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===Light Carriers - CVL===
===Light Carriers - CVL===
Most light carriers are bad, even when compared to the worst full CVs (trophy ships), they have low base firepower, low armor, very little HP, often have pitiful plane slots (the largest being a 28 slot on Ryuujou K2), generally poor evasion, and can be forced to attack submarines.
Yet despite all these downsides, CVLs are one of the most important ships to prepare for an event for a multitude of reasons:
* When CV(B)s are not available (either due to routing or restrictions), CVLs will be your primary source of air power for your fleet
* The Surface Task Force combined fleet allows for either one CV(B) or two CVLs. In these cases, taking air superiority is much easier with eight smaller plane slots than four larger ones.
* CVLs are capable of hitting submarines, making them important for maps with submarine bosses
You might not like them, but you're going to have to get to know them, in general, they have a few key characteristics:
* Despite their low base firepower, they use the CV shelling formula, allowing for far stronger attacks than would suggest e.g. Houshou with three 12A dive bombers reaches 157 power even with her pitiful 29 base power. (Note: Illustration purposes only, please do not ever actually do that)
* Their slot sizes are much smaller than CV(B)s, while their shelling power remains relatively good, their opening airstrikes are generally much weaker.
** Leading on, bombers in smaller slots are much more vulnerable to attrition across multiple nodes, while fighters are relatively stronger due to veterancy conferring a flat bonus
** Many CVLs have small slots which, for the reasons above, are ideal for fighters
* Their resource consumption rates are extremely low (Junyou costs 40/50), even compared to Heavy Cruisers
* They're the only real form of non-CV air control you get for most of the early game (you won't have seaplane fighters early, and Zuiuns just don't cut it most of the time)
* '''Houshou 鳳翔'''
Houshou was, historically, the first "proper" aircraft carrier, and it shows. She's overall one of the weakest ships in the game. She only has three slots, which is a critical disadvantage over any other carrier. At least she's cheap.
* '''Junyou 隼鷹''' 24/18/20/4 - K2 L80
* '''Hiyou 飛鷹''' 18/18/18/12
These two are slow CVLs. Junyou is one of the strongest CVLs in the game, at her K2, she has high firepower for a CVL (40), excellent evasion (comparable to some DDs), and has the best plane slots of any CVL. Her armor and HP are still severely lacking compared to a CV, but aside from being slow, she's one of the best CVLs, if you can get her, the primary downside is that she only gains these benefits at level 80, until which point she is effectively equal to....
Hiyou, the other member of the class, her slots are still decent, but somewhat awkward (a 12 slot is insufficient for a bomber but still a bit big for a fighter). Her evasion is, like most other CVLs, poor, as is her offensive power. In general, until Junyou reaches K2, both Junyou and Hiyou are much weaker than Chitose and Chiyoda, both of whom K2 at a far more attainable level.
* '''Ryuujou 龍驤''' K1 9/24/5/5/ L25; K2 18/28/6/3 L75
Ryuujou is a very strong fast CVL at K2, with a slot that can actually deal decent damage on airstrikes and two small slots which are well-suited for fighters.
The primary problem with her is that she only reaches her potential at level 75, and is extremely poor before she reaches that point, being completely outclassed by the Chitose-class.
From AV at L15:
* '''Chitose 千歳''' and '''Chiyoda 千代田''': K1 at L35; K2 at L50
The Chitose-Class is your main fast-CVL class
In what's a break with the theme of strong CVLs only reaching their full potential at extremely high levels, both Chitose and Chiyoda reach their potential early, and remain relevant and strong well into the late game.
* '''Shouhou 祥鳳''' and '''Zuihou 瑞鳳''': K1 18/12/12/6 L25
Shouhou and Zuihou are two of the weaker fast-CVLs, Shouhou being fairly common, while Zuihou is less so. They possess relatively weakish slots, but are still usable on easier difficulties and maps.
=====Kasuga Maru/Taiyou=====
* Kasuga Maru 14/9 until L30
* Taiyou 14/11/2  until L60
* Taiyou K1 14/14/5/3 until L85
* Taiyou K2 14/14/8/3
Taiyou is an exceptional CVL, not in the form of her base stats, which are rather average, but rather in her special attributes and abilities.
Taiyou's special characteristics make her one of the most important CVLs in the game at higher levels, but her rarity and expensive requirements put her well outside the reach of most players.
Taiyou's Special ~~Sauce~~ Abilities
* Taiyou's the only CVL that can take part in a transport fleet
* Only CVL capable of performing opening ASW attacks (from Kai)
** Requires a 931st Squadron air group at Kai, this requirement does not apply to her K2
* Capable of performing (weak) night attacks
Of these three special abilities, the most important one is her ability to participate in a transport fleet.
===Fleet Carriers and Armored Fleet Carriers - CVs and CVBs===
===Fleet Carriers and Armored Fleet Carriers - CVs and CVBs===
