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Seasonal: YYMM T°-->
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==29th of May 2024==
==27th of June 2024==
{{Qpvp}} [[#Cs4]] Large Scale Summer Exercise is back.
| cat= Sortie| type= One| ID= B200
| cat= Sortie| type= One| ID= B201
| qreq1= By2
| qreq1=  
| namejp= 八戸の盾「稲木改二」、抜錨ッ!
| namejp=  
| nameen= Shield Of Hachinohe "Inagi Kai Ni", Set Sail!
| nameen=  
| text= 旗艦に八戸の盾、改鵜来型海防艦「稲木改二」を配備した精強な防衛艦隊で、製油所地帯沿岸、南西諸島防衛線、バシー海峡、東部オリョール海、昭南本土航路に展開!敵を撃滅、防衛せよ!
| text=  
| req= Assemble a fleet containing [[Inagi Kai Ni]] as flagship and up to 5 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[1-3]], [[1-4]], [[2-2]], [[2-3]], and [[7-4]].
| req=  
| fuel= 800
| fuel=  
| steel= 800
| ammo=
| bauxite= 800
| steel=  
| choice1= {{QuestRewardItem|Instant Repair Material|qty=8}} {{QuestRewardItem|Ammo|qty=8000}} {{QuestRewardItem|Reinforcement Expansion}}
| bauxite=  
| choice2= {{QuestRewardEquip|12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E Kai|stars=8}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=8}} {{QuestRewardItem|Action Report}}
| choice1= {{QuestRewardItem||qty=8}} {{QuestRewardItem||qty=8}} {{QuestRewardItem||qty=8}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardEquip||stars=8}} {{QuestRewardEquip||stars=8}} {{QuestRewardEquip||stars=8}}
| cat= Sortie| type= May| ID= By14
| cat= Sortie| type= One| ID= B202
| qreq1= Bd2
| qreq1=  
| namejp= 鵜来型海防艦、静かな海を防衛せよ!
| namejp=  
| nameen= Ukuru-class Kaiboukan, Defend The Calm Seas!
| nameen=  
| text= 鵜来型海防艦を旗艦、随伴に海防艦1~3隻のみの海防艦戦隊を編成。同艦隊で鎮守府正面海域安全の反復徹底確保、さらに鎮守府近海及び鎮守府海域南西諸島沖海域の反復哨戒を実施せよ!
| text=  
| req= Assemble a fleet containing 1 {{Class|Ukuru}} as flagship, 1 DE, and up to 2 DE (4 ships), then S rank the boss node of [[1-1]] three times, and A+ rank the boss nodes [[1-2]] and [[1-5]], twice each.
| req=  
| fuel= 320
| fuel=  
| ammo= 320
| ammo=  
| steel= 320
| steel=  
| choice1= {{QuestRewardItem|Fuel|qty=880}} {{QuestRewardItem|Instant Repair Material|qty=6}} {{QuestRewardItem|Furniture Fairy}}
| bauxite=
| choice2= {{QuestRewardItem|Development Material|qty=16}} {{QuestRewardEquip|12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E|qty=3}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=3}}
| choice1= {{QuestRewardItem||qty=8}} {{QuestRewardItem||qty=8}} {{QuestRewardItem||qty=8}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardEquip||stars=8}} {{QuestRewardEquip||stars=8}} {{QuestRewardEquip||stars=8}}
| cat= Factory| type= One| ID= F123
| cat= Factory| type= One| ID= F124
| qreq1= Fd6
| qreq1=  
| namejp= 鵜来型海防艦兵装の開発
| namejp=  
| nameen= Development Of Armament For The Ukuru-class Kaiboukan
| nameen=  
| text= Armament Development:
| text=  
| req= Set an {{Class|Ukuru}} as Secretary, equipped with a [[Type 3 Depth Charge Projector]] in her '''1st slot''', then, scrap 4 [[Type 93 Passive Sonar]]s, 4 [[Type 94 Depth Charge Projector]] and 4 [[Type 95 Depth Charge]]s, and prepare 1 [[Type 3 Depth Charge Projector]], and 32 Development Materials.
| req=  
| main= {{QuestRewardEquip|Type 3 Depth Charge Projector (Concentrated Deployment)|stars=1}}
| fuel=
| notes= Items and the equipment are consumed upon completion.
| ammo=
*The [[Type 3 Depth Charge Projector]] will be converted into the reward.
| steel=
*'''{{color|red|Any {{Star}} on the [[Type 3 Depth Charge Projector]] are lost during conversion.}}
| bauxite=
| choice1= {{QuestRewardItem||qty=8}} {{QuestRewardItem||qty=8}} {{QuestRewardItem||qty=8}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardEquip||stars=8}} {{QuestRewardEquip||stars=8}} {{QuestRewardEquip||stars=8}}
===Limited Time===
===Limited Time===
{{color|red|'''The quests will remain until the 27/06/2024.'''}}
| cat= Sortie| type= Weekly| ID= 2405 B3| lim= True
| cat= Sortie| type= Weekly| ID= 2406 B1| lim= True
| qreq1= B6
| namejp= 【梅雨限定任務】雨の南西諸島防衛線!
| nameen= [Rainy Season Limited Quest] Defend The Nansei Islands In The Rain!
| text= 【梅雨限定任務】巡洋艦を旗艦、他に水上機母艦、駆逐艦、海防艦各1隻以上を含む艦隊で、南西諸島近海、バシー海峡、東部オリョール海を哨戒!南西諸島海域の防衛に努めよ!
| req= Assemble a fleet containing 1 CA(V)/CL(T)/CT as flagship, 1 DD, 1 DE, 1 AV, and up to 2 XX, then A+ rank the boss nodes of [[2-1]], [[2-2]], and [[2-3]].
| fuel= 150
| ammo= 150
| steel= 150
| bauxite= 150
| main= {{QuestRewardItem|Teru Teru Bouzu|qty=2}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardItem|Instant Repair Material|qty=5}} {{QuestRewardItem|Development Material|qty=5}} {{QuestRewardItem|Submarine Supply Material}}
| cat= Sortie| type= Weekly| ID= 2405 B4| lim= True
| qreq1= 2405 B3
| namejp= 【梅雨拡張任務】梅雨の海上護衛強化!
| nameen= [Rainy Season Limited Quest] Strengthen The Escort Fleet For The Rainy Season!
| text= 【梅雨限定任務】駆逐艦を旗艦、海防艦2隻以上を含む海上護衛隊を編成。同艦隊を南西諸島沖、製油所地帯沿岸、鎮守府近海に展開!さらに鎮守府近海航路の海上護衛作戦を反復実施せよ!
| req= Assemble a fleet containing 1 DD as flagship, 2 DE, and up to 3 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[1-2]], [[1-3]], and [[1-5]], and reach node N on [[1-6]] twice.
| fuel= 750
| ammo= 750
| steel= 750
| main= {{QuestRewardItem|Teru Teru Bouzu|qty=3}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardItem|Development Material|qty=8}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|Food Supply Ship Mamiya}}
| notes= This quest was bugged on release, with the following requirements:
*S rank the boss nodes of [[1-2]] and [[1-3]] once each, and [[1-5]] twice
| cat= Sortie| type= Monthly| ID= 2405 B5| lim= True
| qreq1= 2405 B4
| namejp= 【梅雨限定月間任務】西方海域統合作戦
| nameen= [Rainy Season Limited Monthly Quest] Western Sea Area Joint Operations
| text= 【梅雨限定任務】航空母艦2隻以上、さらに球磨型・大淀型のいずれか1隻を含む艦隊で西方海域方面に進出!西方海域の全五作戦海域に展開し、同方面の敵戦力の撃滅を図れ!艦隊、出撃!
| req= Assemble a fleet containing 2 CV(B/L), any 1 of: "the {{Class|Kuma}}, or [[Ooyodo]]"; and up to 3 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[4-1]], [[4-2]], [[4-3]], [[4-4]], and [[4-5]].
| fuel= 1100
| ammo= 1100
| steel= 1100
| main= {{QuestRewardItem|Teru Teru Bouzu|qty=4}} {{QuestRewardItem|Ranking Point Reward|qty=400}}
| cat= PVP| type= Daily| ID= 2405 C1| lim= True
| qreq1= B6
| namejp= 【梅雨限定任務】海上護衛隊、雨中演習!
| nameen= [Rainy Season Limited Quest] Maritime Escort Force, Exercises In The Rain!
| text= 【梅雨限定任務】海防艦2隻以上または駆逐艦4隻以上を含む演習海上護衛隊を編成!同演習戦隊で本日中に演習において【A判定】勝利を4回以上達成せよ!海上護衛隊各艦、雨中海上演習始めッ!
| req= Assemble a fleet containing 2 DE and up to 4 XX, OR 4 DD and up to 2 XX, then score 4 A+ ranks in PVP within the same day.
| fuel= 75
| ammo= 75
| steel= 75
| bauxite= 75
| main= {{QuestRewardItem|Teru Teru Bouzu}}
==Limited Time==
{{color|red|'''The quests will remain until the 27/06/2024.'''}}
*Do note that some prerequisites have changed.
| cat= Sortie| type= One| ID= 2404 B4| lim= True
| qreq1=
| namejp= 【記念任務:拡張作戦】艦隊、南方戦線へ
| nameen= [Commemorative Quest: Expansion Operation] Fleet To The Southern Front
| text= 【記念任務:拡張作戦】「吹雪」「神通」「由良」「Northampton」「Helena」のうち2隻以上、さらに「秋月型」駆逐艦1隻を含む艦隊を編成、南方海域の全海域に展開、敵艦隊と交戦、これを撃滅せよ!
| req= Assemble a fleet containing any 2 of: "[[Fubuki]], [[Jintsuu]], [[Yura]], [[Northampton]], or [[Helena]]"; 1 {{Class|Akizuki}}, and up to 3 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[5-1]], [[5-2]], [[5-3]], [[5-4]], and [[5-5]].
| fuel= 1700
| ammo= 1700
| steel= 1700
| bauxite= 1700
| main= {{QuestRewardFurniture|618<!--11th Anniversary Scroll-->}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardItem|Medal|qty=4}} {{QuestRewardEquip|GFCS Mk.37|stars=3}} {{QuestRewardItem|Action Report|qty=2}}
| notes= Before the 29/05/2024, the prerequisites were 2404 F1 & 2404 B2.
| cat= Sortie| type= Weekly| ID= 2405 B1| lim= True
| qreq1=  
| qreq1=  
| namejp= 【期間限定任務】対潜掃討作戦
| namejp=  
| nameen= [Limited Time Quest] Anti-submarine Sweep Operation
| nameen=  
| text= 【期間限定任務】駆逐艦または海防艦計3隻以上を含む対潜掃討部隊を編成、同艦隊によって鎮守府近海の対潜哨戒を3回以上完遂、さらに鎮守府近海航路の海上護衛を成功させよ!
| text=  
| req= Assemble a fleet containing 3 DD/DE and up to 3 XX, then S rank the boss node of [[1-5]] three times, then reach node N on [[1-6]] once.
| req=  
| fuel= 350
| fuel=  
| bauxite= 400
| ammo=  
| choice1= {{QuestRewardItem|Instant Repair Material|qty=3}} {{QuestRewardItem|Fuel|qty=850}}
| steel=  
| choice2= {{QuestRewardItem|Development Material|qty=6}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=2}}
| bauxite=  
| choice1= {{QuestRewardItem||qty=8}} {{QuestRewardItem||qty=8}} {{QuestRewardItem||qty=8}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardEquip||stars=8}} {{QuestRewardEquip||stars=8}} {{QuestRewardEquip||stars=8}}
| cat= Sortie| type= Weekly| ID= 2405 B2| lim= True
| qreq1= Cd1
| namejp= 【期間限定任務】精強海防艦、緊急近海防衛!
| nameen= [Limited Time Quest] Powerful Coastal Defense Ship, Urgent Coastal Defense!
| text= 【期間限定任務】海防艦を旗艦、他に海防艦2隻以上を含む近海防衛艦隊で、鎮守府正面海域、南西諸島沖海域、製油所地帯沿岸、鎮守府近海、南西諸島近海に出動!各海域の防衛に努めよ!
| req= Assemble a fleet containing 1 DE as flagship, 2 DE, and up to 3 XX, then A+ rank the boss nodes of [[1-1]], [[1-2]], [[1-3]], [[1-5]], and [[2-1]].
| fuel= 250
| ammo= 150
| bauxite= 300
| choice1= {{QuestRewardItem|Food Supply Ship Irako|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|Food Supply Ship Mamiya}} {{QuestRewardItem|Development Material|qty=7}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardItem|Instant Repair Material|qty=8}} {{QuestRewardItem|New Model Armament Material|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|Medal}}
| cat= Factory| type= One| ID= 2404 F2| lim= True
| qreq1=
| namejp= 【艦隊11周年記念任務:拡張任務】特別工廠
| nameen= [Fleet 11th Anniversary Quest: Extra Quest] Special Arsenal
| text= Special Arsenal:
| req= Scrap 11 "[[Seaplane Recon]]s", 11 "[[Fighter]]s", and 2 "[[Seaplane Bomber]]s", and prepare 2 {{Star}}+3 [[Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane]]s, 36 Development Materials and 3 600 bauxite.
| choice1= {{QuestRewardEquip|Type 2 Seaplane Fighter Kai|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane Model 11B|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Prototype Keiun (Carrier-based Reconnaissance Model)|stars=2}}
| notes= Resources, consumables, and equipment will be consumed upon completion.
*'''{{color|red|Any {{Star}} on the [[Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane]] are lost.}}
*Before the 29/05/2024, the prerequisites were 2404 B2 & 2404 B3.
==10th of April 2024==
{{Qpvp}} [[#Cs3]] Large Scale Spring Exercise is back.
=Composition Quests=
=Composition Quests=
