STF/CTF: Refer to [[#Phase 2 - Boss]]'s fleet for composition
* STF Route: {{MapRoute|2||I|red|J|red|K|blue|L|red|J1|darkOrange|W|red}}
* CTF Route: {{MapRoute|2||I|red|J|red|K|blue|L|red|J2|pink|W|red}}
**Fleets must pass through {{MapRoute|K|blue}} before they can route to {{MapRoute|W|red}}
|-|Node P=
|-|Node P=
* Refer to [[#??]]'s fleet for composition and routing.
* Refer to [[#Phase 2 - Boss]]'s fleet for composition and routing.
*The fleet must be a Slow CTF/STF and contain a '''max''' of 1CL
**Alternatively, a fleet that contains at least 4(F)BB(V) or 3CV(B) can reach {{MapRoute|P|pink}} but may encounter extra battles
!      !! AS
|Hard  || 240
|Medium|| 219
|Easy  || 150
|Casual|| ?
|-|Node LBAS=
|-|Node LBAS=
Line 262: Line 360:  
!      !! AS
!      !! AS
|Hard  || ?
|Hard  || 336
|Medium|| ?
|Medium|| 219
|Easy  || ?
|Easy  || 150
|Casual|| ?
|Casual|| 99
Line 291: Line 389:  
=YY's Guide=
=Tachyoon's additions for normal mode to Jiga's Guide=
==Map overview==
* Final Boss of E-5 did let you use LBAS planes with range lower 5, so:
* In order to be able to start a sortie to the map in phase 0.5 your attacking LBAS need to have a minimum range of 5
* If you have no LBAS plane with range of 5 or higher you can set the LBAS to non-attacking modes like 'air defence' or 'rest'
=Historical Bonuses=
==Phase 0.5 - Unlock the Boss Node==
{{color|red|'''DISCLAIMER:''' ''This information is based on user-submitted data and is subject to revisions as more data is gathered. Any version of the ship receives the bonus regardless of remodel.''}}
! !! B!! C2
| Hard|| S x2<br>A+ x3|| A+ x3
| Medium|| S? x2|| A+ x2
| Easy|| ?|| ?
| Casual|| ?|| ?
====Ship Bonuses====
==Phase 2 - Boss==
*STF seems the better choice over CTF: CTF has one more pre-boss Node and the escort fleet can easily be damaged since it will be the first to enter the battle in pre-boss nodes. Also STF enables special attacks which are also recommended.
*Special gear should be landing tanks combined with guns - but Boss in Normal Mode already takes considerably enough damage from BBs with Type 1 AP-Shell and/or historical ships.
====Equipment Bonuses====
==Phase 3 - Boss==
*For Normal Mode:
*Light Auxilary fleet seems fine to chip the boss down with moderate use of ressources.
*But for last dance, a more heavy fleet should be used, since the boss gains a lot of companions with high deff and high dmg output.
=YY's Guide=
