List of coastal defense ships by upgraded maximum stats/New

General Notes:

  • DEs cannot replace DDs in most of the ship type specific applications, unless otherwise specified.
    • It has been found that, in several specific situations, for instance, in the formation of a Transportation Escort combined fleet, DEs are allowed to substitute DDs to meet the required minimal amount of DDs in the fleet. (Does not work for CTF/STF)
    • It has also been found that DEs can replace other ship types in some specific expeditions.
  • DEs only require a 60 displayed ASW value to perform OASW, as opposed to 100 for other ship classes.
  • All implemented DEs have a slow speed, and thus cannot be used in branching rules that require a fast fleet.
  • Unlike destroyers, they cannot equip Torpedoes, Turbines, Engines, Star shells, Searchlights, or Drums. They also have no torpedo stats, making them incapable of performing torpedo strikes, and cannot increase their speed by using turbine/engine combination.
  • The plan to implement this ship class has existed since 2013, when the game started, according to the quarterly book 艦これ鎮守府生活のすゝめVol.1 released at the time. Players were told to be patient about their implementation since they were for the final phase of the war, despite stating that they want to release them as soon as possible. The ship class was ultimately implemented in May 2017, during Spring Event of that year.

See Also