
no edit summary
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   _scrap_steel = 26,
   _scrap_steel = 26,
   _scrap_bauxite = 6,
   _scrap_bauxite = 6,
   _info = nil,
   _info = "改金剛型主砲兵装、特に「比叡」「霧島」丙改装の運用に特化して改修改良された、35.6cm連装砲のif改良強化後期型です。<br>新型測距儀と装甲強化、被弾誘爆への対策、戦訓を採り入れ各電探との連携も可能。<br>夜戦含む水上打撃戦での火力投射力が、大きく向上しています。<br>高レベル改修により、改金剛型の夜戦及び火力の殴り合いでは、さらに力強い戦闘力を発揮します。",
   _info_en = nil,
   _info_en = "The modified Kongo-class main gun armament is a late-model what if 35.6 cm twin gun mount that was modified and improved specifically for use on the Hiei and Kirishima C remodels.<br>It is equipped incorporates elements learned from battles, with a new rangefinder, reinforced armor, explosions preventions measures, and the ability to be linked with radars.<br>The firepower in surface battles, including night battles, has been greatly improved. <br>With this high level of modification, the Kai Kongou-class will be able to demonstrate even greater combat power in night battles and gunfire duels.",
   _wikipedia = "Vickers 14 inch/45 naval gun",
   _wikipedia = "Vickers 14 inch/45 naval gun",
   _gun_fit_group = "35.6 cm",
   _gun_fit_group = "35.6 cm",
